
A failed hero

Victor a top class prodigy of his generation and the strongest hero died at the hand of demon king . And at life end he regret many choices during his life . His whole life was cursed . He who do not know that he had lived the same conclusion many times . But will he find salvation during his 200 cycle when a change will occur . Contrary to him Xavier who is new candidate is totally opposite to him . Due to his previous life views will he help him or not For one who is cursed who don't remember anything will this variable Xavier , help him find happiness. There are 2 MCs . ( The MC is not undefeated . Even his victories will come at a cost ) ------------ There are few mistakes. So please no crying. Let's find out

Daoisth4cTUR · Action
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19 Chs

Drum city 3 : God of craft domain

All 9 wolves are running to my direction.

[Flame arrow]

[Flame arrow]

[Flame arrow]

These three attacks pierced the 3 wolves . Rest 6 reached to my position and started attacking. Applying mana on my legs and arms to provide strong support and for increased power .

I sliced my sword toward one of the wolf neck . But i had to stop the attack to defend from one who was attacking on my right shoulder.

Right before his attack reached a [Water Bullet ] passed through him .

Taking out a medium size knife from the ring i threw it toward one of the wolf's eye .

But it defended itself .

[Flame arrow ]

The flame arrow missed the vital point but injured the hind leg.

"Shit . My mana is about to hit rock bottom "

"Fuck it . Take this then "

A mana grenade appeared in my hand . After activating it by applying some mana i threw it on the wolves . 3 wolves died on the spot .

15 wolves came out this time . This takes the total count to 17 .

Taking out a small (Mana potion) and drinking it . My mana started recovering .

Taking out 2 more ' Mana Grenade ' i threw it towards the incoming crowd .

Booooommmmmm .

Several of the body pieces of wolves fly around .

[Water Bullet]

[Flame arrow]

[Water Bullet]

3 more wolves died due to precise attack .

But at this time a wolf bit on the left leg . And with it stated jerking it's neck to tear apart my leg.

Instantly it was impaled by my sword .

"Shit .... I can't distribute my force completely"

Again slashing my sword vertically to fend of the incoming attack then side stepping . The wolf who attacked from the left side got impaled with a thurst of my sword in his chest .

[Flame arrow]

Due to my blood loss , i can't concentrate fully .

At this time

[Omnipotence -Ex]

All of my attributes increased providing me with enough strength to face the remaining wolf . My body started releasing pressure far above my rank . The remaining wolves started to hesitate.

But this power can only be maintained for 1 min . This is the limit right now .

I punched toward my left with my fist coated with non uniformed mana . The head of wolf burst . Slashing my sword from bottom to upper right . A wolf was slashed instantly . Increasing the tension on my legs , i disappeared from spot and appeared behind the wolf kiling it .

Everything was going smoothly but still a drowsy feeling came over due to blood loss . At this moment one wolf attacked on my left shoulder chomping on it . The last wolf sliced my back with it's claw .

[Water Bullet][Water Bullet]

Instantly both of the wolves were killed

After the (Omnipotence) deactivated a sudden gush of pain came .

"Shit ... I can't fight anymore.

Thank God the fight is over .

I'm loosing too much of blood "

After taking a mid grade health potion to stop blood loss and heal my injury. A health potion take a considerable amount of time to heal .

But at this moment suddenly my body felt a unprecedented fear .

From the gate a group of 50 Rank (F) wolves and one Rank (D) wolf came. This boss wolf is called Horned wolf .


The horned wolf are red patches present on its grey hide. A horn like unicorn present on its head . It is of 10 metre in size .

Horned wolf

(Rank - D )

-Energy canon

- Dash

- Wind step

I can't win no matter what i do . With my measly strength i don't have much hope of surving today .

"Fuckkkkkkkk . I can't disappoint my family .

I can't disappoint you brother . "

At this moment a memory came into my mind when he was 12 year old when he was talking with his father John Varis.


John"Hey kiddo ... Do you want to ask something"

Xavier"Dad how do you face strong opponent "

John " Son . A man Should only fight the war which he can win . Also if you are strong than you don't need to care "

Xavier" But I'm not as strong as you"

John" Hey come here"

Xavier " Yes .. "

Then john started condensing mana on his palm until sweat started appearing like waterfall. It felt like he used all his strength . After 5 minutes he opened his eyes and looked at a crystal and gave it to his son.

John " Son . If you are ever in a life and death situation break this crystal"

Xavier " Yes .... Dad "


Looking at crystal in his hand and staring at the wolf who was enjoying the condition Xavier was in .

Then he stood up . At this moment horned wolf howled


All the wolf started running toward Xavier.

At this moment he broke the crystal . Instantly a presence of supreme predator was felt on the field . A supreme predator who is king . It felt like one could taste , smell and see blood all around.

A very terrifying attack accompanied by a Lion's roar started from Xavier as an epicenter .

As the attack started going towards wolves everything was destroyed . All the floor was destroyed . Vision became low due to the dust released during the destruction . Due to his low rank he cannot even see what happened after the attack . But dust was all around and the floor was destroyed .

Xavier cannot comprehend how can attack contain such arrogance and destructive power .

Clearly his father was in a different league.

But still after all the strain left his body . He just sat there .

"If you are not going to play fair . Then why would I"

He then rested there to recuperate his body.

Then after 3 hours he started walking toward the cauldron which contained the fluid .

His heart started beating fast . He looked the cauldron and drank the fluid.

" .... Fuck. Why is it so painful"

I will try to increase the quality of fight and writing until then... Good night

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