
A fae's tale

During the 23rd century humans began scientific experiments causing in the creation of Fae's half humans half magical creatures that were made to protect mankind, but as time passed we began to evolve and started fighting for our rights and became a part of society. This didn't set well for some humans and they started a war against us we were forced to run and hide for our own safety. We found an island, a safe haven, a place we could call home. Welcome to ZAGOROTH! My name is Talon and I'm a blue fae. Growing up all i wanted was to be part of the project until i was told about the truth, about the horror it held behind the name. i soon learned about the prophecy and made it my duty to find this chosen one even if it meant having to leave my safe heaven. But i believe in the prophecy, it says a fae will be born from blue eared parents and will have the Colours of all the colonies. I have made it my mission to find the chosen one for that fae will be the one to lead us to peace.

Mahnoor_Rashid_ · Fantasy
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17 Chs


Riya and Ben were fighting when I woke up, and every time one of their words was spoken, it felt like a hammer was repeatedly striking my head.

My eyes start to focus as I open them slowly, and I can make out a faint shadow of a fae before realizing Maya is sobbing on my bed. I ask her, cradling my head, "What happened?" The impact was strong enough to destroy a wall.

"They won't stop fighting, and they injured Zed as well." When I heard this, my eyes widened. I looked around the room and noticed that it appeared to be a girl's room. The bed linens are that different in hue. As soon as I got out of bed, I collapsed on the ground. I could not move. To bolster myself and raise myself back onto the bed, I used my hands.

When the two fools who were fighting noticed me falling, Riya shoved Ben and hurried over to help me up. However, as they helped me up, a piercing ache raced from my wings and crept up my back. I was beginning to despise returning, and the only fast option I had left was flying, which I was unable to do.

As much as I wanted to, I realized I couldn't even get out of bed, so "I'm officially a day late." I suddenly felt the impulse to strike Ben. I groan and reached into my bag to get my planner, asking, "What's that?" Maya cast a perplexed glance.

"My birthday is close, I was supposed to be in the red colony by now." I opened up my planner and handed it to Maya pointing at my plan. She seemed like she was genuinely interested.

As Riya sat behind me and put some type of healing lotion to my wing, I offered Maya a shaky grin and started telling everything to her. When I turned to face Ben, he was furious. He then went out and slammed the door behind us after giving me the death glare.

I tried my best to ignore his behavior and returned my attention towards Maya. "Hey, you're awake." I turned towards the voice to see Zed. "hey you're not dead." I gave him a wink and small grin as he came and sat next to me. We spent the night talking and laughing. I no longer regretted my decision of coming back.

At that moment I felt like this is what it meant to have friends, this is what it meant to have a family…..


I really missed Taron, and being around Riya and Zed made me think of him. Zed in particular made me think of Taron since it seemed like we were the same person, but from different colonies.

"Do you long for your time spent at the castle?" We had been chatting the entire night, and none of us had noticed until now, Riya questioned as she continued to focus on the stars. It was almost dawn, and the sun was starting to peek out.

While Riya and I slipped outside to lie on the grass and watch the stars fade into the dawn, Maya and Zed had already fallen asleep. Although my wing was still in pain, I ignored it and turned to face her as we lay in the grass. It was the first time I had noticed how perfectly formed her features were, including her nose and jaw line. The peach light of the sun also caused her eyes to shine in the same lilac color, but for some reason, at this very moment, her beauty was more alluring than ever.

I found myself staring at her for hours, the background felt as if it had faded and she was the only one I saw.

I knew at that moment, this was more than just a crush.

I was falling for her...