
Alex gonna lose control

Friday comes, here I'm standing and deciding the outfit. Katy and Mel came home to help me with the outfit for the date.

they gave me dress and its blue colour lace dress with soft and beautiful beads design and I liked it. I changed and they curled my hair and put some light makeup and

a loud gasp " Amy you look stunning" they both said in unison.

"Alex gonna lose control, and by the way if he proposes you, give him a chance Amy. Atleast don't reject him directly. " katy told

I kept quiet God I don't like this, And I miss my girls, they don't let me do this.

Melissa gave me a hug soon I came from my thoughts and heard her " Atleast you say need some time, and don't reject harshly."

I nodded.

Bell rang, Alex is here. I got down, adjusted my hair and dress and opened the door here comes Alex wearing a white shirt with blue jeans with addidas shoes.

" Wow, you look beautiful as always princess " He said while looking me up and down.

"Thanks, you don't look half bad yourself " I giggled like a school girl.

Alex gave me his arm walked to the driveway and opened the door of his car help me inside and once he is inside he started the car.

"Such a gentleman Mr Alex oh I'm shocked!" I laugh.

"Hey I'm always gentle man baby" he winked at me. I felt butterflies in my stomach

breaking the awkwardness, I asked " where are we going "

" well thats for me to know and you too findout and we're almost there, Hang tight princess "

After 10 minutes we reached near a lake and its so beautiful.

" well this is our date going to be, I liked this lake so I thought to bring you here"he said.

we stayed for couple of minutes and enjoyed the view.

" Come.. I know you are hungry"He grabbed my arm and trailed back up to the beautiful clearing where I see a blanket and basket.

we sat down on the blanket and Alex pull out sandwiches, whipped cream, nutella,juice and strawberries.

"you got drool on your face" he said laughing

I got mad and threw whipped cream on his face and he stopped laughing and now it was my turn to laughing.

we played in water for some time.

" Amy, I like you so much and give me a chance to be your boyfriend. I really like you" he said

"See Alex, I'm not interested in a relationship. " I said

"atleast give me a chance to prove and if you don't like it then you don't have to, just give me a month time and I will prove it you" he said looking to my eyes..

I nodded and said "Okay. 1 month and if it doesn't work then please respect the decision. "

he jumped in excitement and said he's so happy and make me his girlfriend.