
A Empty Iron Shell

I'm given chance to a new life in a new body... yet the body is from iron and life looks to be short if the beasts get a taste for metal...

Nisiris · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

And they see that they are just ants

Last Chapter


Nisiris: That? That is battle between Order and Chaos so look at it and hope the Order win...


Olymp POV:

HP and JP universe


There was silence, in a place where even in hardest times was commotion be it joyous or panicked was nothing more just silent spectators of new Era an Era where gods don't have a place...

Poseidon: Brother do you see it?

Zeus just gripped his thunder even more as his face showed utter anger and fear

Hades just looked at him and then back at the ongoing battlefield, as a god of death he is able to feel the presence of deceased even if they are of other races...

But now? now he is very confused for the money the Insects dies their souls are devoured by their companions near them, and that scares Hades but that's not the end...

For every time one of these ships what are battling these Insects blow up there is the strange soul such soul he never sees before, it's full of logic and little emotion...

And as Hades the God of Death he has a hobby of looking into memories of deceased and from some of the recent memories he remembers that the Mortals have these films with Robots...

And from the description, Hades is starting growing more dreaded and panicked because he is very much aware of humans' weapons of war, and if these even more advanced species what are now in battle prove anything then he is dreading the moment he met them...

Percy: Father what are you looking at?

Percy asked as he and other demigods come closer to gods

And the reason why they are there? well, not just want to know what are these explosions in the border of the solar system...

Zeus wants to reprimand them bud then there is another explosion and he looks back into space

Apolo just looks at demigods and then wave with his hand around them, which gives them the ability to see what the gods see

And they are stunned and scared...

As demigods, almost all of them were raised in mortal between humans, so now they have a flashback on films that they see as kids a battle in space between Advancemt ships and Insects...

Travis/Connor: SHIT that's Starship troopers!

The gods just look at them to deliberate it

Athena: These children mean that's similar to film what mortals made

Zeus just snorts, but secretly note to himself to look at that later

But then they all look at battle again as its both fearsome and magnificent at same time

Hundreds of thousands of battleship against Millions upon Millions of Insects

Where the Insects are massacred in Tens Thousands at the same time the Ships that look like being in bring of destruction just somehow teleports and are back on backlines where they are repaired and then sent again to the battlefield...

Then there are little crafts what when damaged just fly into enemy lines and blows ups...

And just from these small crafts with their numbers In millions, the explosion looks enough to kill or seriously hurt even highest gods...

And they are used just as a distraction by these Ships...

Nisiris: So I take it you are surprised?


Earth mortals POV:


Without knowledge of gods or other supernaturals being, there worldwide feed of current situation in space by none other than Nisiris who made it so that any kind of device with a screen is able to show this to humans...

Normally everyone would think of this as very good joke but the moment they see some of the ship destructions they look into skies and are able to see the same light of destruction even if little, and then there is someone who has binoculars or other things who are able to see the massacre in more depth...

But one thing is clear...

The moment the Video feed end there would be panic, panic, and mayhem


Nisiris POV:

15minut prior to visiting Olymp


I smile said and smile at Hermione, but then I send a mental command to my ship to deploy crafts for the transport of girls to Armagiga and at the same time order Droids inside to place world barriers around the Earth just to be sure there isn't any runaway Devourer...

And there it is

Random boy: Look there is something flying!

As he said that everyone looks at Pelicans what are flying there, and as intelligent beings, these wizards are they immediately fire curses at them, thanks to shields these spells are rendered as nonthreat but still as thanks the pelican's fire they stun weapons and the wizards who fire was immediately stunned...

With a gained lot of gasps around there...

As Pelicans descend and open their back door from where Battle droids come

There is a lot of muggle-borns who squeak at the sci-fi technology they see

Nisiris: So who wants to have a ride?

The children are excited but same time fearful until one of them come into Pelican with an easy hop

Harry: I always wanted to fly by muggles planes!

With him, a lot of children too hop into Pelicans...

Do you ask why teachers didn't stop them? well...

I may or may not Psionicaly put them into stasis...

Well OK, I did put them into stasis so now they are just standing there as statues...

Smiling to myself I Come to my private Pelican with Hermione in arms and Luna with Fleur following me...


Death POV:


Hmmm, him having other women is a little annoying but that always can be changed...

but then he would surely be angry...

what to du what to du...


After Eons of boredom, I will not let this chance for a fun run noo no at all...

Even these relics I made just for little fun are just being used separately...

Haaah just you wait for me Nisiris you will make me happy or I will make myself happy with you!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts