
A Dull Gray To A Vibrant White

Nathan James is an unfortunate man. Born mediocre in an extravagant world, crippled in an accident, he finds himself at his wits end. An unending gray, tinged with the lightest bit of blue. Now, Nathan finds himself in different world with a will to blaze a path of his own. The sole man destined to… wait, he’s not got a special destiny? * * * Currently on hiatus because I was writing a lot at once. Will resume eventually, between a day to a week.

k_niner · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

There's a lady in my closet that calls me stud muffin...

* * *

Closing my eyes, I put my hand under the pillow and exhale deeply. My blanket feels a bit warmer than it usual does, but I once again excuse the idea. Why and how would somehow be in my dorm?

I just let my mind unwind for a while. I've been through... just, way too much since I came to this world. Blight, terrorists, fistfight, racism and now dungeon mishaps. It's been 3 months in this world where I've had the most physically painful moments in my life... yet I feel better than ever.

A floorboard creaks and I hear something open in my dorm. terror, mainly, runs through my body. Maybe... maybe it was just a loose hinge that made the closet open.

I hear yet another low and ominous creak from the floorboards, albeit closer this time. They sound like they've went from the closet to the foot of my bed. I'm just praying that they leave instead of doing anything. My shoulder is too painful to properly fight back right now, so I just have to hope that whatever is in my dorm leaves.

I wish my eyes were open right now, but keeping them closed consoles me in a way. The intruder might think I'm already asleep and that they can escape. Besides, the unknown is only scary because it has a 50% of containing a really scary guy, whereas a really scary guy has a 100% chance of being a really scary guy.

I here the steps creak closer and closer to me, causing my shoulders to just barely shake. In the worst way possible, it reminds me of my childhood. I remain calm, even though I think I can feel breath on the back of my neck.

"Arthur?" The voice has a sing-songish tone to it, feminine and soft yet clearly able to be commanding. "Are you awake?"

Despite the little curiosity in me suggesting to say yes, I remain quiet. leave me alone, for the love of god! This... is... terrifying. I should've taken the person watching me more serious! Holy shit, I should've taken this way more serious.

This is actual horror movie stuff for me... I can't even describe how scary this is. Foresight 0/0.

"Arthur... I know you're awake."

Nope, not falling for it. My mom used to pull this on me years ago when I wouldn't get up for school! I know better than to fall for this gaslighting. I stabilize my breath best I can before I feel a hand on my shoulder, flipping me from my side onto my back.

I Am A Calm Member Of Society Whose Fight Or Flight Will Not Cause Him To Endanger Himself... that being said: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH

I eventually hear the creaking distance itself once again, scratching against the doorknob and finally the closing of a door. I let out a sigh and open my eyes, sitting up. She's still in the room. Holy shit, she just baited me so hard with that.


* * *


"Man, I wonder what Arthur's doing right now?" I ask myself, leaning back in my chair. I'm not going to sleep yet, doing some writing beforehand. Me and Arthur have gotten a bond after a month and a half together ever since that train ride.

He's good... some would say the best.

Top tier bro material... but would I smash if he was a woman??? Even better, would he smash me if was a woman???

These are the questions too daring for science to ask, folks. Right now, I am going where no bro has gone before... completely platonically, obviously. I'm the Sasuke to his Naruto, so it can't be gay... bromance doesn't count.

Would I let him hit if was a woman and would that make me gay or straight? Because it would technically be straight since I would physically be a woman, but I'm also mentally a man, so I'm pretty sure it's-

* * *

She darts out of the door, busting it off it's hinges. I hear a hallway window shatter as her footsteps flee away like... concerningly fast. I jump out of the bed and draw my sword that I keep on the bedside (for home defense, clearly. Just as the founding fathers intended. This ruffian broke into my house.)

I get out into the hallway, but it's too late. Whoever that was is already long gone. Damn, she booked it. She probably could've killed me i my sleep if she really wanted. I see as a few other people pop their heads out of their dorms to check the commotion.

"What happened?!?"

* * *

"So run me through this one more time," The principal says, sighing. "Late at night, there was an intruder in your dorm who then fled out a window and escaped detection... and you don't know what they look like?"

Archmage Faelas, formally known as Principle Faelasm is the principle of Lumin (currently). A tall and spindly man with long white hair and amber eyes, he looks old and hungry most of the time with his eyes sunken in, a sign of sleep deprivation.

"It was really dark..." I mutter, looking at the ground. This feels like an interrogation right now. "And I didn't want to show that I was awake in case they would hurt me..."

"So instead you sat there and didn't defend yourself?" He takes a deep sigh and leans forward, putting his elbows on his desk. "Dude, if you accidentally broke a window, just say it. Don't come up with some elaborate lie, because I know you're lying."

"Eh... what?!?" I ask, being dumbfounded at his accusation. It's like he's sure of it without a doubt. "Sir, someone broke into my room! This isn't a lie-"

"Be quiet," He interrupts me, slamming his hand down on the desk. "I get that you're young and dumb, but that's no excuse! Admit it young man, you broke a window and are now trying to lie your way out of it!"

I think he's expecting me to just crumble and breakdown... which pisses me off. I'm the victim, why am I being villainized right now?!?

"ARE YOU ACTUALLY STUPID? OR WERE YOU JUST BORN THIS WAY?!?" I ask, not even holding in the tone. Maybe I've been a bit stressed recently... a little.

* * *

After the results of yesterdays talk, I decided to call in my mommy- lawyer, call in my lawyer.

"Ms. Holliday, your student was very disrespectful yesterday," He says, crossing his arms and leaning back in the chair. He (sadly) continues. "Whilst discussing his damaging of school property, Mr. Ishviel here decided yelling would be the most appropriate course of action."

Clara pauses for a moment, as if waiting for him to talk more. She seems disappointed when he doesn't.

"And?" She asks, double checking if there's more.

"And that indicates a serious lack of respect for authority-"

"No, that indicates a lack of respect for you," She says. I have the feeling she's about to deconstruct this man. "I know Arthur wouldn't just yell at someone for absolutely no reason. Besides, everyone knows you're a sour geriatric piece of scrap."

Wait, did... did I just make them start beefing?

"Watch your mouth young lady. Last I remember, you got rejected by that Thomas fellow into oblivion. Heard he has a wife and kid, right?" He looks over at me. He gestures to me lightly. "Bet you must be jealous of the woman who made him-"

"Shut your ass up, you geriatric old fuck!" She yells, immediately standing up from the desk. She practically pushes over her chair as she stands. "You're just salty that you're 68 and an archmage but still a virgin, you magic neet! Make sure to get that stick out of your ass soon, because next week I'm gonna be the one sitting in that chair!"

I've recoiled far into my chair longer ago, realizing the damage I've caused a bit too long. I just cost this man his job, I think. I wouldn't be surprised if they both started physically fighting right now... what have I done?!?

I should've just accepted the punishment for the window. Clara grabs me by the collar and drags me out of his office like I'm her actual son rather than her sometimes student.

She stops dragging me a few steps later, brushing her hair back and letting out a sharp and angry exhale. Something tells me she's not a huge fan of the principle.

"Right then," She says, looking at me. She pulls out a pouch and hands it to me, patting it lightly. The jingle of coins is heard from the interior. "I know that your spending is really low, but here's your allowance for this month. As always, you can come over if you want me to teach you."

"Thank you, but..." I look at the ground for a second, rubbing the back of my neck. I made her go full karen mode just then. "Did you really have to say all that?"

"Yes," Clara doesn't even hesitate to respond, instantly responding. She turns away and begins speedwalking, as if she has somewhere to be (probably going to go watch my dad). "Anyways, bye bye. Have fun at school. K?"

I feel so... embarrassed to be seen with her right now.

The Gram bromance talk is literally a conversation I've had with a group of homies before, so you can't say it's unrealistic. Also, I figured I'd shove in an actual interrogation techique (professional gaslighting) into the principle talk.

k_ninercreators' thoughts