
A Duke's Game

[The story focuses on adult themes and is not suitable for child audiences] [Warning: Smut] In the crime ridden city of Eldran, the biggest assassin families hold a ceremony every five years. Each family sends their strongest children to take down the "Grand Duke," the mysterious leader of "The Jesters," the city's most powerful mafia, who controls the law and daily life. But this time, the Weber family does something unexpected—they send their weakest member, Benjamin Weber. Benjamin made a deal with his father: if he kills the Duke, he'll earn the right to become a high-ranking member of the family. (Smut, but not until the main character clocks atleast 18 to 20)

NR_Narrative · Action
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 4: Williams' Impulse

Disoriented and groggy, Benjamin blinked against the sunlight filtering into the room, trying to make sense of his surroundings. "Ugh… What, where am I?," he muttered under his breath. He took a glance round, his vision still hazy and blurry, and realized he was in his own room. The familiar sight should've been comforting for him, but the memory of the previous night left him uneasy.

The distant sound of the shower, which had been echoing in the bathroom, suddenly stopped. The glass door slid open, and Elfriede stepped out of it, a white towel wrapped snugly around her body as she used a smaller towel to dry her hair. "Aw man, I really wished Ben would've joined me in the bathroom.." she muttered to herself.

As she took unraveled her hair from the towel, her gaze landed on Benjamin, and her eyes narrowed slightly in surprise. "Yay!Benjamin is awake!," she screamed, her voice carrying a mix of excitement and relief as she rushed towards him at incredible speed in a desperate attempt to embrace him.

Benjamin was totally overwhelmed, he grabbed the nearest pillow from the bed and flung it at her face. "Stay away, you're still wet!" he shouted, his voice filled with panic as he tried to shield himself from the damp young lady. Despite his efforts to evade her, his pillow defense was futile. Elfriede easily dodged the other projectiles being thrown at her and succeeded in wrapping her arms around him, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Too late!" she laughed, ignoring his protests as she held his head close to her chest, her damp skin pressing against him.

Julia barged in to the room, having heard the commotion. An apron hung around her neck and a wooden spoon for cooking was clutched in her left hand. She initially had a concerned expression on her face, but that concern quickly faded when she saw Elfriede practically smothering Benjamin in a forceful embrace. "What are you doing?" she asked with a relaxed tone.

Elfriede finally released Benjamin from her clutches, and he collapsed onto the bed, finally breathing in the good air around him, "Oh, sister-in-law Julia, you're here, Benjamin's awake" she said with a mix of excitement, still bubbling with energy.

Benjamin quickly sat up, panting heavily as he rubbed his head. "Geez, Elfriede you didn't have to do that?" he muttered.

Just as he got himself, Julia rushed at him, wrapping him tight in a hug. He Instinctively tried to struggle, but there was something comforting about the warmth of her embrace. Though he attempted to hug her back, his body just felt stiff, still recovering from the earlier events. "Ouch.." he muttered, his shoulder still aching.

Helen and Williams had a met at a secluded spot, standing in the dim, eerie confines of an abandoned meat factory. The air was thick with the musty scent of decaying flesh, and around them, raw meats, mostly pork were hung from metal hooks, swaying slightly as they dangled from the high metal ceilings.

Like every normal meeting that was casual and only needed the use of dialogue, this dialogue wasn't the casual type. Without warning, Helen struck Williams hard across the face, her eyes burning with fury. "You good for nothing, piece of shit!" she shouted, enraged by his inability to complete the mission as her voice echoed through the cold, empty factory. "How could you let a thirteen-year-old kid slip out of your fingers?!"

Williams staggered back slightly, his jaw clenched, but he was quiet, knowing Helen's rage was justified, but he still felt an inner rage from the slap he was given.

Despite the harsh blow Williams had recieved, Helen didn't relent. "Well?!, what do you have to say for yourself, Mr Williams?!" she demanded. She glared at him waiting for an explanation, her frustration palpable.

Williams, who was still recovering from the slap, wiped the corner of his mouth and stood tall, trying to maintain his composure under her intense gaze.

Noticing Williams' silence, Helen's anger deepened. Without hesitation, she reached into the pocket of the black leather jeans she wore and pulled oit her cellphone. "You won't answer my question?" she said coldly, turning her back on him. Her voice dropped as he added, "Then I guess it's time you and that your little whore house of yours come to an end."

As Helen raised the phone to her ear, Williams' heart pounded in his chest. His mind raced through the concequences—his entire bathhouse business, all the power and influence he'd built, was going to crumble in an instant. The thought filled him with dread, but he wasn't about to let it end like this.

His eyes fixated on Helen's lower back, his body tense as he felt a he felt an erection on his private area. His breath quickened, but he remained silent, watching her every movement, waiting for the right moment to act.

In a sudden, impulsive burst of rage, Williams lunged at Helen with an animalistic force. He slammed her against the ground, pinning her beneath him as his hands effortlessly tore through her top, ripping it to shreds and exposing her undergarment.

Helen grunted as she struggled, "Hey, What the hell are you doing, bastard?!" she screamed, her voice carrying a mix of shock and and anger. Despite her struggles, she was overwhelmed by Williams desperation and blind fur, his grip tightening aa he refused to let her go.

"If you think I'm going down that easily, you're wrong!" Williams snarled, his tone was tense as he tightened his grip on Helen. Despite his strength, Helen was no pushover. She relentlessly fought back with surprising strength, her muscles tensing as she struggled beneath him.

With a fierce twist of her body, she managed to free one of her arms, using it to shove Williams back with all the strength she could muster. "Get your hands off me!" she growled, her eyes blazing with an intense fury.

Williams quickly recovered after the shove, and before Helen could fully rise to her feet, he charged at her with raw and aggressive speed. His fist connected with her face in a brutal strike, sending her crashing to the ground. Without further hesitation, he mounted himself on top her, raining down blow after blow as his fists pounded her face. Blood began to pour from Helen's nostrils, her body jerking with impact.

Helen's body was battered from the blow to her nose, yet she continued to move slowly. Williams undressed completely, taking off every single piece of clothing on his body, he did the same to Helen, "Since you plan on bringing me down, I guess I'll just enjoy my last moments with you" he muttered as he spread her legs.

Just as he planned to assault the young woman, the sharp bang of a pistol reverberated through the factory. Blood splattered across Helen's face, and she looked up to see that Williams halted in his tracks, a massive hole now in this head as he collapsed sideways to the ground.

Helen struggled to push Williams lifeless body aside. Once she finally managed to do so, she heard footsteps approaching her from the left. Turning her gaze, she spotted a young Japanese man with short dark hair, adorned in a fitted black shirt and jeans. A prominent scar ran down the side of his face, and his intricate muscular build matched the almond-shaped eyes that mirrored Helen's. A menacing smile stretched across his lips, in his hand was a pistol—the unmistakable sign that he was the one responsible for Williams' death.

"Oh, Helen, what a present surprise" he said with a deep tone as he approached Helen, his hand slipping into his pocket.

Helen pushed herself up from the ground, wiping the blood from her face. An unfazed expression in her face with a mix of annoyance. "What do you want, Kaito" she asked, deliberately mentioning the young man name in the process.

"Oh, come on Helen, I only came here to help," Kaito replied with a soft, but still deep tone, a more wider and mischievous smile spread across her face. "What brother would they take me for?, if I didn't help my sister with her assignments?"

Helen stared deeply into her brother's eyes. "What assignments are you talking about?" she asked, now wiping the blood from her hair, her tone sharp with suspicion.

Kaito reached into his pocket, pulling out a photo of a young boy—Benjamin. "I heard from Father that you wanted to capture this little one," he said, slipping the photo back into his pocket. "He wanted me stop you but, you're far to miserable and now I'm choosing to help you, that's if you're willing to accept my help."

Suddenly, three seven feet tall Japanese individuals dressed in white lab coats, gloves, and face shields rushed into the building, carrying a body bag and a stretcher. They swiftly zipped Williams' body into the bag, while one of them handed Helen a white sheet, which she used to cover herself.

Once they exited, Helen turned back to Kaito, her voice calm and direct. "And how do you intend to help?" she asked.

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