A young man in his twenties was struck by a lightning giving him power that can make him be able to travel the multiverse Practicing my english and grammar only for past time
Noki Cellphone ringing
(Tenenenten tenenenten tenenententen)
"Hello Mom what is it?"
"Hey, Zayn your sister just called me that you weren't home where are you ?"
"Mom I'm just outside hanging out with my friends"
"whose friend? I thought you and your friends have not been in contact ever since you graduated high school"
"It's a friend I met at work you don't have to worry about me Mom I'm hanging up now"
"Okay okay just be careful "
on the rooftop of the building where I lived here, I am drinking my beer alone and yes I lied to my mom I don't have someone with me to hang out with. Ever since I graduated from high school my friends and I have never been in contact because they go to college while I don't then I started working jobs in department stores or Fast food restaurants. My family is poor they can't afford to send me to college that's why I started to work early so I can support my family. My Father died when I was 12 and I'm 20 now my mother started working ever since to support our living and I still have a sister who is 18 years old now and finishing high school.
"This is my last can of beer"
Zayn sighed
tossing the can I stare at the sky full of clouds thinking of what to do to gain more money so I can send my sister to college
"Even if Jane didn't say it I know she wants to study at college but because of our circumstances she didn't say anything ."
there were flashes of lightning in the clouds and thunder sounds then it started to rain
"Hehehe What should I do?"
sadly smiling while the raindrops hit my face and the cold wind assaulted my body thunder rumbling in the sky seemingly responding
I shouted then thunder strikes near in front of me sending me flying
Startled I didn't think the sky would reply to my shouting "What ! If you are gonna kill me then destroy the world too so all my problems are not gonna matter anymore!"
I crazily shouted thinking that the sky is responding to me then I saw Purple lightning dancing in the clouds like a dragon thinking it was beautiful I stared at it until it dives down really fast at me.
"Hey hey I was Just Joking shit"
I panic and tried to run but the lightning struck me and I felt pain in my whole body thinking about this crazy situation my life flashes before I die seeing my father whose face is so vivid that recently I'm starting to forget, my mother who is always tired after work, my sister who is always busy studying and our family picture when we are still together
I lost consciousness
"Hey hey young man wake up"
Feeling a hand tapping my face I open my eyes and saw two old people staring at me confused thinking that I died I replied
"Where am I I thought I died am I in heaven"
"Pfft Hahaha what kind of alcohol made you like this and no you are not dead you are still alive you are in los angeles right now"
The old man says to me
"What Los Angeles?! But I lived in the Philippines and from the last time I remember I was in the philippines"
I stood up and immediately look left and right seeing people with white skin, black skin, and some blonde thinking this place is not Philippines
"Hey, are you alright young man?"
"No, I'm not it's really confusing right now why am I here I didn't have a passport "
I replied while clutching my head in pain the last thing I remember was im in the rooftop of the building I live in, I was struck by lightning and this situation reminds me of some fantasy novel that I was reading when I was a pathetic young man and broke with no jobs.
My stomach grumbled making me embarrassed the two old men stare at me and then laughed together thinking that I was joking with them
"Hahaha young man let's go inside first and let us get you some food this restaurant is ours maybe you will be able to think clearly after eating.
The old man hold me on the shoulder drag me to his place thinking it was alright and thinking if this was in my country the people there will take videos of me first while trying to help me while they're clearly not gonna help they just want some videos to post in Facebook for views.
They introduced themselves as Rodney and Jack two old friends that are 15 years partners in business running a restaurant and they are in their 50s. The place was neat and clean not many people yet cause its not open yet that's why when they opened the door they saw me lying in front of their restaurant knockout.
"wait here first well cook you up with something and here get a glass of water first"
I sat there drinking a glass of water staring at the restaurant, thinking of some possible scenarios I'm currently in when I heard a voice talking about something and saw the Radio broadcasting news.
"Folks did you hear that the authorities in LA say there's nothing to worry about id love to see their dumb faces when Malibu and Beverly Hills get sucked into a gurgling maw of the Pacific where they gonna plug their electric car then Ha Ha Ha!
Hearing that voice that is vaguely familiar I stood up and walk to the radio switching the stations but all news about some earthquake and the government saying that it's the situation will get better and that the worse are over. Going back to sit I can't help but be suspicious of something this situation is like those novels that I read about when the MC got transported to another world and that place is full of danger and the situation on the radio talking about disaster, the governor is being suspicious about it.
"Hey, Mr. Rodney what's the full date right now ?"
I asked him in a serious tone
"Oh, It's July 2 2012 what? is someone's birthday right now?"
My eyes widened and I suddenly remembered a movie about a world ending earthquakes everywhere and tsunamis rising.
"Oh I think we're Fuc*ed"
I said while feeling some tremors in the surrounding