
A Dream?

This is a book about how Korianna finds herself in a deep sleep and wakes up trying to escape her new "mother" and her new "mother" puts her to sleep when she wakes up she is caged, but there is someone or something else with her....

Courtney_Clark_5994 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


I wake up in the softest bed thinking about.... I don't remember it's like someone forced me to forget, but of course that's not possible! I'm just a normal girl with a normal life and a normal house with a normal school. "WAIT OH MY GOODNESS I FORGOT SCHOOL!!!". I get ready to get up but something seems to be pinning me down.

I can't even lift up my head or open my eyes. I here a calm voice say "She's going to be fine!". Are they talking about me? "Thank you Dr.Evylynne how much do I have to pay you?". Mom what's going on?

What do I do? I'm so confused. "With her condition I'm going to have to take care of her for about 3 years, so about 11,000." Said Dr.Evylynne in still a calm voice. I hear my Mom start to cry. "I don't have that much!".

Mom don't cry I will be fine I want to say but I still can't move. "Please take care of her I need help I will do anything to help just PLEASE help her!". Dr.Evylynne doesn't speak for a second, but then she says "There is one thing we could do.". "Really?". "You will have to pay the price though are you sure you want to do that?".

"Anything for my daughter!". "Even if you had to give her up?". "What do you mean?" said Mom sounding a little surprised. "Give her to me and I will take care of her as if she was my own daughter!".