
A Dream?

This is a book about how Korianna finds herself in a deep sleep and wakes up trying to escape her new "mother" and her new "mother" puts her to sleep when she wakes up she is caged, but there is someone or something else with her....

Courtney_Clark_5994 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

At the zoo?

I wake up to the sounds of birds chirping and elephants trumpeting. I sit up and look around I appear to be in a cage. I look at the outside of the cage and see weird creatures. Green mice, peacocks with eyes at the end of their feathers, paintings come to life, ECT. I look at my bed and see a velvet colored blanket.

I lay back down thinking "why me?" and "it's to early for this!". I am about to drift back off to sleep when I see movement in the spot next to me. I turn my head just in time to see that someone else was doing the same. I fall out of the bed and scream at the top of my lungs. I look back up and he's gone.

"Where did he go?" I start to think but then I see a pair of green eyes staring back at me. "Aren't green eyes rare?" I think in my head. Then I look at his hair. Platinum blond hair, was he born with it? Or did he dye it?

I look up some more... Cat ears? Their fake right? They have to be! Boys with real cat ears 100% don't exist, but there is also no way for this to be a prank I was asleep for 3 years and I know I'm awake.

What the hell is going on!? I'm so confused! I duck back down as all my feelings rush to me. I have so many feelings sad confused scared, and angry. "Well I'm done with this I'm brave we have to get along we are going to be living together forever." I say as I wipe a tear away.

I slide over the bed to the cat boy and say "My name is Korianna I hope we can get along and I hope you speak English!". I see as he looks over at me he has mixed emotions too. He look at me and starts to speak another language.