
A Dragons Revenge

A dragon abandoned by his family and friends must fight his way to the top of the mythical beasts while punishing those that wronged him. Will he destroy the world or save it?

Aqualine · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Birth of a Mistake

In the world of Igeoros, the residents fight against an insurmountable foe, the demons. Demons have large numbers and an insatiable thirst for blood and destruction, they have been attacking this world for several hundred years now with no end in sight. The fate of the world is upon the shoulders of one young dragon. Will he destroy the world? Or be its savior? Only time will tell.

Somewhere in Erol, an unusually dull egg was about to hatch.

"I still don't know how an egg coming from me can have this weak of an energy signature?"

"Perhaps the demons corrosive energy affected this one's birth?"

"It is possible...."

While two dragons argued the egg moved to show activity from the baby dragon contained within. After moving back and forth a small reptilian leg burst through the shell. After moving back and forth a few more times the rest of the baby dragon came into view. It was one meter long with a western dragon style look, its wings were small and stubby, and its eyes were a bright cyan hue.

"Huh? Why does it look twice as small as the others?"

"Its lifeforce was weaker than the others, so it's only to be expected. Those scales are quite strange though..."

The small baby dragon also had pitch-black scales which gave the elderly dragons a feeling of an abyss.

"I will name you... Umbra."

This chapter is intentionally short, also I am currently new to writing so if you have any ideas please share them! Also, do be harsh with your evaluation of my story as I wish to improve.

Aqualinecreators' thoughts