
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Fantasy
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48 Chs

3.Early stage First order

As Osiris finished the last bite of the peak stage first order bear, he suddenly had a hint of astonishment within his eyes as he sensed his skin and muscles strengthen to a certain degree, which would indicate his cultivation had stepped into the early stage of the first order.

According to the dragon inheritance in his mind cultivation was made into nine orders, which was then divided into three realms, each having three orders within each realm, as well as each order being further broken down into early, mid, and peak.

The first realm which all beings in all of existence go through is the 'body refinement realm', the first order within the body refinement realm being the refinement of the skin and muscles, adding herculean strength and lightning quick speed to those at the peak of the first order.

The second order within the body refinement realm comes with the refinement of the viscera and bones, adding tough durability and solidness, while removing the glass cannon-like vulnerability some of those in the first order might struggle with.

The third order within the body refinement realm comes with the refinement of the bone marrow and the blood within the body, allowing the cultivator the ability of enhanced stamina and all around endurance.

The entire purpose of the body refinement realm is to strengthen the entire body and temper a foundation for the future incorporation and use of mana in the second realm known as the 'Mana refinement realm'.

After the mana refinement realm comes the final one, the 'Soul refinement realm', both of which Osiris didn't look into detail as both realms were a very long ways away in his journey.

What's interesting to note though was with the increase in the order of cultivation came with the enhancement of lifespan, though Osiris and most if not all dragons might dismiss this benefit as dragons in general where a longer lived race that actually grow stronger as they age, shorter lived races like humans would be glad to know within the first order your lifespan increases by 300 years.

In the second order your lifespan increases by another 600 years, and in the third order your lifespan increases by another 1,000 years.

Meaning if a 100 year old normal man on his deathbed suddenly jumped to the third order, his lifespan would immediately increase by 1,900 years, though he would still look old however with certain treasures he could restore his look to his prime.

Back to Osiris, the reason for his astonishment would be because according to the inheritance within him, normal dragons would require to eat multiple creatures of the same peak first order cultivation to enter the early stage first order as when creatures eat beings with mana within them some of the mana is used to refine whatever part of the body they are focusing on while most is wasted, as the body is unable to contain the mana and only able to hold on for a short while until it disperses out through the pores.

However Osiris's body seemed to trap the mana within without difficulty like a cauldron and processed it with supreme efficiency and speed, leaving nothing to waste.

Now theoretically since the bear was at the peak stage of the first order, even if Osiris was a dragon it could have at least jumped him to the mid stage of the first order, however it seems as though his skin and muscles required a lot more mana then an average dragon would need to use.

Though Osiris was not your average dragon, as even an average dragon without cultivation would struggle to take on a bear at the peak of the first order, let alone a newborn who just hatched, he took it down within seconds.

Which went to show how powerful he already was without cultivation, and when he eventually achieves the peak of the first order, it could quite possibly double or even triple his strength and speed.

That was the reason he was surprised, for he could only imagine how strong he would be.

He even had the thought that he might be stronger than those in the third order, though he hasn't had the experience of fighting or witnessing a fight of the third order, it was just a hunch.

A light smile appeared on his scaly lips, and he felt a sudden urge to hunt and consume all creatures with mana within them to speed up his progress in cultivation.

And as one not to hold back, that was what he immediately did as he began his exploration of the dense forest.

Scouring between the gaps of the tree's and sniffing the air with his keen dragon nose, it didn't take long to travel a couple miles and run into a sight to behold.

Within a clearing of the large forest, Osiris found a pack of ten wolves lounging in the sun, the largest of them probably only stood at a height of 8 feet while 3 stood about 6 feet and the others only about 5 feet, and just by using his ability to sense danger through aura alone, he could feel one in the peak stage of the first order, three in the mid stage of the first order and the other six where all in the early stage.

"Unfortunate for you, but i require food for my cultivation"

Osiris said with indifference no hint of pity for the soon to be meal. Or fear for the numbers advantage the wolves had against him, as he felt that no matter how many ants attack him, he would emerge victorious.

He quickly rushed into the clearing, heading straight for the strongest of the group and this time consciously using his aura and killing intent to freeze all the wolves for just a moment, while he took out the leader in the same way to how he did with the bear as he crushed its neck with his jaws.

Though this time instead of immediately eating he had to defend against other enemies this time as the other wolves broke out of their stunned state's and charged at Osiris with unbound fury as he killed their pack leader.

Two of the mid stage wolves went for his hind legs while the third went for a straight attack head on in a bid to distract Osiris as his brothers went for his legs, while the other six early stage wolves surrounded Osiris to not let him escape.

However what the wolves diddnt know was that what they were facing was a pureblood dragon, and the first of his kind to hatch within this galaxy.

Had they have an inheritance of their own would they know that what they were facing was one of if not THE apex predator, and should have ran with their tails between their legs the moment he appeared.

However with their lack of knowledge and mind clouded with anger, as well as the combination of sensing his early stage first order cultivation made them dismiss the difference in stature and sent them down the quickest route to the yellow springs.

With one swipe of Osiris's unbelievably sharp claws sent the first wolf heading straight for him flying away while bisected in half, meanwhile he used his robust tail to slam down on the head of the wolf going for his right hind leg, crushing its head like a watermelon.

The final mid stage wolf managed to get his attack off, biting Osiris's left ankle, however to its dismay the bite had absolutely no effect, not even leaving so much as a hickey on his leg.

However that didn't change the fact that it still bit Osiris, which annoyed him to say the very least and the surrounding six early stage wolves froze in fright once again as they could sense the fury radiating off of Osiris as he grabbed the final wolf with his claws by the head and slammed it into the ground, the only thing left of the wolves head was fragments of skull, left in a claw-shaped crater.

With the strongest of the wolves dead and the rest frozen in fear, Osiris made quick work of the rest of the wolves and left none alive.

brotha was hungry. -\_(* _ *)_/- idk what to tell ya.

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