
A Dragon in Otherworldly Evil Monarch

A young man met his end in the road of life, clinging to his pitiful life, but sadly, his story has already come to an end, or is it? I have no clue what to do with this, Some of you people may enjoy this, and others, not. but to be real honest, I couldn't care less, I'm just a nobody trying to polish his writing skills. So, yeah, that's just it. This fanfic is just for self-fulfillment, and naturally, I don't own any of the original works that I'm gonna based on.

Kollide · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

It was afternoon around 4 pm, students finishing their classes and hanging out with their friends, laughing, and enjoying their own youth in every way, making memories for the future for reminiscing, and dating girls left and right. How envious.

I never really get experienced any of this, sure, I experienced going to school, however, I never literally got to 'live' the teenage dream, due to my upbringing, I was always focusing on my studies and never had time for myself nor for anything, I had to burn myself off to meet the expectations of my parents and relatives.

Did I ever feel satisfied with their praising about it? The answer is no. All I could think of was "does that satiate your expectation?"

So the pain and torture went on until college, however, things went different from what I could imagine, my body gave up on me, It started during my last year of high school, I thought I was just exhausted from overdoing, so I dismissed the thought of being sick.

But who would have thought I weakened until I'm no longer capable of getting off the bed until it went on when I became crippled.

Tragic, right?

I spent my life in bed enduring the harsh treatment of my relatives, from 'hardworking genius' to a 'crippled waste' and eventually I took my last breath on earth.


"Equality was never real, be it this day or the day tomorrow or the next decades, The status of a man will determine through health, wealth, occupation, luck, and life. There are only 2 times in their lifetime that men are all truly equal. The first is when we take our very first breath in our lives and the last breath that we took in our life."