
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

The White Tiger

On top of a huge cloud, Sora sat down while lazily looking at a map. behind him, Fang Mei was cultivating, using the resources Sora was going to let rot away. As the wonder of the Nimbus, Sora could allow those without pure hearts to ride it.

Sora turned to look at her for a moment, her cultivation capability was better than his. what did he mean by that? She could better absorb and refine energy for cultivation than him, allowing her to cultivate faster than him. Of course, this is cultivation using resources like pills herbs, and so on. This mostly had to do with her physique, any resources of the Yang type would benefit her the most, and that would be even more so with fire-type herbs.

With Fire-type herbs, she could put in less than 10% of the effort, yet still be more than twice as fast as Sora in cultivation, which Sora found interesting. although his cultivation speed was above the average person, it was shocking to know she was more than 10 times faster than him.

But Sora could still break through realms faster than anyone. he was within the Iron rank, cultivating the 3 heads and 6 arms Diagram, he would be able to reach a point where he can recover from a drop of blood once he reaches level 10 Iron rank.

he was only at level 2 iron rank and of course, couldn't do that yet, but for now, he could do things like recover missing body parts within a few days, live for some time without a heart or head, and normal injuries such as broken bones can be healed within minutes. in other words, even in battle Sora can recover and have a breakthrough

Sora took out something to eat he bought before he left the capital. it had been a long time since he eat real food since he has been in the mountains, but now he could finally eat something good. smelling the food, his mouth couldn't help but water

Fang Mei who was cultivating, nose twitched slightly smelling the food. before Sora took a bite, he froze as he saw Fang Mei next to him. His face instantly turned blank. pulling something out from his storage ring, he gave her some food he had bought, knowing something like this might happen.

Fang Mei smiled highly and eat the food, while they looked up ahead at a huge forest they were nearing. this forest looked pretty much like any other forest, but there was one thing that made it special, it was filled with many powerful tigers.

"the map says the inheritance should be within that mountain. no wonder the major kingdoms stay away from this place." Sora said calmly confusing Fang Mei with what he meant

"the tigers here are powerful, they should at least have a power level of 4 million, at least that's the feeling they give off. they might be stronger with maybe someone having a power level of 10 million" Sora said calmly, making Fang Mei's pupils shrink.

"Scary cat," Sora said with a sneer seeing how she suddenly grew nervous, annoyed Fang Mei with a cold glare at Sora. She currently only had a power level of over 3,000, these wild beasts were more than 100 times stronger than her.

"Stay on the Nimbus, I will go talk to their leader," Sora said as he heard the Nimbus fly far into the sky before he jumped off with Fang Mei trying to stop him from sending himself into the tiger's den.

Sora fan down at high speed, many tigers sensed him and all began looking up, their eyes turning cold and saw a human falling. they all moved, surrounding the area Sora would land. but when they felt a power level of 15 million, they froze.


Sora landed in the center of a pack of tigers, he calmly looked around before smiling. the western region seemed to hold the white tiger. Sora guessed this because the technique was split into 4, his first guess was that the technique would be related to the 4 divine beasts of Chinese mythology, and he seemed to be right.

"Greetings, I have come to seek the inheritance ground located here. I wish you all no harm," Sora said with a smile, stunning the group of tigers that smelled him slightly.

"Are you a human or wild beast?" the biggest and strongest of the tigers currently standing around Sora asked while stepping forward. this tiger had gray and black fur and eyes that were sharper than the rest. with a power level of 12 million, this was the leader of the wild beast here.

"... I'm human, but I have a physique that gives me a wild beast-like appearance," Sora said while removing his clothing, showing them the fur on his body, while at the same time, he showed them his tail.

"You are an odd human, your cultivation is so low, yet you're so powerful... we tigers have stood guard of the inheritances ground for billions of years. only those with talent such as your is capable of getting the inheritances... so go ahead," The Gray Tiger said, having the other tigers make a path for Sora. Sora was stunned for a moment, but he called down the Nimbus and asked to see if Fang Mei could come, to which the Gray Tiger nodded as her talent although, below Sora, she was still capable of going.

So, they headed towards a waterfall that was built within a mountain, they went on to swing down into the waterfall where they found a hole leading into a huge space below the mountain.

The first thing that caught their eyes was a huge white gate, Sora was not able to tell what the gate was made out of, but he knew this gate must lead to the inheritance ground.

stepping forward, Sora pushed the gate. His eyes narrowed as he instantly saw through the gating capability. it changed its weight and over resistance towards force depending on a person's cultivation. to open this gate, one needed not a high cultivation, but a high level of strength above their cultivation,

Sora of course easily opened the gate, he could skip 2 realms, what was a small gate before his might. the doors opened and Sora and Fang Mei were about to enter, but Fang Mei bumped into a barrier while Sora passed through, stunning her.

Sora was stunned and tried to pull Fang Mei through, but it was clear only he could pass. guessing that she needed to open the gate, Sora entered, and as soon as he did the doors came flying down, closing behind him.

Fang Mei could also skip a level above her, only at level 10 within all 3 cultivation systems at the first stage of cultivation, she was capable of showing strength more than 30 times those of the same level.

So although much harder than Sora, She was capable of opening the gate, although hard, she still managed and reached the other side. but she couldn't find Sora. she entered calling Sora's name, while also creating flames to light the path in front of her, but Sora was nowhere to be seen.

As soon as the doors behind her closed, light filled the room she was within. light gathered before her eyes, taking the form of a mighty divine White Tiger, which looked coldly at her.

"I'm the white tiger, ruler of this land. you wish to claim me, then pass the trail left behind by my master. there are 3 trials needed to be passed, if you fail then memories of everything that took place here shall be removed." The White Tiger said coldly, stunning Fang Mei

"If it's as easy as opening that gate, I can do it within my speed," Sora said with a laugh, the white tiger looked at Sora with narrowed eyes before giving Sora a cold smile.

"Strength isn't everything," it said as Sora suddenly noticed a door behind the tiger, the tiger stepped aside and spoke.

"enter this floor and reach the top, that's where your second trial shall begin." the tiger said calmly, Sora nodded slightly before going through the door and found himself on an unknown floor. Qi gathered and began taking the form of countless wild beasts, surrounding him

"slaughter your way up these floors, the door would only open once all the wild beasts are closed." the white tiger's voice sounded, to which Sora shook his head slightly before coughing, instantly the shock wave from his cough caused the wild beast in front of him to explode into a blood mist.

"show off, but things shall only get harder and harder with each floor." the white tiger said with a sneer, to which Sora shrugged and easily slaughtered all the wild beasts. he was shocked seeing that he could cultivate the Hell Asura, these wild beasts he was killing were alive, shocking him. but he had just seen how these wild beasts were created out of energy,

Sora put such a thought to the back of his head and lost himself in closer, absorbing the killing to slaughter in the air to cultivate his killing intent. in a heartbeat, the floor was cleared and Sora saw stairs appearing leading to the next floor, going up them, Sora stumbled upon more wild beasts he needed to slaughter.

meanwhile, Fang Mei was also slaughtering wild beasts, but like Sora, it was not as easy. but she had a huge amount of fire which turned the wild beast nearing her into ashes. it took her some time, but she soon cleared the floor.

"Human, you have good talent but lack a cultivation art to help you show that talent. It seems like you were born in the western region without any huge background. that other guy would beat you to the inheritance." the white tiger voice sounded, making Fang Mei bite her lips unwilling

"... how about I give you cultivation arts, and in return you give up on the trial." The White tiger asked to which Fang Mei hesitated for a moment before she nodded.

"Good, the inheritances didn't suit you anyway. You have the Golden Phoenix Physique, a physique that is said to be able to create the strongest of flames through one emotion. my sister the Vermilion Bird has a better technique than the one that I will give you, but until you find her, this would better suit you. It's called the Supreme Fire Tiger," the tiger's voice sounded as information entered Fang Mei's head, causing her to enter a unique state where she fell asleep, allowing the white tiger to move away.

"Now, these intruders." the white tiger said coldly, outside the inheritance ground, currently the many tigers were at battle with a ground of experts. among them were some emperors who Sora told to find Fang Mei,

These emperors were the ones least afraid of Sora, as they had power within the southern region. years ago, their old ancestor had left for the south region and had managed to join a sect, that had called him long ago to help them fight for whatever inheritances Sora got his hand son.

But Sora's strength shocked them, so instead they placed a tracker on Fang Mei before they gave her back to Sora. this whole time they had been listening in on the two talking, sure they were on guard against Sora's uncle, but what can he do against their ancestor backer?

"What a strange forest." an old man with 3 eyes said coldly, he was one of the old ancestors, he was a level 2 Core Shattering realm expert, a level 1 Gold Rank expert, and at level 1 Infant Soul. at peak power, he could show a power level of 12 million, but he had equipment from the southern region

equipment there can boost a person's combat power, so without such equipment he only had a power level of 12 million, but with that equipment, he could show a power level of 16 million,

but this forest was weird as their cultivation was suddenly suppressed to the peak of the 3rd stage of cultivation. which leads to them being outmatched by the white tiger and having no choice but to fall back, once they were out of the range of the forest,

"... ancestor, this Sora is abnormal and might be even stronger by the time he comes out. if we just sit here a wait," an emperor said making the ancestor sneer disdainfully at them

"You worry for nothing, at the end of the day he is only at the second stage of cultivation. We will show you the true might of a person who reached the 4th stage of cultivation. indeed, at the 4th stage of cultivation, one strength isn't simple. it's said that going up against someone at the 4th stage of cultivation isn't as easy as having greater power, for they can draw upon the power of heaven and earth to strengthen themselves...

"but let's be safe," one of the ancestors said, wanting to make sure they could see through every since possible that could befall them.

time passed, on the 999th floor of the tower. Sora fought off against a group of wild beasts, all with power levels around 30 million. Sora's killing intent had reached a point where it suppressed the wild beast's strength, and making their injuries unhealable.

Sora had broken through to level 4 Qi Sea, level 4 Iron rank, and level 4 Nascent soul. with killing intent now a part of the new energy he can use, Sora can now show a power level of 22.5 million. with the suppression effect of his killing intent, he was capable of fighting those with a power level of 30 million,

but this was not a 1 v 1, Sora was outnumbered and was forced to use his senses to the maximum, his right eye was opened wide, and he was pushing it to peak, causing the eye capability to start evolving.

Once the eye evolved, Sora couldn't help but laugh. Covered in blood, with scars all over his body, he looked at the world which had seemed to slow down. but this was simply an illusion due to the sudden boost to his eyesight. but they were so sharp... too sharp.

Sora was now capable of using his eye to observe the blood flow, muscle movements, and even the movements of his enemy's cells, allowing him to determine his enemy's weak points and strike them effectively, not to mention how could see faster than before. but these eyes also allowed him to better control his energy, boosting his power level for a shocking 29 million

With a laugh, Sora shot forward, hitting the weak points of his enemy, and their pressure points, killing them all with but a tap of the finger, or leaving their cultivation going chaotic causing them to explode, taking out even more wild beasts.

after hours of none stop battle, Sora finally cleared the 999th floor, causing him to group to the ground, breathing heavily. throwing a pill into his mouth, Sora removed some of the injuries, causing him to have another breakthrough. Sora had noticed that even when he had suffered enough damage for a breakthrough, he would not breakthrough unless it was enough for all 3 cultivation systems to break as well, although annoying Sora was not complaining much.

'I might have to use the Kaio Ken for this next one,' Soa thought as he got up stretching his body before heading towards the 1,000 floor.

'impossible...' The white tiger thought while watching Sora, never in its life did it ever expect someone could reach the 1,000 floor. the 3 trials were fake, the main one was reaching the 1,000 floors. if someone were to trail along the way, but show a powerful will to keep fighting, they would move to a second trail, but they would have failed the main one.

"... so you have arrived." Sora who was expecting a battle was stunned to find someone standing before him. he had white rubbed and although he was looking at Sora, Sora found that his eyes could comprehend his appearance leaving his face blurred. this was the face of an immortal, trying to see it, is like a mortal trying to see the face of god. they could go blind.

"You were waiting for me?" Sora asked with a weird look, the way this guy said this sounded as if he was waiting for him.

"..." The immortal was quiet for some time, leaving Sora confused and slightly nervous as to what was going on.

"No, not you... I see. I have been waiting for someone else to arrive, your arrival is unexpected." the immortal said softly, confusing Sora. was this place not here for billions of years, was this guy trying to plan out what would happen so far into the future

"someone else is capable of reaching this far into the trail ground?" Sora's eyes turned bright at the thought of someone capable of doing what he just did, the thought of having a rival made his eyes burn.

"You're a weird one. but you have passed the trail and are worthy of getting the main inheritances, The White Tiger Cultivation Art, The White Tiger divine Sword, and a chance to cultivate within this place." The immortal said, to which Sora's eyes brighten, as he of course agreed