
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Lets Dance

Although Sora's name became huge within the cultivation world, those within the cultivation world still lived their life. the sects on the other hand began getting ready for a huge event that would be taking place in about 4 months.

The sect's annual gathering was an event where all the sects gathered with 3 of their best disciples from each zone, and even the elders of the sect would take part in these matches. the best sect disciples ranging from the outer, inner, and core positions would take apart, and following after would be the elders who would show off their strength.

all types of sects would be taking part, from the weakest of sects to the strongest of sects. there was only one requirement to take part, and it was to grab a token that would allow one sect the chance to take part. these tokens can be gained in all types of ways, weeks leading to this event, the kingdom would hold competitions of all kinds which would allow one's sect to take part.

some trials needed to be taken for one to take part, from sects such as the White Swan sect to the huge sects like Heavenly Sword Sect were taking part. the timing for this event lined up perfectly with how all of these sects took in sect disciples,

every year they took in sect disciples, and just 6 months after that this event is held. those sects who managed to get their hands on these tokens had tournaments to pick the best 3 sect disciples from each part of the sects, while the elders had their way to pick who would be taking part in this event.

Some who knew they were not good enough to pass went on to try to find Sora knowing that most of the powerful experts would be getting ready for this event, but none of them ever thought to simply check the clouds...

So, the day for the Sect annual meeting arrived. Fang Mei sat within the petition given to those from the outer part of the White Swan sect, she had a cloth covering her face, as the changes to her physique came about with new changes. In the past, she was beautiful, but not to a crazy level like her elder sister. but now she had beauty to match her elder sister, which came with huge trouble, forcing her to hide her face away.

Fang Mei was currently looking towards the seating where the Pure Maiden Sect, an all-female sect where her elder sister sat, looked back at her with cold and indifferent eyes. like the past, and even now her sister's eyes remained the same, only having eyes for cultivation and looking down upon everything else which would get in her way. even her twin was looked down upon.

"Don't look too much." an old woman said calmly, snapping Fang Mei back to reality, this was the sect master of White Swan Sect, and she knew about Fang Mei's background and relationship with her elder sister, because of which she looked upon Fang Mei heavily and was slightly fearful of Fang Mei.

what if her elder sister were to get mad if she was mistreated? even if they were not close, her elder sister might just destroy the sect. such things have been seen in the past, so she had a reason to be worried.

"Yes..." Fang Mei said softly closing her eyes to calm herself down and only opened them a few minutes later when the event took place. there was a total of 100 sects, which was about 25% of the total sects within the kingdom, the sects here were among the top 500 most powerful sects the kingdom had to offer.

With the event starting, the battle to find the strongest outer sect disciple began. it was simple, two sects are put together to face off each other, they each had 3 outer sect disciples, which they can call up onto the ring. once the two outer sect disciples fight, the winner can stay in the ring, or step down to rest.

this would go on until one sect has all of its disciples defeated, the winning side is rewarded, before they move on to the inner sect, then the core sect, and finally the elders. with each win, the sect with the most wins under their name is rewarded with better rewards, after which the sect is allowed to rest for the day, and 2 other sects step up.

of course not just anyone can be called an outer sect disciple, a person's age and cultivation would judge that. too old, you can be counted as an outer sect the disciple, and if your cultivation is too high, you also can't be counted.

the battle soon began, and each battle lasted only 5 minutes. Fang Mei watched the battles for some time before she closed her eyes. She only opened them when it was her sect's turn, they were fighting a sect known as the 9 heavenly arms sect.

Fang Mei asked to step up, and the sect master allowed her to go after a slight hesitation, not everyone was paying attention to these matches as they were too low-grade, but their eyes could help but be drawn to Fang Mei as her figure was eye-catching.

"I don't like hitting girls, so why don't you just admit defeat and make it easier for users." a young man with long black hair said while lustfully looking at Fang Mei's figure, the face was hidden but it was much harder to hide that body of hers.

Fang Mei ignored him and simply waited, and she didn't need to wait for long as the announcement started the match. Fang Mei waved her hands, and a sign which shocked everyone appeared.

Fang Mei's energy gathered taking the form of a red feather, and countless other feathers gathered taking the form of a red swan. the air burned making the air twist due to the heat, the young man's eyes shrank in horror fearing the heat, he felt as if he was being cooked alive

Fang Mei ignored him and simply looked towards her elder sister, who was looking at her currently with narrowed eyes. Of course, she too had a cloth on, but they could feel their eyes meeting.

"you know her." a beautiful woman with long white hair asked feeling Fang Mei's gaze on Fang Yan

"She is my little sister, ignore her," Fang Yan said coldly, stunning those who heard her words. Fang Yan was considered a heavenly talent within their sect, so much so that the sect master instantly took her as her personal disciple, many tried getting close to her, but she was cold to everyone, even to her master.

they threw crouse looks towards Fang Yan and were amazed, the two were complete opposites, one was cold as ice, and the other was like a volcano ready to explode. they could feel the rage coming from Fang Mei seeing how Fang Yan ignored her.

The sect leader Pure Maiden sect looked at Fang Mei for some time, her eyes filled with shock. another talent, who might be on the same level as Fang Yan suddenly popped up... but this was good, this is what she needed.

Fang Mei went on to lash out her rage towards the outer sect disciple, shooting all of them and leaving them with small burns, but she didn't have enough and went on to stay to fight those the inner sect disciple, where she defeated 2 of them before she stepped down due to injuries...

everyone was in shock at Fang Mei showing off power, she was the first person to do something like that, but of course, others came up who were capable of doing something similar to Fang Mei. Of course, Fang Mei sect moved to the next round which would take part tomorrow.

as for the pure maiden sect, they too moved on to the next round, without even needing Fang Yan to make a move. White Swan Sect managed to reach a new height this year, coming in at 65th place, which was mostly thanks to Fang Yan who got the sect wins they needed,

But for other sects such as the Heavenly Sword Sect, Pure Maiden Sect, Blood Wolf Sect, and the Crismin Moon Sect, they all went on to rank up and fight among each other for first place. among them, it's where Fang Mei saw Fang Yan fighting among the Core disciples within her sect, leaving her gritting her teeth at how far ahead her elder sister was.

on the 7th day, all matches came to an end. in the first place, The Pure Maidan sect took first place. She had a powerful ice-type physique which allows her to defeat everyone, as she was titled an outer sect disciple, she was capable all at the outer, inner, and core, and even face off against an elder for some time. this left everyone shocked at her capability.

She was capable, but the Heavenly Sword sect which came second place had a mighty genius who many believed could rival Fang Yan. but he was titled a core disciple, even so, he was capable of fighting and defeating other sect disciples' core disciples and even fighting and defeating a sect elder, which left everyone shocked at his talent. he was called Chi Yan, the sect master of the Heavenly Sword Sect son,

The Crismin Moon sect came 3rd, followed by the Blood Wolf Sect. now with every sect ranked, the kingdom went on to reward every sect, before allowing others to step onto the stage to challenge others. this could be those from powerful clans yet were not a part of any sect, wondering cultivators, and so on.

Fang Mei was not interested in watching any of these, so she got up to leave but she found herself blocked by a handsome young man who had long blonde hair.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, the name is Chi Yan. I believe your talent is wasted in this low-grade sect, what do you think about following me back to Heavenly Sword Sect?" Chi Yan asked with a charming smile, stunning Fang Mei for a moment. She was of course tempted, she knew that sooner or later, she would need to leave the white Swan Sect, it was too small for her to spread her wings.

Fang Mei was only at level 10 QI refinement, Level 9 Copy, and Level 7 Soul refinement. for the past 6 months, she spent a lot of time cultivating within all 3 systems as that was what her master told her to do. even so, she could unleash the power of over 2,000 fists, allowing her to fight

"... I will be honest with Leady Fang. your strength has moved my heart, so I wish to get to know you better. even if things between us don't work, someone of your talent is always welcome at our sect." He said with a smile, making Fang Mei blush slightly, who just goes around confessing their feelings like that in public in front of so many others?

Although hard to see her face, the slight red which could be seen through the cloth was seen Chi Yan, making him laugh slightly

"Lady Fang, how about you come with me to Heavenly Sword sect, that way you can see the sect with your own eyes. rather you agree or not, you will still be a sect disciple of the White Swan Sect, we would not force you to cut connect with it. You are even free to pick a few other sect disciples to come with you." He said with a smile, stunning Fang Yan at such a good deal. She could help but hesitate before looking toward her sect master, who simply nodded. So Fang Yan nodded, which made Chi Yan's smile grow making him look extremely charming.

"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you..." Chi Yan said with a smile while holding out a hand, Fang Yan nodded slightly and shook the hand. but when she was about to pull her hand back, she found that Chi Yan was not letting her.

"I feel unwilling to let you leave... I never felt such feelings towards anyone. Is this selfless?" He asked while looking deeply into Chi Yan's eyes through the cloth, his eyes filled with warmth and care. Fang Yan turn her head away, her face turning bright red,


the suddenly went quiet as something fell from the sky, landing in the middle of two sect disciples who were about to fight. everyone who was about to leave, ranging from those sect leaders to disciples looked at the stage, which was covered in dust and slowly disappearing, revealing a handsome young man, who most of the people there knew

"landing like that is bad for the knees... Yo, sorry for dropping in like that. My name is Sora, and I came to challenge everyone here. with heaven and earth as my witness, I promise to whoever can defeat me, I will give them the location of the storage ring, if I were to go back on my word or even tell others before I'm defeated, let me be killed with lightning or whatever." Sora said with a smile, and with his words falling, thunder boomed within the sky stunning everyone for a moment, and leading their eyes to burn with greed

"to motivate you all, I will tell you I only touched upon 1% of the things within the storage ring. And look at me, I went from a cripple to what I am today in 6 months." Sora said with a laugh, stunning everyone.

Sora quickly stepped to the side, dodging an incoming attack that was aimed at his blind spot. but Sora's instincts were too sharp. looking at the attacker, Sora saw a young handsome man with greed filling his eyes, but slowly shock was growing within those eyes.

"To attack from the blind spot of your target, you clearly don't have a huge background or anything," Sora said calmly before bitch slapping the young man, sending him flying into the sky.

"My Son." The sect master of the heavenly sword sect roared in worry before he shot after his son on top of the sword. Sora's eyebrow raised seeing this

"wow, he must be disappointed. a son without any honor... why is no one attacking? don't tell me you guys are scared of someone who cultivated for 6 months. how embarrassing, to cultivate for hundreds of years yet to have the balls of a deer. At this rate just go and become a farmer or something, you're wasting resources." Sora said with a shake of his head, but his words snapped everyone out of their shock and replaced it with boundless rage.

A sword shot into the sky, before turning into a beam which shot towards Sora, who was currently busy picking his ear with his guard down. the sword hit Sora, but to everyone's shock, the clash with Sora caused the sword to cave in upon itself, turning the sword into a ball.

"... who threw that?" Sora said after looking at the ball someone threw at him, he threw a cold glare toward those of the heavenly sword sect, but none of them dared to speak up. Sora looked around for some time, before ignoring the sect. it was below him to care about such childish stuff.

"..." an old man who had launched the sneak attack whipped the sweat off his forehead, to think attacking Sora even when he was off guard like that did nothing. That attack should have killed anyone with a power level below 20,000, yet it did nothing to Sora.

"This brat is mine. it has been a while since I have seen anyone be more arrogant than me. brat, if you kneel now, I might allow you to live past today." an old man said with a cold smile while walking toward Sora. Sora looked at him for a moment before cracking his neck

"You think you can have the goods all for yourself?" a middle-aged man said calmly while walking towards Sora, and so in the blink of an eye, Sora was surrounded from all sides, his eyes burning with the will to fight.

"... Let's dance," Sora said waving at them to come at him