
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Creating A Technique

Within the heaven-shattering sect, Sora sat in a room with a beautiful woman. They all had smiles, trying to stand out amongst the others. if anyone within the heavenly dragon realm were to see such a sight, they would die of envy. how could one person have the Golden Dragon realm's best beauties all fighting over him?

although none of them could rank within the top million of the heaven dragon realm, one should know this realm had countless galaxies, trillions upon trillions of galaxies. this realm was pretty much a universe, it just wasn't endless in size like the immortal realm.

So, they're being ranked so high didn't mean they were ugly by any means. it meant their beauty overshadowed trillions upon trillions, upon trillions of other beauties. they were all so talented, many with their unique talents, physiques, and blood. Some were her holy maidens of their sects and clans, some were core disciples, and so on.

"Well, I have to thank all of you for helping me get so many treasures. so, allow me to repay you all, so what do you wish of me?" Sora asked with a smile while drinking a glass of wine, these ladies helped him out greatly, so he of course had to repay them all.

"... Since I put forward the most, it's only right I ask for marriage." a young woman said softly, making everyone throw daggers toward her. This woman was shameless enough to steal from her clan just to get Sora's favor, the rest didn't have the strength to do such things.

Although so had so much testosterone it could affect the mind of others around him, these females could hold on to reason, even so, a few of them were willing to lose it all.

"I'm unable to marry you," Sora said with a shake of his head, sure he was lustful, but it's not like he had feelings for any of this. His sex drive was just too powerful, he sometimes wished that he never tasted that forbidden fruit

"I never kissed... so I will like my first kiss to be with..." a shy woman with glasses said, her face turning redder and redder with each word she spoke. Sora smiled slightly, before getting up and walking towards her, and holding her chin, he looked deeply into her eyes causing her face to turn bright red.

everyone watching this froze, their faces turning redder as Sora's lips slowly came closer to the girl with the glasses. and the most beautiful scene they had ever seen played out, but their face turn redder when they saw the girl with the glasses pulling Sora into her aim as if scared Sora would break the kiss-off.

She jumped, and wrapped her legs around Sora, while Sora caught her by the ass, causing her body to shake. her moans sounded, as Sora's hands began playing with it, causing her to feel things she never felt before.

Without knowing it, her hands moved to remove Sora's clothing, she felt an itch down below, Sora began rubbing against the rod within Sora's pants to help with this itch. but this wasn't enough, so she pushed Sora to the ground, and under the shocked eyes of everyone, she removed Sora's pants.

and with that, a huge pillar shot to the sky, almost slapping the young girl with glasses. everyone's eyes widened seeing this sight, and that manly smell from Sora spread, filling everyone's nose and causing everyone to feel an itch.

and a scene that would cause many to cry played out. an orgy that many didn't even dare to imagine, a scene in which countless people, males, and females would die for the chance of playing out. and with a lucky bastard who only felt lust.

"Shattering Star, you better give me an explanation for the crippling of my son." an enraged voice boomed, causing Sora who was laying in bed with a ground of ladies who were sleeping, to try to do anything else, smile.

"time to go have fun," Sora said softly while moving the females off him, before disappearing, and in the void of space, ships began appearing, surrounding the Star Shattering sect. the many sect disciples grew uneasy, not knowing what was happening,

"Now, this is what I call funny. But do I need to explain as if I'm the one who crippled them? the last I checked, they ganged up on someone and got their asses handed to him." A man appeared before these ships, not bothered in the least

"I don't care for the reason, we of the Blood Star sect are not so easily messed with." a cold voice sounded through the void before a blood-haired man shot towards the man, who was the sect leader of the Star Shattering sect.

But as he neared, he was slapped away with a backhand by Sora who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, leaving everyone who saw this shocked. that blood-haired man was the sect leader of the Blood Star sect, someone with a power level of 1 billion when going all out, yet to be bitch slapped?

"how arrogant, how dare you attack my hand with were face. I think you broke a few bones." Sora said angrily. the Blood Star sect leader who had a shattered scale, and all his teeth shattered along with his brain being destroyed almost died on the spot at Sora's words.

"But I will let you go with a slight warning. you brat should know how to act." Sora said calmly, enraging the Blood Star sect leader, he wanted to grit his teeth, but even after everything else recovered, his teeth would not regrow. it was clear Sora this was Sora doing

With a flash, the Blood Star Sect Leader was swallowed by a blood mist. with a step, he shot out of the blood mist with his skin blood red. his power level had reached a shocking 11 billion, which caught everyone off guard as the last time they saw his power, it was at most 10 billion.

that was only a few million years ago, to think his strength grew so much within such a short amount of time. but that was not all, as with a set of weapons, the blood star secret leader pulled out a set of gear, which he equipped and his power level increased by 10 times. but even with such a high level of power, he was unable to get the upper hand on Sora, they instead fought to a stand steal, evenly matched

"All this just to what? how embarrassing." Sora said with a mocking smile, enraging the Blood Star Secet leader. but Sora's body suddenly moved, dodging a spear that was shot toward him from the side

the spear star sect leader had moved, they of course knew Sora's capability and wouldn't allow him to grow stronger. but this was a sneak attack, Sora shouldn't have been able to dodge that attack. but Sora's martial arts capability was high, even dodging the unknown.

"All of you should join, throw away your faces, and jump in. At least use your sorry lives to help me grow stronger," Sora said with a laugh, his voice was infused with his law, which turned into a wave of destruction that attacked the mind of his targets, which were the enemies surrounding the sect

everyone suddenly coughed up mouthfuls of blood, and before the Star Shattering sect leader, he watched as Sora faced off against countless sect leaders clans leaders, vice sect leaders, and many others.

of course... Sora was destroyed. but under such pressure, Sora began growing faster and faster. 5 things were growing at a high rate, Sora's mastery of the True Super Saiyan 2 transformations, his mastery of ultra instincts, his cultivation, which in turn affected his use of Kaio Ken, and lastly his creativity with his law.

Injuries filled Sora's law, being Dao injuries, normally Sora would be left helpless, but his Supreme Law of Rebirth Destroyed their effect on him.

The battle went on for months, all with the experts throwing everything they had at Sora, wanting to kill him as his strength key kept growing and growing. the battle spread, the nearby hundreds of galaxies began their battlefield

"Is that everything?" Sora laughed as from his Bio suits, blades flew out, but attached to the blades were chains that wrapped around Sora's arms and connected themselves to Sora's Bio Suit.

This scene caught many off guard, Sora normally used a staff, yet he was not using two blades, with chains.

Sora swung the blades, letting them go flying around him. As if a part of his being, the blades attacked, swinging and changing directions, at the same time, Sora's fist moved, punching those who dared to near him,

even So, Sora was outnumbered, although these new weapons better fit him, his being outnumbered outpowered him greatly. but even So, Sora's strength was increasing at a higher rate.


Sora's body exploded with power, his law had finally broken through to level 3. Some should know, Sora had gained enough energy to shorten the cooldown time for his law by having an orgy with so many virgin yin Qi, this was a shock for Sora as he didn't expect such a thing, but he wasn't complaining.

adding 6 months' worth of him getting his ass beat, Sora's law has doubled in power, but Sora's range of creative increases once more, allowing him to create things that could boost his power level by up to 20 times, would be 100 times greater if Sora takes his time and slowly create the item to his limit. so in total, 2,000 times.

"Haha, it seems like this is the best you can do for me," Sora said with a smile, he looked at the group who was frowning deeply at him, if one looked closely they would notice that the number of people had dropped, it went from a few dozen, to only 15 people.

they had of course turned and fled upon seeing that Sora was just suing them to temper himself, as enraging as it might be, they cared more about their life and getting some small revenge. and Sora was a freak, revenge was not enough to blind them to such a point they couldn't see the reality before them

"Impossible, how do you have so much energy." A Blood Star sect leader said through gritted teeth. with so much strength, yet such little cultivation, he was not in the wrong to think that Sora's energy wouldn't last long enough

you can compress your energy to the point you were the power you can output scared those realms above you. but how long would you be able to use that power before it burns out?

yet Sora looked as if he could fight for years, he was only a half-step immortal, they were Sun and Moon tier experts, ones that stood among the higher level of power for this realm. they stood above many, with only a few being levels above them

"You thought you can make we of all people sweat? I'm Sora, no one makes me sweat. I make others do all the sweating." Sora said with a smile, before pointing a finger forward, and a death beam was shot forward, killing a sect leader who couldn't even react.

"1 little, 2 little, 3 little ants..." Sora sang to himself while death beams flew, seeing so many of their equals dying like this, those remaining were forced to do the unspeakable. with a roar, fate gathered towards them and infused into their bodies, with boundless power flowering through them they shot towards Sora, wanting to kill Sora before they burn through their fate.

"just a 10 times increase in strength, you forgot that 0 times 10 is still zero," Sora said calmly while he created a box, the box shook before he suddenly began to such away their fate. horrified, they tried to resist, but Sora was firing attacks at them, they were around the same level of power, and with the distraction of their fate being sucked away, and Sora's attack, plus their power level dropping, they were left helpless and trying to flee.

of course, they had ways to escape, but who would expect Sora to create something like a Fate lock? something they never heard of, but it locked their fate there, leaving them unable to escape

"I guess after this I should take time to sit down and think of techniques to create for my abilities. I will use your fate to scan through their clans or whatever power you belong to secrets, they should be useful to me." Sora said with a smile, making the group of experts want to cough up blood, but what could they do?

Sora was stealing their fate, this meant he held their fate and their forces in the palm of his hand, if he so wished to see their secrets then he could. if he wished to kill, then he could, he controlled their fate.

Sora with his law breakthrough now needed 1,000 years, that was a long time. so while he searched for treasures to help out, he wanted to see just what he could create, and how he could use his law of destruction.

Enough for the fighting for a few years, it was time for Sora to try and create his techniques, to go best along with his law. this would best help him maximize his law power.

what were the techniques? they help one better control and better use one energy. think of electricity for example. one might see it as something dangerous and to stay away from if they didn't know how to control it. but add a few wires and parts and you have a heater, cooler, light, and so on

Techniques were those wires and parts. Sora law was the uncontrolled electricity. if he could create a technique, then he could be far stronger, maybe even reaching a power level of a trillion stars.

As for Sora's power level after this battle, Sora can at most defeat those with a power level of 100 billion stars. his power level doubled many times in the battle, and he even reached the peak of the Kaio Ken, which was 1 million times boost.

So, if Sora could make techniques to best suit him, his power level could increase by more than 10 times, or even higher depending on the type of technique