
A Dragon's System of Evolution

Usually when someone dies, they either go to heaven or hell. I guess I'm different then since none of that happened to me. Instead I wake up in a totally new world with claws for hands...... just fantastic.

The_Wild_Trill · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Luck Of a Dragon

Ikari stared at the giant spider with slight fear. He was a human before so he was used to seeing tiny spiders but this was absolutely massive compared to the spiders he once knew. Even tho he was slightly fearful, he had an instinct to kill and dominate his opponents. This was his natural instinct as a dragon.

Ikari: "Come at me you eight legged freak."

The spider seemed to understand him because it started running towards him. Due to him being a lot smaller than the spider, he was able to dodge the feet of the spider by diving between it's legs. Ikari thought fast and bit one of it's legs, making it scream in pain. It flung Ikari into a wall.

[-150 Hp]

Ikari: "That much damage just by being thrown into a wall, oh this is not gonna be fun."

The spider started running towards Ikari but this time Ikari had a plan. As soon as the spider was near, he jumped on the wall and used it to boost him onto the spider's back. He immediately started using his claws to cut the back of it's neck. The spider was trying to get Ikari off it's back however it's legs couldn't reach into it's back. It however jumped from the wall it was and landed on it's back, right where Ikari was.

[- 600 Hp]

Ikari felt that one. It had hurt a lot but then it suddenly went away. Using the last of his strength, Ikari bit into the spider's neck while using his claws to separate it's head from it's body.

[DING!!! Host has killed a Lvl 22 Cave Spider]

[Host Level has increased to 10]

[Host has reached MAX level for New Born]

[Does Host wish to Evolve?]

Ikari: "Wait already?..... Did that cave spider give me that much experience?"

[Host was level 1 while spider was level 22. Host didn't accumulated enough experience from the cave spider to evolve, however the skill 'Gain' that host possess gives a 2x multiplier for all experience accumulated.]

Ikari: "Oh wow, I didn't expect that to happen. I wish to evolve."

[Host is Evolving]

Ikari soon felt energy rushing through his body. He felt his body growing a bit as well, even his eyesight became sharper and clearer. Soon he was even bigger than the spider he had just killed.

[Host has evolved from a New Born Dragon to a Young Dragon]

Ikari then looked and saw that he was now 8 ft tall. Before he was around 2 ft tall but he was now 4x bigger.

[Special Skill {Fire Breath Lvl 1} has been obtained]

[Special Skill {Frost Breath Lvl 1} has been obtained]

Ikari: "Nice, so does that mean I am a fire/Ice Dragon?"

[Usually it would be thee case, however this is not the case for host. The system allows host to have all elemental magic. Having two types of magic is considered rare and having three types is almost impossible to find. System grants host the ability to use all magically affinities.]

Ikari: "What types of magic affinities are there?"

[There are 10 types of magically affinities in total. They are:

1. Air

2. Water

3. Fire

4. Earth

5. Lightning

6. Light > Divine

7. Dark > Demonic

8. Dragon Slaying

9. Demon Slaying

10. Divine Slaying.

Light magic can be upgraded to holy magic just as dark magic can be upgraded into demonic magic.]

Ikari: "So I have the ability to possess all of these?"

[Yes Host]

Ikari: "So why do I have frost breath? Isn't that ice?"

[Ice is another form of water.]

Ikari: "I think I understand now... also can I give you a name. Calling you system kinda feels weird."

[Host may give system a name]

Ikari: "I'm gonna name you Zara."

[DING!!! Name given to System: Zara]

[For giving System a name, Host receives a new skill and a new item]

[Special Skill {Sword Mastery Lvl 1} has been obtained]

[Special Item {Demon Slaying Sword- Xenoph} has been obtained]

Ikari: "Whoa, a demon slaying sword.... does this affect other races besides demons?"

[This affects all races besides but it does 5x damage against a demon.]

Ikari was quite surprised but he didn't linger. He just continued putting all the myriagems into his inventory. Upon leaving leaving he saw the corpse of the cave spider.

Ikari: "Can I get a skill from the cave spider?"

[Host may get any 2 skills from the opponents he kills.]

[Skills that can be extracted: Wall climbing, Web shooting, Night Vision, Poisonous Saliva, Poison Resistance.]

Ikari: "Extract Poisonous Saliva and Poison Resistance. Those are the most useful for me to have. I didn't even know that it had poisonous saliva.... now I'm really happy that it didn't bite me."

[Extracting Poisonous Saliva and Poison Resistance]

[Poisonous Saliva and Poison Resistance have been added to skills]

Ikari: "Oh speaking of skills, can I see my new status now."

[Host Status]

Name: Ikari Akatsuki

Age: 0

Race: Dragon (Young Dragon)

Class: Low

Level: 10

Hp: 1680

Mp: 2210

Strength- 14 (Low Class)

Intelligence- 17 (Low Class)

Dexterity- 12 (Low Class)

Vitality- 13 (Low Class)


Points- 50


Calmness- Always keeps host in a right and calm state of mind.

System's Body- Prevents host from taking actual damage. Instead of taking damage, the damage is taken from the Hp points. If Hp reaches zero then host is dead.

Devour- Allows host to take the abilities of any race upon killing them.

Evolve- When host reaches to a certain level, system will allow host to evolve into a different type of Dragon.

Flight- This ability gives the user the ability to fly. This is granted to most dragons.

Gain- This allows host to level up much faster than normally.

Fire Breath Lvl 1- This is the ability to breath fire upon your enemies.

Frost Breath Lvl 1- This is the ability to freeze your opponents.

Sword Mastery Lvl 1- This is how fluent host is able to wield a sword.

Poisonous Saliva- This makes the saliva of the host poisonous that eventually kills who is bitten unless they possess a poison resistance skill or if they remove the poison fast enough.

Poison Resistance- This is the ability to resist poisons.

Ikari: "My stats went up without me even doing anything, how is that possible Zara?"

[Host stats went while host was in combat. They increased due to the level difference and host being able to overcome his opponent even while being severely under leveled.]

Ikari: "Ok so let just put these stat points into different areas then I'll leave."

Ikari then placed 20 points into strength, and 10 points into all the other stats. He wanted a little more strength since he was a more of a hand to hand type of guy. After he was finished he checked his stats alone.

[Host Status]

Name: Ikari Akatsuki

Age: 0

Race: Dragon (Young Dragon)

Class: Low

Level: 10

Hp: 1680

Mp: 2210

Strength- 34 (Mid Class)

Intelligence- 27 (Mid Class)

Dexterity- 22 (Mid Class)

Vitality- 23 (Mid Class)


Points- 0

Ikari: "Ok I'm good now. I'm guessing I can actually fly now."

Ikari then turned around and started walking out of the cave. While walking towards the exit, Ikari heard some sounds so he turned around to see an army of tiny spiders headed towards him. He panicked for a bit, it seems that those were the babies of the giant cave spider. He chose to use of his newly acquired skills.

Ikari: "Fire Breath!!!"

A large torrent of flames came from Ikari's mouth, engulfing the swarm of spiders. He didn't stop until about 10 seconds later. When he finally stopped, he noticed that he had incinerated everything single baby spider.

[DING!!! Host has killed 874 baby spiders.]

[Host Level has leveled up]

[Host level has increased to 16]

Ikari: "Ok if I didn't have Fire Breath I might have been screwed. Let me leave before something else attacks me. I know that I should be trying to grind levels but right now I want to explore a bit."

Ikari hurried to the entrance of the cave overlooking the forest but this time when he tried to use his wings they responded. He didn't want to just go off a cliff without knowing how to use his wings first. So far he could use them decently, but he would need a lot of practice in the future. He got the hang of it after about 45 minutes of trying non stop. He then slowly began his journey towards the forest below. Flying was a exciting experience for him, he had always wondered what it was to fly and now he knew. It was awesome having the wind blowing in your face while soaring through the sky.

Soon he had arrived at the foot of the mountain and started walking into the forest. The trees were quite large, these had to be the largest trees he had ever seen. While walking through the forest, he heard some weird noises so he went to check it out. When he had arrived a the clearing, he saw multiple goblins fighting each other. Some of them had green skin while others had purple skin. The green skinned ones were fighting against the purple skinned ones while shouting. The only problem now was that Ikari didn't a word they were saying.

Ikari: "What the hell are they saying?....Why are they even fighting?"

But unfortunately he made some branches snap under his feet, getting the attention of some close by goblins. The goblins had thought it was an enemy goblin so they attacked the bush with some wooden spears. Seeing this, Ikari knew there was no point in hiding anymore so he stepped out of the bushes. All the goblins froze in terror.... A young dragon could easily wipe them out so they forgot about their fighting and went to attack while working together. Ikari noticed this and was quite annoyed.

Ikari: "So these guys stop fighting each other to fight someone who wasn't even attacking them? Ok in that case they're going to die."

Ikari used Fire Breath and killed most of them in one go. The remaining saw this and started running away.

[DING!!! Host has killed 32 hut goblins(green and purple).]

[Host Level has leveled up]

[Host level has increased to 26]

Before Ikari could even start following them he heard a growl behind him. He turned around to bee a massive bear looking at him.

Ikari: "You have got to be shitting me? How is my luck this terrible?"

Ikari: "What is the stats for this bear?"

Name: King of the Forest

Age: 21

Race: Bear (Adult Bear)

Class: Mid

Level: 27

Hp: 1680

Mp: 2210

Strength- 23 (Mid Class)

Intelligence- 18 (Low Class)

Dexterity- 29 (Mid Class)

Vitality- 27 (Mid Class)

Ikari: "Oh his stats aren't even that bigger than mine, I can take him."

Ikari tried to use Fire Breath but the bear dodged it and started running towards Ikari. Ikari did a quick spin and slapped the bear with his tail. It worked..... however the bear grabbed onto his tail. It bit him on his tail but while it was distracted, Ikari used his frost breath on it's exposed stomach making it release his tail to scream in pain. Using this opportunity Ikari immediately bit into the neck of the bear and used his poisonous saliva to poison the bear. It looked as if it started acting immediately because the bear froze and then fell to the ground.

Ikari: "Please no more... it's only day one and I've already fought and kill literally thousands of creatures already. First it was that spider, then it was her babies, then those goblins and now a overgrown bear.... please I just wanna sleep."

[DING!!! Host has killed 1 Forest Bear.]

[Host Level has leveled up]

[Host level has increased to 30.]

Host has reached MAX level for Young Dragon]

[Does Host wish to Evolve?]

Ikari: "Wow, evolving twice in one day. I'm really killing this."

[Evolving gets harder every time. Host will take longer to evolve the stronger you are.]

Ikari: "....."

Ikari: "Me and my big mouth.... I should have just kept quiet.. Ok evolve."

[Host is Evolving]

Ikari felt his body grow even bigger, he was now even taller than some trees. He was now 15 ft, almost twice as big as before. He felt his all his senses become 2x better than were before. He had now evolved.

[Host has evolved from a Young Dragon to an Teen Dragon]

[Host must choose path to take:

1. Primal Dragon

2. Evil Dragon

3. Nephillim Dragon

4. Holy Dragon

These four options will determine what type of Dragon you become.]

Ikari just stood there staring at the screen. He wanted to know the pros and cons for the different types of dragons.