
A Dragon's Journey in Danmachi

PLEASE JOIN MY DISCORD AND VOTE ON THE "HAREM OR NOT" POLL! (Link below) One day, Ryuu, a dragonoid with a pure dragon bloodline, is attacked by the notorious group known as the Dragon Hunters. While trying to escape, he discovers a mysterious portal that transports him to an endless white void. Before he can investigate further, he is immediately pinned to the ground by an aura so oppressive that almost torn his body apart... [Who are you, mortal?] --- I created a discord server to show you Ryuu's original art! Here's the link: https://discord.gg/aeTgYGfAcG I also have a patreon if anyone wishes to support my work: patreon.com/user?u=84718495

LunaSkylair · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Karmic Secrets: The Ties That Bind

"I see…"

Ryuu responded, trying to keep his tone even as his mind raced with the implications of Chloe's revelation. He couldn't deny the storm of emotions that was brewing within him, but he knew he needed to remain composed.

'She's a descendant of Dragons?'

He knew that names held a great deal of meaning and power in this world, and it seemed unlikely that a family would give their child a name that could be misinterpreted as possessing special abilities or traits unless there was some truth to it.

Ryuu's eyes narrowed as he stared intently at Chloe, his gaze growing stern.

"Is the waitress in question here now?"

He asked quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. Chloe could sense a faint aura emanating from him. She almost couldn't feel it, but it was there, just beneath the surface.

Ryuu's demeanor had changed in an instant, and Chloe couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Though she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was.

Since there was no hostility, she calmly whispered back a response

"Is it important?"

As someone with deep connections to dragons, Ryuu was concerned when he couldn't sense the aura of another Dragon descendant.

'Could they be a different species? Is this world so different from my own?...'

A flood of questions rushed through his mind as he knew that a lack of information could be troublesome.

Ryuu let out a sigh, trying not to show his frustration. He had spent enough time with Chloe to understand her behavior. She was being extra cautious around him because he had been able to see through her with just a single glance. If he were to do the same with her colleagues, it could potentially cause her some problems.

After considering the situation, Ryuu smiled warmly. He wanted to show Chloe that he meant no harm.

"I understand, Chloe. If you don't want me to meet her, then I won't. I'm just curious to meet someone who shares the same name as me. It's not often that you come across this kind of situation, so I can't help but be curious." Ryuu tried to keep his tone light and friendly, hoping to put Chloe at ease.

Before she could respond, though, their conversation was interrupted abruptly by someone whose voice made his blood faintly resonate.

"There's no need to trouble Chloe-san further. I am who you were seeking for."

Ryuu's attention was immediately drawn to the beautiful girl, who held an expressionless gaze. Even though his natural instincts were trying to analyze every aspect of her being, he already knew everything he needed to know with just a single glance.

'She was a descendant of Dragons in one of her previous lives. That connection still lingers, as karma is not yet extinguished...'

Karma. A mysterious and complex force, even for the Oldest Gods. It is a law that operates on its own plane, beyond the understanding of mortals and deities alike. Ryuu is able to see the thin white line of karma extending from her because of their deep connection as beings of the same species, although her dragon traits are now sealed away. Even Ryuu's own power is unable to do anything about it.

Unless he uses a special method...

'I still see no need to do "that" for her, though.

As he could feel his own Dragon Bloodline pressured from all sides in this world, he knows that even though his distinguishing traits as a member of the dragon race are hidden, he still possesses the authority to use his full power against other members of his species. Ryuu Lion, a mere level 4, could never hope to match up against him…but that is a story for another time.

"You indeed are more than worthy to have the same name I have."

This calm whisper echoed in her mind, causing Ryuu's heart to beat faster in response, an unknown feeling she never knew she could feel…though Ryuu Lion merely snorted and replied

"I didn't need your acknowledgment."

This exchange not only caused invisible 'sparks' in the air, it even made Chloe, the assassin known for her cold-blooded mindset, to smile awkwardly. She could feel the mood would sour quickly if she didn't step in.

"Now Now, let's all calm down. How did you know he was looking for you, Ryuu?"

Trying to change the subject, Chloe asked Ryuu in the most natural way she knew, although she had a feeling she already knew the answer.

"Anya-san told me."

As Ryuu Lion spoke, the group could see Anya staring at them with visible worry on her face. She knew she had done something wrong, but didn't know what else to do. She busied herself with the remaining customers, trying to make up for their absence. If she didn't, a certain woman would surely slap all of them for not doing their work.

"I see..."

Chloe wanted to add something, but was interrupted.

"I did not 'acknowledge' you or anything. I was simply curious to learn more about you."

These words caused Ryuu to tilt her head in confusion. She can understand how the similarity in their names might spark curiosity, but does he really find her that interesting?

While these thoughts clouded Ryuu Lion's mind, Chloe was sweating profusely as she struggled to maintain her smile.

'How did he become so good at hiding his true thoughts so quickly?!'

Previously, Chloe had been able to use her endless experience to glean some understanding of Ryuu's thoughts based on small details and natural reactions. But now, all she could 'see' was a thick veil covering him. He has become skilled at masking everything, like an Ancient God.

The truth is, Ryuu has never had to act so secretive in his life before, and he is still somewhat inexperienced. But when faced with formidable opponents like Mia Grand, Ryuu Lion, or Chloe Rollo who could spot any abnormality with a single glance, he had no choice but to improve.

'Dealing with Hermes would still be ten thousand times more difficult, though. This is nothing compared to him.'

He was using his shallow understanding of Hermes's behavior to gradually correct and improve this "ability," seeing it as just a useful tool for the future…

"It would be rude of me to impose on you any longer, so I'll leave. Thank you for the hospitality and the meal, Chloe. I appreciate your sincerity. Let me be the one to invite you to a meal next time."

Ryuu spoke with a charming smile, indicating that he is deeply interested in Chloe, almost as much as he is in Ryuu Lion, his "companion" who once shared the same kind of blood that he has flowing through his veins.

His sincere words caused Chloe to snap out of her thoughts, and she briefly revealed a smile as her tail swayed hypnotically in response to his obvious flirting.

"Please be sure to bring lots of Valis with you next time, or you'll end up in a huge debt by the time I'm done with you!"

Chloe added, though she still wanted to understand who Ryuu was first.

Her instincts told her he had no wish to harm anyone here, instead, she could feel his gaze landing everywhere on her body, though the gaze never held a single hint of lust.

Would any woman feel resentment towards such a gaze? By a handsome man, no less?

'You're dangerous...'

In her entire life, the only people who managed to make her heart 'flutter' were children, due to their innate innocence that she always wished she could protect. Still, Chloe couldn't help but feel a little caught off guard by Ryuu's advances. She wouldn't throw herself at him, but she couldn't say that she felt nothing either. She realized that she was being a bit of a hypocrite...

Satisfied with Chloe's reaction, Ryuu's smile grew as he strode towards the door, intending to leave.

Before he could leave, the door was forcibly opened. Ryuu didn't seem to care about what was about to happen, but before he could pass by the people who had rudely entered, the werewolf in front of him frowned.

"Hey, little shit. Why aren't you moving aside...?"

While this was unfolding, the crowd let out a bitter sigh. Especially the females.

"Why did that brute have to come here...?"

"Yeah, would he ruin our precious Handsome Man's face?"

Even though the group pretended like everything was normal, all the females kept staring at Ryuu the entire time, indicating that they saw what was happening at the moment, although they had no hope for Ryuu to resist the man who had just entered the pub.

He was known as Bete Loga, a first-class adventurer who was infamous for provocatively challenging every single 'weak' adventurer without exception. Even though they didn't know if Ryuu was an adventurer, his sculpted body suggested that he was at least a level 2, as it was impossible in their eyes for a weak 'mortal' to have such beauty and 'strength.

Though no one understood even 1% of who Ryuu truly was, he exuded an air of dominance as he spoke.

"I didn't know this pub allowed mere dogs to trespass. If I knew, I'd let my own dog come here for a nice walk."

Unable to resist the terrifying pressure he subconsciously emitted, the crowd stood frozen in fear. With a single sentence, Bete Loga provoked a mad beast he should never have dared to…

Meanwhile, another being who was quietly observing the scene was cursing under their breath.

'Damn it! Everything was going so smoothly...'

Asfi vowed to herself that she would never accept another job involving Ryuu in this life.