
She Was His Lifeline

Hannah's head was reeling the day after her birthday. Yesterday had been pretty crazy between her boyfriend not only being cool with her job but wanting her to move in with him. That was a big step!

He had a point about them spending all of their time together so it was silly to live apart though. Her biggest reservation on the matter was Spyro. If he got along with Ezra, there wasn't any real reason not to go through with it. 

She fed the beardie as soon as she got home before she even got in the shower. "Are you going to be a good boy today, baby? Because I really need you to be. I could see myself spending the rest of my life with this guy but that isn't going to work if you two can't get along. So play nice, okay?"

Spyro didn't understand what she was saying. He was too busy eating his vegetables.