
A Doomed Life

Fast forward 13 years after her parents death, Annabelle, daughter of original vampire-traveler Elijah and vampire-werewolf hybrid Hayley, fights her way through life without her mother and father. Only to know her fate is doomed to an end...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 4: The Hangover

God! I want to die right now! I have the worst hangover of my life, and you'd think since I'm supernatural that I wouldn't be such a lightweight, but I am sadly. And even though I was a mess Katherine still came up to my room, I thought she was going to yell and scream at me but surprisingly not, she gave me some medicine for the headache and made breakfast downstairs for everyone. I put some actual clothes on, fixed my hair, and went downstairs to eat. But of course, Kaylee, Nik, and Ian were all waiting with Katherine down there probably to give me some stupid life lesson about how I should be thinking about my safety and all the people that want to hurt me. And that's when I finally had enough and flipped. I threw a table across the room, which I didn't know I could do, and then I took every ounce of anger in my head and screamed at everyone about everything. I said how I can't get hurt because I'm so powerful and how I can't just be a normal teenage girl anymore, I have to many "responsibilities" and I can't keep living like this anymore. How I'm just a girl and need to be able to let go and feel like a normal person for once in my life I need to stop worrying about people that want to hurt me and focus on the ones that want to protect me. I think I hit a soft spot with all that for everyone because they immediately shut up and listened for once. But the thing is that when I scream I let out a wave of magic. It threw everyone that was around me away. Just like thin air, they just got thrown away from me with one scream...

Katherine's POV: I couldn't believe what I was hearing, Anna was so out of it and so angry I could've believed she was Elijah for a second there. She definitely has his anger issues, but we didn't have time for silly tantrums, we can go over that later. For now we have to focus on the real problem. Anna is going to be a werewolf. She's going to turn on the full moon and there is nothing we can do about it! So I had to be the bad guy and yell back. I hated it because I was sounding like Elijah too, I told her that she needed to calm down and focus on the fact that she'd turn in 3 days. Everyone started worrying about it. But Anna seemed perfectly fine...

Anna's POV: I realized that I had indeed killed Lamar, so the curse would be upheld on me. I had 3 days to prepare myself. But I knew one way to get out of it, I could just turn into a vampire. Then that side of me would be activated, I wouldn't have to turn so I was calm as ever. Everyone else on the other hand was worried, I didn't really care knowing I found a way out of it, but I can't tell anyone, especially Katherine. She'd kill me, literally. So I planned to do a spell on Ian to make him weak enough to get his blood, I would do it on Nik or Katherine but they're original vampires and would probably be able to fight through it seeing as I'm still learning what I'm capable of. I'd get only one chance to do it, when Ian takes me to school tomorrow, because after that it's the weekend and I won't have that opportunity again. So once we pull up to the school tomorrow I'd do the spell and take his blood, and before he'd get back to the house to tell anyone I'd be long "dead" it's a flawless plan...


Katherine's POV: Ian is getting ready to drive Anna to school. I told him to try and calm her down about being an actual werewolf and not to cause any type of scene at school or our covers would be blown. He agreed but said that she wouldn't like him very much after. I didn't really care because he's our family and I love him. There's no way Anna could hate him forever. I just know she'll get through this, it's her first transformation in two days and she's going to survive it, she has to, I know it. I believe in that girl so much, she just doesn't know it...

Anna's POV: Ian and I just arrived at my school, he was rambling on and on about how to not worry about my transformation, but I think he needed to take him own advise because he's going crazy about it thinking I'm going to die or something. Anyway, after all the rambling I don't really feel bad about what I'm about to do. I started mumbling, and before Ian could ask what I was doing he got a massive migraine and that's when I took a vile of his blood and ran out of the car, and as soon as the car for shut I could hear his open and coming after me. The thing is that he couldn't vamp run over to me so I was safe. I ran into the girls locker room and drank his blood, it was so disgusting but soon I won't be able to resist blood. I heard him run into the locker room and fear whipped over his face knowing what I was about to do. So Ian being the "hero" called Katherine and Nik to get down here immediately, but before he got off the call I swallowed a bunch of pills I took from Heidi and everything went black...