
A Doomed Life

Fast forward 13 years after her parents death, Annabelle, daughter of original vampire-traveler Elijah and vampire-werewolf hybrid Hayley, fights her way through life without her mother and father. Only to know her fate is doomed to an end...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 2: Fitting In

I decided to spend the day with Katherine, Nik, Ian and Kaylee. They are my family and I love them. Kaylee is teaching me some new spells, they're pretty hard but I think I'll get it, after that Katherine and Ian are going to show me how to be a vampire (even though I'm technically not a vampire it's in my blood and I need blood to survive) so that one day if I decide to become a true vampire I'll know exactly how to handle myself. The day is coming up soon, I'll want to turn at a young age. Maybe sometimes this year or when I'm 17 or 18, I'm not sure if I even want to but still. Then uncle Nik is preparing me for the day that my werewolf curse is triggered. Right now I'm only a witch, a very powerful one I might add, and when my werwolf side is released it's because I killed someone, so I'll have to figure out if I'll be a werewolf or a vampire first. I can be the most powerful creature on this planet if I want to. Also, I have school tomorrow. I know what you're thinking, why does an all powerful tribrid have to go to school when that's her life, well it's because my school isn't just an ordinary school. Humans don't know about us, Katherine is trying to keep it that way, humans did once and it ended badly for everyone, so any supernatural creature including myself goes to a regular high school to blend in with everyone else. And on any other day that we aren't attending school one of my family members is training them to keep their supernatural instincts under control, we can't repeat the past is what Katherine always tells me!

I just finished all my training and practice and I made an important decision, I'm going to turn into a vampire then a werewolf, I couldn't live with the curse of the sun and the moon. Turning every month, not my thing, plus being a vampire is not an ideal thing so learning quicker would be easier, I'm not sure when I want to turn though. I suppose I'll cross that bridge when it comes. In the meantime I'm going to my first day of public high school tomorrow, I've been training with some of the other supernaturals that have already been attending, so at least I'll know some people and won't be the loner girl. I'm starting off as a sophomore, most of the others are either juniors or sophomores with me. I don't really socialize unless it's with my family, even then I'm still sort of shy so I hope this isn't as hard as I think it is. However, there is one person who is a human who offered to show me around, her name is Heidi and I told my family that they need to start calling me Anna because let's face it, we all know my dad picked my name and he was like a billion years old and that sounds like an old person name so I decided to make myself a little more "modern" if at all possible living with a bunch of like 500 year old vampires...


I prepared an outfit for school, I'm wearing my signature look, a white-tied lace shirt with black jeans, my favorite leather jacket and just a regular pair of sneakers, I can't go around looking to exotic. I put my hair up in a bun, I usually have it curled but it's just school after all, and I wore some bracelets and most importantly my necklace. Almost like my mother's locket necklace except this one is more my style, it's a black heart with little hearts inside, it looks like any generic necklace but it's holding herbs in it so that it mutes my magic that way if I lose control or get mad I can't "witch out" which is a good thing I suppose. Anyway, Im at school. Ian drove me out from the house and offered to come in with me to make sure everything was good with my "transcript" if that's what it's called anyway, I've never been to an actual school so I have no records. The main reason he came with me, to compel the principle if needed. But the most embarrassing thing happened, after Ian left Heidi came up to me, introduced herself formerly, and asked who the hot guy I was with was. That was the worst possible thing ever to happen. Ian was like my uncle, him and Katherine are dating again so basically ya, I told her he was dating my aunt, after that whole misunderstanding she showed me all the clubs I could join and which ones to avoid. Then she introduced me to all of her friends, I recognized one of the werewolves from training hanging out with them, her name is Maria, she's sort of weird not someone I'd be friends with. Then Heidi convinced me to join the cheerleading team with her. It's not really my thing but I figured if I want to blend in I had to do things I didn't want to. I swear this girl never stops talking, but she has good reasons, I'm new, so she invited me over to a party for the beginning of the school year. I told her I'd think about it because even though my life is a mess I don't think high school parting and drinking is part of my "human experience" deal. So I guess I'll just have to make it through the day and ask when I get home...