
A Doctor's Challenge Winning the Spoiled Girl

Who a- are you? How have you been here?" Kim's lips stuttered with fright as she immediately pulled the blanket to cover her breast. "Are you scared!? Eh?" The man sniffled, taking small steps towards her, making her drag her back. In a moment of passion, Kim's life is shattered when a drunken stranger mistakes her for his lover. The price she pays is steep, as she loses everything she holds dear and must forge a new path in life. Enter a mysterious doctor, whose charming presence is a balm to her wounded soul. But he too carries a heavy burden - an incurable disease that threatens to consume him. As they navigate their own emotional turmoil, they find themselves drawn to each other, despite their reservations. Can they unlock the key to each other's hearts and find love amidst their pain? Or will their kiss remain forever locked? This poignant and captivating story will keep you turning the pages until the very end.

queen_ofashes · Urban
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108 Chs

The Bitter Lesson of Betrayal

As I lay on my bed in the darkness of the night, I couldn't help but wonder what I had done to deserve a man like Dillon. The sole question kept me awake the entire night, and as the hours ticked by, my mind became more consumed with finding an answer.

I knew I had to leave before Dillon woke up at 7 am, but my thoughts were too preoccupied with trying to make sense of the situation I found myself in. Had I hurt my parents, and this was karma coming back to haunt me? But I had met Dillon before all of this, so why me?

All my friends who were in happy relationships had boys who cared for them deeply and were loyal to them. So, why did I have to end up with a man who betrayed me?

My dreams of finding a man who loved me and only me, whose world revolved around me just like the earth revolves around the sun, had all been shattered. The man I thought was my everything had turned out to be a betrayer.

The night had started with plans of celebrating our love in the most romantic way, offering him everything without expecting anything in return. But instead, reality had hit me hard, and I was left with a broken heart.

The thought of staying with Dillon, who had cheated on me, was unbearable. I knew I had to leave, but where would I go? Going back home was not an option as my parents had made it clear that they did not want me back.

As I leaned against the headboard of the bed and buried my face in my hands, tears streamed down my cheeks. I cried for what seemed like hours, mourning the loss of the life I had imagined for myself.

But as the sweet melody of the birds outside my window filled the room, a sense of hope began to stir within me. I knew that healing from this heartbreak would take time, but I had no one to turn to for support.

Finally, I managed to pull myself together and picked up my phone. It was 6:30 am, and I knew I had to act fast before Dillon woke up. I dialed the number of my closest friend, Sarah, hoping that she would be able to help me.

Sarah was the only person who knew about my relationship with Dillon, and even though I had cut ties with her since leaving home, I knew she would be there for me in my time of need. As the phone rang, my heart raced with anticipation, hoping that Sarah would answer and provide the support that I so desperately needed.

I had a faint hope that Sarah, my old friend, would help me in this tough time. After three beeps, she answered the call.

"Hey Sarah, it's Grace," I spoke slowly.

"Oh, hi Grace. How have you been?" she inquired.

"I'm doing okay. You never tried to contact me since I left home," I said, trying to keep my tone calm.

"Yeah, I got busy with my studies," she replied, making an excuse for her silence.

My heart sank as she asked about my love life. "By the way, are you continuing with your studies or left it for that so-called poor class boy?" She said, emphasizing the word 'poor.'

I gritted my teeth, but managed to keep my cool. The man I chose to spend my life with might not have been wealthy, but he was rich in his heart. He couldn't afford my education, but I didn't care. I took a deep breath before answering, "I took a break, but I will continue soon."

Asking for help wasn't easy, but I needed Sarah's assistance. "Sarah, I'm in great trouble and badly need your help."

"What happened?" She asked with concern.

I explained everything to her, from Dillon's cheating to his plan to marry me for my wealth and then abandon me. Sarah listened patiently without interrupting me.

"I need your help. I planned to run away from here. I need a place to stay for some time. Would you help me?" I asked, my voice trembling with fear and desperation.

"Grace, pack your bags and get out of that hellhole without wasting one more minute," Sarah said with urgency in her voice.

I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. "Thank you, Sarah. I can never forget your favor."

"You'll have plenty of time to thank me later. Just run," she said.

I hung up the phone, changed my clothes, and quickly packed my bags. Dillon was sleeping in the living room, so I had to escape without waking him up. I looked around the room for a way out, and my eyes fell on the window.

The window was small, but it was my only escape route. I carefully opened it and slipped out, trying to make as little noise as possible. My heart was pounding with fear as I landed on the ground. I knew I had to run as fast as I could before Dillon woke up and realized what was happening.

I sprinted down the street, my heart racing with every step. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I had to get as far away from Dillon as possible. Tears streamed down my face as I thought about the life I had left behind. But I also felt a glimmer of hope for the first time in a long time. I knew that with Sarah's help, I could start a new life, a life without fear and pain.

As I stood in front of the open window, I could feel my heart beating fast and my palms getting sweaty. I knew this was my only way out. The only way to escape the prison that Dillon had created for me. With a deep breath, I grabbed my bag and threw it outside the window, making sure it landed safely on the ground. Then, I mustered all my courage and jumped out of the window, feeling the rush of wind on my face and the ground approaching fast.

Once I landed, I quickly gathered my belongings and composed a letter to Dillon. As I put my thoughts into words, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. I had loved him with all my heart, and yet, he had betrayed me in the worst way possible. But as I penned down my thoughts, I realized that this was a lesson that I needed to learn. A lesson that would make me stronger and wiser.

With the letter in hand, I left Dillon's home behind and got into Sarah's car. As we drove away from that dark and suffocating place, I felt like a bird freed from its cage. I was leaving behind the person who had brought me down and was ready to start anew.

After a 30-minute drive, we arrived at Sarah's home. As soon as I stepped inside, I felt a sense of warmth and comfort. It was like a breath of fresh air, a sanctuary from the chaos that had been my life for the past few months. Sarah listened patiently as I recounted everything that had happened, offering words of comfort and encouragement. It was then that I knew that I had made the right decision.

The next few days were spent in introspection and planning. I knew that I had to rebuild my life and regain the trust of my family. With Sarah's help, I started looking for a job and working on improving myself. It wasn't easy, but I was determined to come out of this experience stronger and better.

As the days turned into weeks, I began to realize that leaving Dillon was the best decision I could have made. I had gained a new perspective on life and learned valuable lessons about love and trust. And even though the journey ahead was uncertain, I was ready to face it head-on, with courage and resilience.