
A DM’s Guide To The New World


Shansee · Fantasy
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4 Chs

First Session (1)

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself lying face-first in some grass. I guess I survived whatever the hell happened… and oddly enough, I didn't feel injured anywhere either. I rolled onto my back and sat up. I was in a grassy field next to a patch of trees, not quite big enough to be considered a real forest. I did not recognize a single thing around me. Questions raced through my head at an incredible speed.

What happened? Where am I? Where are the others? How did I get here? Why has no one come to help?

I could tell by the rising sun that it must be some time in the morning. My friends and I had been hanging out at night, so I must have been unconscious for a while. Suddenly I realized the obvious way to answer some of my questions, and I reached into my pocket for my phone… wait. These were not my clothes. I took a moment to process this. Now I had many more questions. I inspected what I was wearing and found that I had dark brown pants with no pockets, a grey shirt with some dirt stains from laying in the grass, and a black overcoat which was lined with pockets on the inside.

This had to be some sort of dream. I must have hit my head during that earthquake.

I stood up and looked around. Everything certainly felt real. I decided to call out and see if anyone else was around.

"Hello? Is anyone out there?"

No response. I didn't see anything out in the grassy field, so I decided to walk into the trees. Along the way I rifled through my coat pockets and found all kinds of random things, none of which were my phone. Inspecting the items in my coat, a horrible realization hit me. These were all spellcasting components in the game I run for my friends.

"Okay okay okay, this is definitely a dream, and I'm going to wake up at any moment now."

I began speaking to myself out loud just to hear the sound of someone's voice and try to calm down. Suddenly the clothes I was wearing made perfect sense to me. I rushed through the trees until I came to a stream and I got down and looked at my reflection. There was no mistaking it. What I saw in the river was the boss my friends had just defeated, Merek. I looked exactly how I had envisioned him, except for the face, which looked just like me.

"Oh shit…"

My thoughts were racing as this realization hit me. This had to be a dream, but it still felt way too real. I made up my mind to stop thinking about it all so much or else I would break down in a panic. First thing was first. I needed to find my friends, or anyone else for that matter. I continued walking through the small forest when suddenly I heard a ton of rustling coming from off to the side. I saw some sort of figure running away from some dark shapes which seemed to be down on all fours. I immediately began following as well. I had no idea how dangerous this was, and I was scared as hell, but this was the only other person I had seen and I wasn't going to let this chance get away.