
A Distant Land

Willow is a princess who has been sent to a distant land to be married as a war breaks out in her own homeland. The King to which she has been sent has three sons who are yet to be betrothed and Willow has no choice of who she is to marry. One brother claims her as his own, but he will have to fight to keep her for himself.

Maggie_Grubb · Fantasy
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10 Chs

~Chapter 2~

King Harold's castle was grand and even larger than the one back home. Willow's pale green eyes darted all around, taking in every detail as the servant who had greeted her lead her through the grounds. They walked past a beautiful fountain, the statue of an elegant woman stood in the middle with water pouring out of a crystal bowl which she held upon her shoulder. As they reached a tremendous wooden door, the man stopped.

"You will be introduced to the royal family now, my lady," he informed her, "King Harold's sons are eager to meet you". Willow's heart beat quickly at the thought that one of the men in this room would be her husband. He swung open the doors and the princess stepped into a grand hall.

"Princess Willow of Kilmonte!" the servant's voice echoed through the large room. At the end of the hall, the king and queen sat in two elegant thrones. To their right, four young men stood tall and proud. Alongside them, there were two girls, one of which whispered in the other's ear as Willow approached.

She stopped before them all and gave a long, deep curtsy. Looking up at them, she couldn't help but notice what a gorgeous family they were. They all had dark brown hair that complemented golden-brown eyes and lightly tanned skin. They were the opposite of Willow's pale skin and blonde hair, she thought to herself.

"Princess Willow," the king greeted, "it is lovely to meet you. I do wish it was under more agreeable circumstances, I am sorry for your kingdom's troubles." Willow stiffened. She had nearly forgotten about the war. "In any case, you are as beautiful as your father promised," he continued, "my name is King Harold, as I'm sure you are aware, and this is my wife Esmay. As well, my sons Dorian, James, Percy, and William."

Each son dipped their head as their name was stated. Willow waited for him to introduce the two girls, which she assumed must be his daughters, but he continued on. "Dorian, my eldest, is the crowned prince. He will soon marry a princess of Warrelstone. However, James, Percy, and William are not yet betrothed. If one of them finds you suitable, he will take you as his wife."

Willow looked to the three men. James was the oldest of the three, maybe a few years older than Willow was. He was tall and handsome, with broad muscular shoulders, but he had a cold look in his eyes. Perhaps he was not pleased with her appearance, she wondered. Percy was nearly James' height, but his build was more lean, and his dark hair flowed gently over charming features. He had strong cheekbones that sat under a welcoming gaze. Finally, William appeared the youngest. His eyes drifted with boredom about the room, obviously wanting no part in this whole ordeal.

She gave them all the kindest smile the could muster. "Your majesty, thank you for welcoming me into your home," the princess said, forcing a sweet tone, "I will do my very best to be a suitable wife for one of your sons." Willow hoped that the sarcasm she felt did not seep through into her voice, but she was insulted by his choice of words.

"I do believe you will," the king said while looking her body up and down. The dress she wore exposed her cleavage and she noticed his eyes lingering on her chest. "Charlize!" He called out. A slender woman came quickly to his call. "Please show the Princess to her room to let her rest after her travels." Charlize curtsied.

"This way Princess." She beckoned and led Willow down a long hallway to her new room.