
Chapter 1 This is me, Eddy

I was born in a small province in a small jersey and is constantly waging war, in fact, there is no peace on the whole planet, only there is more restlessness somewhere than in some places people are very nervous and tense, even in families there are quarrels, hope has disappeared with the last gentleman who was in the power of our planet and now has many small and great dr country.

It all started five years ago when they killed the master of our planet and the blasphemy happened, everyone wanted to be rulers.

Now the people do not have a lot of resources to stay and everyone is afraid of the darkness that came out when they killed the king.

It's forbidden to talk about the king of our planet. People are working, but not enough.

they grow crops but very slowly they are all nervous because they fear that nursing can feed their children.

and I'm female and there is no work for my inability is a very difficult faculty and my family thinks what to do with me.

a merchant traveler friend of my parents suggested that they marry me for the noblemen they Joe always have power but my appearance is fine to me not an attractive faculty person with a league on a middle-aged man though I have Just 19 years old what will happen when I'm older.

I was employed in a mill, but they misjudged me and employed me as a man of 30 years .... they were laughing at all in my voice, but in my hand I also got an apartment and now I live separately from my family is to carry 20 kg of flour in bags. but it's a well-paid job. It hurts me that I can not find a guy who will marry me. But that's why women are attacking me TT-TT, I do not have luck at all ... I like young people but do not notice me out of work TT-TT ... maybe find a new job?

Every day is almost the same and boring I met a lot of girls who are interesting in their own way. The young man I like is employed in a new workplace now we are buddies ... and he is married to a girl for whom a month his parents found him from a noble family, so he has to work twice as much, that her parents would approve of the wedding ... and only about my love ended before it was divided. but at least I have a friend who wants to help me. And he's 30 years old and looks like a girl of 20 .... but still thinks that I am someone who is 30 years old and I am male ... but my attributes are people where your eyes are ....

My breasts are extra large as the size of the chest is 120 F and my waist is 59 and the hips are 79 ....

With all those proportions, I always miss my sex.

and now the girl who just moved in is courting me. I stopped paying attention and I was given the opportunity to find a new position in the mill, and the chief told me to compete and to lose the job safely. I've been busy there for almost half a year.When I get a paycheck, buy a new wardrobe a little more feminine.Now I'm going to meet with the women at the mill and then go to the meadow to make a picnic.It's been a long time since we had free time 💖.

They also called my other something like getting to know his wife, but there he is just a casino little lady. When we got together, he told us that she was in the meadow and that the top made everything for the picnic.This sounds familiar to me I do not like a bit. It reminds me of the family gatherings that my sisters sheltered and made mistakes and cultural as long as they were used.We got to the meadow and there my family was surprised. I was gentle in shock when I saw Mom and Dad and Grandma sitting on a chair that was portable. but what was most shocking was that no sister was there at the moment. Do I say I do not know them or do something else because they practically kicked me out when I was 18 years old and go to work. They still give me a little more money after they laid down my education."Good day. We have not seen a year and a half a long time." - I have strengthened my family, which I have not seen for a long time, is that they have further money, but that's all communication.

"Good afternoon, how are you that we have not seen you for a long time, you can send a letter."- My mom answered me. my dad is full of rage because of their further money without address. I do not want to communicate with them so much. and when I continue to steam further exclusively from the post office. I think they realized I wanted freedom from them, but they are my parents and they have the right to bother me . "How are your daughters where they are now?"- I asked for kindness, but better to make a space they are my guardians, and no more than 18 I am my own person. "thank you for receiving me into your home when my house burned down ten years ago, my dear cousins."

I said with pride and skillfully covered the trail and made some of them to the noblemen because I do not even have a trace that I am their child, and there was a confusion before I left the family home. My sisters have made my parents kick me out of the will and from the home where I was 18 years old.

Now I have succeeded without any help other than good people in a mill and this small town 100 times smaller than the province where my family lives. "how do they manage how much you still need to get the money back to us for having lived with us for 8 years," said my dad.

"I'm still looking for one more job, I think it will be by the end of next year if we can do something else, mostly between jobs" - I replied. and that's why I can not buy a new wardrobe is that I have to pay my 1000 gold coins my salary is 10 golds in a month.my cabin is 2 gold coins a month and food is 1 gold coin for a month. I send 7 gold coins to them every month. I hope that Cu will almost get a baby's salary to pay them all right away."oh, what do I see it" -non unknown voice is actually known to me, but I thought that he never saw him again in my life why me.

"Good day sir. do you have good health? "- I answered, and now I'm a little powerless, I'm divorcing the escape plan to another country."I apologize for wrong thinking that you are one of the daughters who marry a peasant because of the lies they have made."-a gentleman who was with my sisters and with me, but he never trusted me, even he even hit me. "Sir, I'm a cousin of these fine people. "- I said that hoping it would make a barrier and a line which he will not be able to pass because of social status, because if he comes my status will fly to the sky and his gesture will fall into the mud. I know it's wise enough not to approach me as a daughter of a nobleman but as a peasant. I think his pride breaks when I'm in the neighborhood, so they need me when they blamed me for what my sisters did .

"darling, are you okay? you look bad "- a girl who was new at work in a mill asked me."I'm fine, my friend."- I told her.

next to me stood another colleague from a mill that helped me sit on the ground.

a few days ago I was very sick I was still cold so my colleagues knew about my condition."Eddy, what happened?" A panic was heard in my father's words. "It's not just a little cold," I said. In a couple of minutes, they all calmed down. "My dear cousins, I will give you the money I owe you for education. "- My voice was weak because of the cold. my colleagues gathered around me because I helped them on a rainy day and we all ended up fast but I was cold because it was not my shift and afterwards I continued in my shift, in a wet suit that could be cut, but after that, I fainted.The boss was angry, but he took me to the doctor, I was on my feet the next day.my shift was double because of the proposed day.After a while, I remembered to ask, "How did you manage to come here from the province?"

"we simply took the transport that was the best among the nobles"- said my mom.

The nobles have reliefs from peasants and ordinary citizens.

"When I pay you a debt, I plan to travel around the world. "- I said to all present, although my colleagues already know this.

"I'm better than I was, "I said then I got up .

But even my parents knew they just always loved to be what they said we listened to everything, although perhaps I listened to most of what they were saying.

"Eddy, are you okay," my sister asked.

"I'm fine, what's new to you?"-I asked.

"Eddy, are you still angry with me because of the confusion?"My sister asked."that I am, but when paying out gold coins may be more angry." I answered.

We all agreed to pack it, it was raining. after a few hours since we went to the mill, the rain did not stop the college, It was impossible to work. the weather was rattling. The clouds became darker and darker until blackness.There was a huge lightning, and then a thunder went off, echoing like cannons to shoot. in that storm Eddy went home alone on the streets there were not a lot of people all running away from the storm.

Eddy struggled slowly through the rain by the street to get back to her cabin that was the last in the street.

She walked into her hut, closed the door, took off her wet dressing room and took to dress in a dry wardrobe at that moment the goal changed. The thunder struck next to her house.In some cases, her house was gone ... only a strange light remained left for a few hours until it completely disappeared. A few days later, her parents sold it with tidbits when they got the news that her house just disappeared and she was gone.their plans fell into the water, and everything that crashed was not aware of until they lost what they had.they buried the funeral because they did not know where she might disappear.

in Eddy's hut she changed and opened the door she was in the shower her house was in the middle of a green meadow.

It was a wonder that she managed to create on a green meadow with a beautiful blue sky and pine trees with the scent of beautiful roses. Izabela walked out of the hut and circled and returned . "I have to dream," she said, and Israel again out. one day, nothing happened. Of course she did not know she was no longer on her planet.

she was on a planet that is similar to her, but she has crazy scientists. so it was created here in the meadow.

Fortunately, she had a couple of gold coins in her, since she did not arrive home by mail. she had some wheat seeds and a hoe. She sipped the roast because she did not know how much to stay there.

After a couple of days the lance came out She was in shock. because the roast should be very long to grow. For a couple of days she was thinking about what to do, since she can not and only from the berries she collects in the meadow. for the wonderful miracle they are not poisonous and can eat . she decided to find first and the city or village wherever they were. while she took the track it took her 1 day. and she needed two days to get to the first village after she did not leave the hut alone.

When she appeared in the village, people looked at her a little surprised as her hair color was a golden blonde. her eyes were green like a young grass. Her dress was a little different from their normal dressing. "Good afternoon can you tell me the name of your village," Eddy asked. The villagers were Joe in shock as she sold as if she were from the royal family and she looked so. Then the village leader approached. "Where are you from?" Asked the village leader.

"My name is Eddy, I do not know where I only know that my cottage is in a green meadow next to a pinewood with roses," said Eddy.

"It's mysterious, but we know that they are guilty of our scientific and for it. It's painful to play with experiments. Do you need some help and how much do you have? "- asked the village leader.

"I myself need water and you can tell me how fast the crop is growing in you. "- Eddy said.

"Once a week . but you do not have to use the root of some herbs after they are thrown out again, "said the head of the village.

After a couple of days, Eddy got a nice crop that she sold to the village and a seal is next week to re-pick the perch in order to make bread.She found out that she was on a planet close to her by her before they were able to visit people from both planets, but the apparatus on her planet broke up 100 years ago. and on these present planets there is magic and people have affinity to use telekinesis. so that the transport of water is with telekinesis and magic. The well that is next to it is now built on odnjabs crop automatically through the magic of water.

and because the dressing room here is a bit of a Finiks, and it looks a little attractive next to the body. she met the entire village and has many good relations. since it is fairly noble and feminine, people are more kind to buy the bread they make. they give her flowers every time she goes to the village even though she makes perfumes and soaps that she then sell for a low price.