
A Different Twilight Story

Hadrian and Isabella Swan ,Twins move in with their father to the gloomy and rainy town of Forks but instead of the boring and expected life in such a small town, their lives are forever altered in a permanent way as hurdles they never even imagined come their way. A more Dramatic and thrilling Re-telling of the Twilight Series

Ariella_T · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 9

Hadrian POV

When he saw Bella's face change to jealousy and back to a completely innocent face he first thought that he imagined it, but then his thoughts went to his childhood memories of growing up with Bella, unlike what the book makes it seem she was a nightmare with her clinginess ,jealousy and her nosiness. She also suffered from the delusion that she deserved the best because of how selfless she is . So I figured that she was jealous of my car and thinking about how it should be hers.

On the way back I opted to sit behind and pretended to sleep since from reading the books I already know Bella hates sitting in the back and because I already changed a lot of things and planned to change even more things from canon in the future to make my life better and unite with my mates despite how selfish that sound so to make up a bit for that I decided to let harmless things like the awkward car conversation happen like the original without any interference from me, just like in the books it was awkward as heck especially since Bella never tried to reach out and contact dad on a regular basis outside of summer vacation and the occasional Christmas ,birthdays and thanksgivings etc...

It was hilariously cringe listening to the both of them trying to talk and at the same time completely unreal that despite all the changes my presence bought to the original the scene from the book was being played out exact word for word except for a few mentions of me, It just hot me again that I really am in the Twilight world and was going to meet my Mate Rosalie in a few days(since Tanya would still be in Denali)and we finally reached home, well time for me to "wake up".

Bella POV

Eventually we made it to Charlie's. He still lived in the small, three-bedroom one bathroom house that he'd bought with my mother in the early days of their marriage. Those were the only kind of days their marriage had- the early ones. There, parked on the the street of the house that ever changed was my new-well new to me truck. I saw a bright red color with big rounded fenders and a bulbous cab. To my intense surprise I Loved it I could see how much was effort was put into it since it looked practically brand new. Plus it was one of those solid iron affairs that never gets damaged-the kind you see at the scene of an accident, paint unscratched, surrounded by the pieces of the foreign car it had destroyed.