
A Different Nobita

When Nobita comes back being away for two years and without doraemon and friends, he is changed. The lovely Nobita everyone knew just faded away and become something cold and distant. Without Doraemon, how will Nobita face the brutal threats on his way?

Peeper_Writes2002 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 15


Tokyo was in a weird climate that day. Everywhere was dark, but it wasn't raining either. A totally off view that made her feel more foreign to this world than it already is. Sure she'll live here in next few centuries, Tokyo wasn't like this back in her time. There's no cats hunting mouse. There's no grass rustling when a big wind hits. There's no purity to any of the elements. She's living in a futuristic horror, where finding micro organisms can be challenging. Their world just barely clinging with each day passing.

And that's why she was uncertain whether she should be glad to be here in the past or not. She doesn't want get used to it being here. This place is too nice. Minus the climate that changed too unpredictable.

Luna stood on top of a hill overlooking the dense concrete jungle that got dimmed in the natural lighting. The egg like divice blinked in her right palm and it directs her straight to her destination.

She felt a pit in her stomach. Coco is caught. She's afraid of hearing the worse. She hope that he won't perish like the rest who she seen as family. She cried and cried thinking of him. But she knew that it's pointless. That's why she left Midori' place. It took her some convincing and eventually she found herself following the device to God knows where. She asked Coco to leave her something essentials behind. She didn't know that he left it somewhere around the city. Knowing him, he always did his best and she doubt he leave something behind so carelessly. There's possibly something she missed.

Her objective is to retrieve the package and plan something and save Coco. There got to be a way. There's always is.

She looks at the device and saw it directing her towards the right. She followed it and climbed down the hill and eventually reached the city. The device is unmistakably pointing straight at the city. Even though it was weird, she just followed it's directions. To blend in she wore some clothes Midori lend her. She wore a green check shirt which was a bit big for due to their obvious size difference and a baggy jeans which she folded at the bottom. She wore white shoes which thankfully fitted her size. Overall, she looked just like an average Tokyo citizen.

Walking on the sidewalk, she eyed the people around. Everyone seemed to be happy considering the weather is so gloomy. People just minded their own business, unlike the people who live in her time. Unlike the cruel and selfish people of her time, these people looked so much different. Everyone had personalities that's different from one another. You can't deal with one person like you did with the other one. It's so much to cope with.

Luna saw various stores open. Book stores, provision stores, library, fish market. There seems to be countless of places to choose from. Even though she ain't looking for any of those, the sight of them tempted her.

Focusing more to the task, she moved further and further into the city until she could only see houses and skyscrapers. Each passing second seemed to be weird. Out of all places, she never thought that she'll find her resources in middle of a big city. The circumstances are unfamiliar in a way, she literally having questions in her mind. Like how on earth she's supposed to retrieve her resources if there's a lot of witnesses. It's gonna likely end up leaving casualties if things go heated. Even though her 4th dimensional pocket is destroyed with her time machine, she know physical combat. Even without any weapon to back up, she could land some critical hits here and there.

"What's the meaning of this, Coco?" She mumbled to herself. She kinda used to work alone out her comfort zone. During that time she figured that talking to herself keep her sanity checked. If you talk to yourself to keep going, then your sane. Otherwise it means you're screwed.

Is she going crazy right now? Pretty much yeah. She's thinking of the worst outcome. That way she'll be prepared for anything to an extent. Well it always ended bad for her, but she lives on.

The device keep blinked as she proceeded forward. Minutes passed until she reached just outside of a blue roof house. The house wasn't anything fancy, nor it was too little. It was a perfect compatible house to live in as a family. She looks at her device which now blinked orange indicating that her destination is within fifteen yards. The house compund was around that size. But she didn't find any damages on the house. If Coco dropped her essentials like he always does, there's always a huge mess left behind. It's not because there's no safer ways. It's just that they lack equipments to carry a safer approach. There's no better way for them than this. Well it's practical, so they are used to ignoring minor damages and move on with their missions. However the usual chaos at the drop site, she cannot find any traces of damages anywhere. But the device never proven wrong. She's at the correct location. Except she's not sure the device is working as it should be. After all it was in her possession when the accident happened. She won't know if it's losing some bolts.

She sighed and moved close to the gate entrance but heard someone just coming out of the front door and she halted and took cover behind the wall.

"Yeah, yeah. You keep saying that. Like I said, studying is boring." She heard a female voice saying.

"Stop complaining. Our mid term model is in four months. It's a long time but you should keep updated to everything teacher teaches us everyday. That way there won't be any piling portion when you revise." A male voice replied.

Luna guessed that these two people are surely gathered here to study. Not something she was looking for. But she wanted to know if they mention anything about the thing. If they found it that is. She hope they haven't found it. That way it's gonna be easy to sneak it out here. Otherwise she have to break into the house without actually breaking anything. She should be extremely careful unless she wants everything to go south.

"Which part of the boring study you don't understand? Like seriously, you're too much like an actual teacher. Just be a guy on his thirteen' and chill out for once. Jeez." The female voice replied exaggerating the jeez part. Luna heard the male chuckle.

"You're impossible when it comes to studies." He chuckled.

"You should know until now that, me and studies don't go together. Oil and water don't mix well. Took that from a chemistry class which I actually paid attention to." She said the last sentence jokingly.

Luna smiled a little hearing them speak to one another. It's actually good to hear people interact with one another in a less bad way. It's a feast to her eyes and ears. Especially her heart. She's glad that the world wasn't always as fucked up. There was actually humanity existed.

"See it's not always bad to pay attention to your class." The male laughed.

"Yeah. I'll pay attention if our teacher make me stand up for sleeping and teach you sitting on my desk. Which is the exact thing happened that day. Which is why I was paying attention. Not because it was fun." The female said.

Luna heard both voices go back and forth until she heard the next line. "Heard the glasses doing well. Still not returning that thing he nearly killed himself for?"

Luna heard that. At first she wasn't finding anything special in it. But she somehow found the 'thing' part interesting. After all she's looking for a thing as well.

"Nobita was really tired that day. I packed it with my stuff and forgot to give it to him. I'm sure he's going through something mentally. After all we saw how much eager he was." Luna heard that and she picked up the three interesting things. First is the talk of something. And the second is about a friend of theirs it seems who might have nearly lost their life in order to get that something. And third is the mental state of that someone.

"Yeah, whatever. Just pretend like I never said anything about him. Just slipped my tongue, that's all." The female voice said.

Luna heard them talk some more. She was listening to it all just by leaning on to the wall. However she heard slow footsteps approaching. Looking up she saw someone walking by. He's a boy around fifteen or so and he wore a grey full sleeve tshirt and black trousers and white shoes. His black messy hair fell unkept on his forehead and his black and empty looking eyes looks through a round glasses. And that said empty black eyes wasn't looking anywhere else. Those lifeless eyes are on her.

Her eyes gone wide and blood went cold when seeing him. Like seeing a ghost out of horror movie she almost screamed and pushed herself further back onto the wall. The awfully familiar looking figure scared the living shit out of her. She saw the life flash before her very eyes.

"Gen." She mumbled.

The boy halted seeing her reaction and looks at her up and down confused.

Luna was having mini heart attacks when seeing this figure. She almost thought that she got caught and the feared psychopath caught up with her. She tried to back away only to see that she's already sticking to the wall more than ever.

Her fear wasn't hidden and the figure in front of her was just staying there with an unreadable expression. If this 'clone' was trying to kill her, she dont understand why she's still alive? She was thinking of this figure as a clone more than the actual Gen. Because she seen Gen up close and there's a huge difference. But there's a big change that someone will take this figure for the criminal mastermind himself. So accurate yet different at the same time. So mind boggling.

"How did you find me?" She asked it before she could realise. Like how on this guy found her.

She saw the figure raise his brow. "Why would I look for you? I don't know you." He said and the tension turned into confusion. A mind game? She thought and looks at the figures face which held no traces of emotions. Even his eyes are a dead giveaway that he's not normal.

Luna gulped. She feel so lost even though she's supposed to charge and take control over the situation. Even though she doesn't stand a chance again Gen, she's willing to try her luck with the 'clone' itself.

"Who are you?" She questioned.

She saw the boy sigh and rub his temples. "Look, if you're trying to do a prank on me or something, Just beat it. I'm not okay with any torments." She heard him say. She however sensed the tiredness in that voice and she couldn't say anything.

What the hell is going on? What's happening here? She thought. Who is this person? Why are they here?

"What's wrong, Nobita?" Came the other male voice. Both of the people who talked each other came to view.

Luna mentally groaned. She already attracted too much attention.

The boy wearing glasses looks at her and shook his head. "Don't mind it. I'm here to take 'it' back."