
A Different Ninja World but with same Naruto theme

An extreme hardcore Naruto fan was on it’s way to home, after doing Padoru parade with his friends. But on his way, he saw a kid running towards the ball which was in between the road and from the front a truck was coming. As usual as a good guy and a proud otaku he jumped and saved the kid but he died. His only regret was that he couldn’t learn all the jutsus from Naurto anime. But GOD has not forsaken good people and thus he is re-born to a different world just like Naruto one, where ninjas are real and you can be a Hokage…

mrCat · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 7: Getting ready for the war…

A Different Ninja World but withsame Naruto themeVol: 4

Chapter 7: Getting ready for the war…

Following the advice of Yuu, Akiko gathered information about Sage Art and then choose to go into the Mount Myoboku, to learn sage mode from the toads.

Akiko also learned that her sister has also attained sage mode recently from the Slug Katsuyu, thus Akiko chose to get sage mode from the toads.

As for Izumi, she followed Akiko, as she didn't want to stay all alone. The clones left by Yuu also followed them

In mount myoboku, they were greeted by giant toads, when asked what reason they are hear for, Akiko presented that she wanted to learn Sage mode from them, which was rejected on the spot as she didn't the amount of chakra needed.

Akiko didn't step down and kept of pursuing, and said, whatever the results or consequences will happen she will be responsible for it…

After whole one week of pursue, the toads finally agree and let her come, as for Izumi, she said, she wanted to gain battle experience, which was accepted, for no reason

Time passed by a few days, weeks and months.

Finally after all 6 months of hardwork, Izumi gained her susano, it was the same as Itachi's.

Toads: These Uchiha's knows how to amaze everyone…

Toads: yes, but as compared to her, the other girl is still working on… don't know will she be able to get her sage mode or not.

Toads: don't worry about her; she will get Sage Mode as she has a very powerful supporter walking in shadow behind her, just like this Uchiha girl

Toads: well that is true but still I am amazed to know that even these clones are so strong, just how strong will be the real user is…

All toads know that the clones are the real reason for them getting results this fast, as they use their own chakra to help them attain more power…

Finally 8 months passed by and Akiko attained her sage mode.

Her look and aura gave off a vibe of a queen.

Izumi: You look great Akiko-nee chan…

Akiko: Thank you…

After getting what they want, they both left the place and go back to the village.

When the reach the village, they were shocked to know that the whole village is under high alert.

Walking towards he house, Akiko saw Hachiro roaming around the house, so she asked him about the situation

Hachiro: Where were you this whole time Akiko-san? I was worried about you…

Akiko: Please leave this for some other day tell me what is going on?

Hachiro: The village of rain, 5 months ago, were massacred, not even a single person is there and not only that in the next month the village of sand was also annihilated. Very few survivors were left. And soon other village were also attacked…

Hearing this Akiko and Izumi were shocked to the Core…

Izumi: It must be that man called Sato…

Hachiro heard her words: You know the person behind it?

Izumi: Yes, and I have also faced him…

Hachiro: good come with me…

Akiko also followed them and soon they read the office of Hokage. Then all 3 of them entered and told them all everything Izumi knew about Sato.

Hokage: So, this all is just a battle between 2 people?

Izumi: Yes, Yuu and Sato have a grudge against each other, don't know how but they both are thirsty for each other's blood.

Danzo: So the whole world has to pay the price for it, right?

Izumi didn't say anything as she didn't know what to say.

Hokage: Danzo, don't forget, that mans clone are everywhere, and also the reason why we all are safe till now…

Hearing this, Danzo shut up and sat with an angry face.

After that, all of them talked with each other as to find solution for these crises. Akiko and Izumi both told them what they had gained so far and this new made the whole kages and various other people shocked.

Akiko gaining Sage art was big news already and this made her clan, who were once ashamed of her feel proud.

Though Akiko didn't really care about her clan, as she had cut her all ties from them but the news of Izumi having Susano made the whole village shocked.

She was just 14 year old girl and not only she had mangekyo sharingan but also achieved her sussano, was something no one could ever imagine.

They called her the Prodigy of the ninja world, though Izumi and Akiko knew who the real prodigy is…

Also, the boy, who was considered as the last uchiha, was also shocked to know that there is another uchiha and not just that, that person was super strong. This news made him feel proud on his uchiha clan.

Many people already felt that they could go through this crises very easily but little did they know that the battle they were imagining will happen in future has already begun

. . .

In the sky, and at the centre of the Village of fire, stood a man.

He had rinnegan in his one eye and sharingan in another one. Holding a long staff in his hand, he was looking down from above, to the village below his feet.

It was like a God watching ants…