
A Different Ninja World but with same Naruto theme

An extreme hardcore Naruto fan was on it’s way to home, after doing Padoru parade with his friends. But on his way, he saw a kid running towards the ball which was in between the road and from the front a truck was coming. As usual as a good guy and a proud otaku he jumped and saved the kid but he died. His only regret was that he couldn’t learn all the jutsus from Naurto anime. But GOD has not forsaken good people and thus he is re-born to a different world just like Naruto one, where ninjas are real and you can be a Hokage…

mrCat · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 12: Encounter…

A Different Ninja World but with

same Naruto theme

Vol: 3

Chapter 12: Encounter…

Many village spies saw that attack "kirin" and made report back to their Hokage's. All of them knew one thing that the Village of fire is hiding some talents and were waiting for perfect opportunity to release him, thus no more scouts or spies were send to Village of fire.

There were still many people who came to scout the Village of fire but none of them returned back to their base. All of them were killed.

These resulted in less information to those entire enemy villages and then lose the war. Resulting, Village of Fire winning 3rd shinobi war.

Peace was now once again brought

But for Village of Fire they were trying their best to find that person who made that attack. They were trying for months but still couldn't find him.

They were happy to have someone of that caliber work for them but then again, they were worried also, as what will happen if they mistakenly attack at him, after all they don't know that person.

Time passed by 2 year…

Izumi is now 14 year old and Yuu is 10 year old

So far, Yuu had trained Izumi a lot. She is now much stronger than before and best of all she can also use crow clone technique which Itachi used the most.

Yuu was happy and felt proud of her progress.

It was just another day, where Izumi goes outside to hunt some animals for food and Yuu was using his byakugan to scout the area but then he saw someone…

Yuu soon moved out of the place, he didn't want to show this new unwelcomed guest his base, why? Because he is strong, really strong and there is no information, whether he is a friend or foe.

At Izumi's side-

She was still searching for food but suddenly she sensed someone around her.



She jumped away from the enemy attack. The person finally showed his face. It was Fudo Sato.

Sato: There is a kid with you right? Where is he right now?

Izumi knew that he was talking about Yuu and she also knew that she was no match for him, even though she has trained for 2 years, still she is weak in front of him.

Izumi: Who are you?

Sato: Oh, sorry, where are my manners… MY name is Fudo Sato, Fudo is my first name and Sato my surname. Now tell me where is he?

Izumi: I won't tell you…

Sato: Well then I have to keep you as a hostage then…



Izumi was shocked to see this type of speed and out of nowhere a kunai came around her neck, but Izumi was also fast enough to block it.


But the force of the attack send her flying back, and she crashed at the tree behind her…

Sato: Tch, So weak…

Izumi heard this and gritted her teeth, then she started making hand seals but...


Sato: no-no-no… don't do this or you will die…

Before she could finish making hand seals, he had already appeared in front of her and hold her hand tight, not allowing her to make any hand seal or moving away…


Sato had an evil laugh but to his surprise he sensed someone…

"Futon: Air Bullet"

A sharp air bullet came flying towards Sato, but he moved away and also let Izumi's hand free. With this Izumi also moved away.

The attack was done by none other than Yuu.

Yuu: Izumi move back…!!!

Sato: So we finally met… Allow me to introduce myself, I am Fudo Sato, Fudo is my firs-

Yuu didn't had any time to listen to his talk and he attacked…

Yuu: Katon: Flame Bullet!


Sato moved away from the attack and also made hand seals…

Sato: Weak!!! Let me show you true flames… Katon- Fierce Dragon Flame Jutsu

A dragon head made of fire appeared and attacked at Yuu but surely Yuu managed to get away by a hair.

Sato didn't wait much and attacked at the evading Yuu. He had a big evil grin as he took a sword out and then moving it towards Yuu.

Izumi was seeing this and she also saw that sword moving towards Yuu's neck. Surely Yuu is strong, she know but in that situation where his is still in mid air and jumping away from that dragon flame, he can't avoid Sato's attack.

In that moment she remembered the scene she saw at her clan, that blood, that kunai that came for her neck and above all seeing her mother dead.

Still she was able to stand up from that blow all because of Yuu but now he was going to die in front of her. Will she let him die? No…

She remembered all those sad memories and felt why she is remembering them now, these memories can't give her strength. With that she desired to burn her past memories which will only sadden her.

She desired her all sadness to burn….

And when the sword touched the neck of Yuu… Izumi's eyes changed…

Her tomoe, started rolling…

[NOTE: This is my first work, so I have done a lot of mistakes and I am damn sure I will be also doing it in the future... But, if you had taken out your precious time out of your life and read the novel so far and also felt it was worth your time, then a small donation, please?. It up to you, you feel its worth, then only, as it will motivate me more and make me feel that I should put more of time in the novel]

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