
A Different Ninja World but with same Naruto theme

An extreme hardcore Naruto fan was on it’s way to home, after doing Padoru parade with his friends. But on his way, he saw a kid running towards the ball which was in between the road and from the front a truck was coming. As usual as a good guy and a proud otaku he jumped and saved the kid but he died. His only regret was that he couldn’t learn all the jutsus from Naurto anime. But GOD has not forsaken good people and thus he is re-born to a different world just like Naruto one, where ninjas are real and you can be a Hokage…

mrCat · Anime & Comics
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A Different Ninja World but with same Naruto theme

Chapter 4- Practicing hand Sign

In this world of shinobi there is a Village of Fire… Their village is very big and in that big place there are various shops and in one of those shops there is a boy who is sleeping the Kitchen place. Sleeping like there is nothing in this world and drooling as if his mouth is a big waterfall. Suddenly he wakes up…

Yuu: Hmmmm *looks here and there* idiot author always introduced me as if I am an idiot… But well whatever I don't care about stupid earthlings. I am in my fantasy world.

Looking outside the shop, Yuu thought, 'It might be around 4 am… OK, let's go outside and find a good place for training myself' After thinking for a while he left the place.

He looked everywhere and finally found a place. It was a big place full of giant boulders and and stones with a small stream following through. It also was near a forest and away from the population.

After finding a suitable place and remembering the way. He started training. While training he thought, 'I need to gather information about this world, especially about the hand seals, those tail beast and that Uchiha Clan. No matter what I have to know about hand seal, after all if the hand seal is same as it was in naruto, then I wont need to struggle much as I know a lot of jutsus… Mann I can't wait'

After sometime he stopped training and walked towards his new home. In his way he remembered that there was a book shop thus he go there.

Yuu (in front of book shop): Hello, is anyone in here?!!!

It was already dawn and sun can be seen…

??: Hmmm… I didn't expect to see a young kid in this early time… What can do for you young men.

Yuu: Nothing much, I just wanted to know if you have some books related to the history of this village or have some book related to hand sign which ninja's use.

??: Hmmm… We do have A book related to history of the village but we don't have book related to hand signs, as we cant sell them but you can get it if you take admission in a ninja school. But we have some little info. Book, just an intro to those hand signs. Do you want to see them?

Yuu: Yes!

??: OK wait

After some time…

??: Here…

Yuu: Thank you but how much would it cost?

??: It's not much as nobody read them but still we have to earn something… So only 5 coin would be enough, as nobody read these stuff.

Yuu took a pouch out, which was given by his Grandma and took out 5 coins and give the shopkeeper who was an old long bearded man.

Yuu: here and thank you…

Shopkeeper: Thank you and have a nice day.

After taking that he walked to his home…

While getting near his shop he found Akiko looking around.

Yuu: Oyee…. Akiko sann!!! What are you looking for?

Akiko: *Glaring at Yuu* Where the hell Have you been? I thought you were a thief but then I found that nothing was stolen, so I got worried about you…

Yuu *giggling*: Woow… really, Thank you about worrying me and sorry… I was away for training my body. So Sorry… Also, I will always be away in morning time to train myself…

Akiko: Haaa?... Training? What, do you want to be a ninja?

Yuu: Yes…

Akiko *while smiling*: Well then work hard. Come lets open the shop and prepare the vegetables…

After that another day started where Yuu again like a mad man cut vegetables and served all people. Soon, time passed by and night came…

At night before sleeping, Yuu read the book he bought. After reading it he gets to know about various stuff. He learned that there had been 2 shinobi world war, so far. He also get to know that there is a Uchiha clan as well as Hyuga Clan, which means there is both Sharingan and Byakugan users, though there is nothing written about Rinnegan, but still it was a big blow for Yuu.

After reading more about 2 shinobi world war, He got to know that there was also Senju clan and in war all these 3 big clan, Uchiha, Hyuga and Senju Clan suffer a lot and lost lot of their clans people and very few are left.

But what made his eyes grow wide as 2 names in this war, Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha. This made Yuu, literally lost his life. He thought, 'Even in this world they are present. What the FUCK!!!! How???? It's ok at least they are dead but still I hope things won't go like in Naruto anime and both of them appear out of nowhere'. He also get to know tail beast were also real.

After that he closed the book and read the other book. Hand sign one. After reading it he come to know that they are same as in Naruto anime, same rat, monkey and few other pictures were drawn. As well they were used to perfore any ninjutsu, taijustu or genjustu.

Yuu laughed, as he was was really happy because he new a lot of hand signs from naruto, thus he didn't need to get into school to learn jutsus. After a while he took a good nap with a big smile.

Next day

Yuu was in his newly found training area and was training like Rock lee and Guy in Naruto and also practice to control chakra. After sometime he sat on a boulder and started making hand signs. It was not any technique, it was just random to remember all the signs. After that he randomly made hand signs, as fast as possible…

Yuu thought, 'All the hand signs are same in this world as Naruto thus I don't need to get into any school but I should not waste any more time and start practicing hand sign. I want to be fast as fast as I can be. At least to a level where I can use only one hand to perform any justu'

Yuu had a new mission and that is to adapt his hands and make them remember all of the hand signs…

Thus begin he another day, but whenever he get's a chance, he always use that free time to practice hand signs.