

The months passed and Serena had settled in a beautiful town near the capital of London.

She managed to get a good job as a Psychologist at the same school as her son.

She liked the fact that they were close.

-Miss Tsukino, a silvery boy approached her as she arrived at the school's entrance.

-Yes. How do you know? -Serena got scared.

-I'm one of your friend Andrew's informants. I'm glad to know he's okay with his family. -She smiled.

-Does Andrew know about this? -Serena

-Yes, he has dedicated himself to following his every move for safety. -Eliot

-Do you know if there is any news about my case? -Serena

-The truth Miss Tsukino, my priority is to be at your disposal.

I don't have time to know anything else.

-It's okay, but if you want to take care of me for my friend Andrew, you should stay away from me a little bit since this is a bit weird and they might get suspicious.