
A Dice Decides My Fate

How lucky...

Vazzer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Education is Key

Luck sat on a bench outside a particularly large building. While the city boasted many tall structures, this one stood out for its sheer width, spanning across his entire field of vision. It was vast, comparable in size to multiple football fields.

"School, huh. What a weird turn of fate," he muttered to himself.

He had been informed that he could attend a school specifically designed for Trial of One candidates. There, they would spend about two years learning about the intricacies of the Primordia, the One's Body.

It had been about three days since he had reportedly "passed" the trial, and he was gradually acclimating to his new life. Many changes had occurred. Firstly, he had been moved to a private apartment provided by the authorities. This was a significant upgrade from the orphanage, as it had electricity and comfortable furniture—luxuries he had never experienced before.

The second major change was his newfound popularity. According to the officials, they were required to publicize the candidates' passing times as part of an agreement with various factions eager to recruit potential stars. During this period, Luck received numerous offers and recruitment attempts from these factions.

Although he wasn't openly hostile towards these recruiters, he found them incredibly annoying. They were like persistent flies, impossible to swat away no matter how hard he tried. They sent representatives to him every day, no matter where he was. Whether he was at a shop, walking around, or even on the bus, they approached him. The only place he found true solitude was within the confines of his own home.

"What a pain..." he sighed helplessly.

However, despite the annoyance of some major and minor changes, he didn't complain. In fact, he was grateful. His life was no longer boring. He now had a short-term goal: to participate in this school and do well enough to explore the Primordia.

Luck knew that this was a rare opportunity, a chance to delve into the mysteries of The One's Body. The school promised to equip him with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate this strange new world, and he was determined to make the most of it. For the first time in his life, he felt a sense of purpose, a direction that extended beyond the monotonous routine of his past.

As he sat there, watching students and faculty move in and out of the massive building, he felt a flicker of excitement. This was just the beginning. He had a lot to learn and a long way to go, but he was ready to embrace whatever came next. The trial had been just the first step; now it was time to prepare for the real challenges that lay ahead.


As Luck approached the entrance to the grand building, he was stopped by an attendant stationed at the gate. The attendant, dressed in a crisp uniform, looked at Luck expectantly.

"Name and age, please," the attendant asked, her tone polite but businesslike.

"Luck. Just Luck," he replied with a slight hesitation, accustomed to the puzzled reactions his name often provoked. "And I'm seventeen."

The attendant's eyebrows raised imperceptibly, but before she could respond, a hushed murmur spread through the crowd gathered around the entrance. People nearby cast sidelong glances at Luck, some with curiosity, others with disdain.

"He doesn't even have a last name?"

"Who does he think he is?"

But amidst the whispers, the attendant's expression transformed into one of shock mixed with recognition. She took a step back, her demeanor suddenly deferential.

"Sir," she said, her voice tinged with respect. "Please, allow one of the staff members to escort you inside."

Without waiting for a response, she motioned to another staff member nearby, who hurried over to join him. Without a second wasted the member led Luck through the imposing doors of the school, leaving the curious whispers behind.

"You are actually ten minutes late to your first class, but I'm sure the professors will excuse your tardiness. However, I would recommend showing up on time in the future so as not to leave a bitter impression on your professors," the attendant advised, her tone respectful yet firm.

"Right..." Luck muttered, feeling a twinge of annoyance. He could have arrived earlier had it not been for the onslaught of press and recruitment attempts that had ambushed him at every turn.

"Alright, here we are," the attendant said as they stopped in front of a large metalic door. "I assume you have already been told what class this is and who your professor is, so I wish you well. Thank you for your time."

"Thank you as well," Luck replied, appreciating the attendant's professionalism despite the hectic start to his day.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed open the door and stepped into the classroom. The room fell silent as he entered, and all eyes turned towards him. The professor, a stern-looking woman with sharp features, paused mid-sentence and regarded him with a critical eye.

Luck quickly scanned the room, noting the mix of curious and indifferent expressions on his new classmates' faces.

"You must be Luck, I had been informed I would receive a new student but I had not been informed that this new student would be late. Since it's your first time, I expect this to be a one time thing, take a seat over there and pay attention." She pointed to an empty seat in the corner of the room.

'How depressing' Luck thought.

He bowed his head in apology and then walked over to his seat. However as he was making his way over he felt a hot sensation on his hand and time slowed down.

[Rolling Dice]

'What the hell...'

[Rolled a 23 out of 100] (AN: I just a 100 side dice to determine the outcome, so I don't actually have an role in this but if I roll something under 10 I will add an additional 10 to it and make the MC lose a limb. I will choose the one less needed like maybe an ear, eye, arm or finger.)

Time resumed and he suddenly noticed the world passing by him as he slowly descended, it seemed someone had tripped.

He instinctively tried to brace himself. However, the sudden loss of control sent him sprawling to the ground, and he landed hard on his left arm. Pain shot through him, and he bit back a cry as he lay there for a moment, stunned.

The classroom erupted into laughter and murmurs. Some students looked on with amusement, while others seemed indifferent. The professor's sharp voice cut through the noise.

"Settle down, everyone. Accidents happen."

'Accidents my ass. That was clearly intentional' He scowled under his breath as he momentarily recovered.

Luck slowly got up, cradling his left arm. The pain was intense, and he could tell something was wrong. His hand was starting to swell, and the slightest movement sent sharp jolts of pain shooting up his arm. He clenched his teeth, trying to maintain his composure.

"Luck, are you alright?" the professor asked, her stern expression softening slightly with concern.

"I'm... I'm fine," he managed to say, though it was clear he wasn't. "Just need to sit down."

The professor nodded. "Take your seat, and we'll continue. If the pain persists, you should visit the infirmary after class."

Luck nodded and made his way to his seat, each step sending waves of pain through his arm. He settled into his chair, trying to focus on the lesson despite the throbbing in his hand. The professor resumed her lecture, and Luck did his best to follow along, though it was difficult to concentrate.

When the class finally ended, Luck waited for the other students to leave before approaching the professor. She looked at him with a mix of concern and expectation.

"I think I need to go to the infirmary," he admitted, his voice strained.

"I thought as much. Do you need help finding it?"

Luck nodded his head. "Yes."

The professor looked around the room and spotted one of the girls just about to leave. "Elara, could you please assist Luck to the infirmary?"

Elara, a tall girl with long, auburn hair and an air of quiet confidence, paused and turned back, her expression slightly annoyed. "Alright," she said begrudgingly. "Come on, let's go."

Luck followed her out of the classroom, his arm still throbbing. As they walked through the hallway, Elara sighed and glanced at him. "So, you're the new guy, huh? The one everyone's been talking about."

"Yeah, I guess," Luck replied, trying to keep his voice steady despite the pain.

"Not the best way to make an entrance, tripping like that," she remarked, though there was a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

Luck managed a weak smile in return. "Yeah, not my best moment. Thanks for helping me out."

"No problem," Elara said, though her tone suggested she would rather be doing something else. "So, where are you from?"

"An orphanage," Luck replied. "It's my first time living on my own."

"Must be a big change," she said, her tone softening slightly. "This place can be overwhelming at first, but you'll get used to it."

They reached the infirmary, and Elara held the door open for him. "Here we are. You should get that hand looked at."

"Thanks, Elara," Luck said sincerely.

She shrugged. "No big deal. Just take care of yourself."

The nurse on duty quickly took over, examining Luck's swollen hand with a practiced eye. "Looks like you've had quite a fall," she said, applying a splint and giving him painkillers.

As the nurse worked, Luck couldn't help but feel a bit grateful for Elara's reluctant assistance. Once the nurse finished, he thanked her and made his way back to his apartment, his hand now in a bandage and the painkillers starting to take effect.

"Phew what a day"