

Hello Readers!

I am the author of the many disappointing novels that went HIATUS. I will try to make this one reach at least 50 chaps with average of 500- However i feel like words per Chap. I wish you fun. End.



A minute before the clock hits 24. A seemingly transparent phantasm of a book with archaic runes embedded on it that seems made of gold. made it's way into a house of many windows. A big house more appropriately called Mansion. Two big doors made out of Narra (Phils Tree) A tough material able to withstand many storms and other disasters that may be capabble of tearing down normal wood.

There stood a man, or rather a young man reading a book inside what seems to be his library. Filled with many things about fiction, western or oriental. There is many gadgetry around him, laptops, lights, electronic scanner, and a cellphone. Seems that the man is reading a book of oriental descent.

A story about immortals ascending heavens, and achieving true immortality. Then with an unimaginable speed that seems to surpass any known speed recorded. A spectral book made it's way to his own library, and made itself float in front of him. After a couple seconds with the man not acknowledging or rather not noticing the book. It slammed itself onto the young man's head.

The young man that is reading his book started to feel uneasy. Checking his BPM and pulse everything seems to be fine. Then a pain which he has never felt before started making its way to his head. Making him nearly shriek from the pain and agony he was going thru. Clenching his hands and gritting his teeth, the young man struggled to make himself stay awake to witness what happened to him.


Within an area that appears to be an ocean filled with many webs that are almost unnoticable, a book made it's way through one. Traveling through the webs until it reached something like a pulsing heart, that is round. It forcefully fused itself in after a situation of it humping many times outside of this 'core'


Then short bursts of pain came. Making the young man groan once again, making himself fall and kneeling on the ground in pain, smashing the floor with his fists, until a pain worse than any from earlier attacked his mind like a battering ram made for smashing iron gates open. And made himself faint

He started waking up in a white limbo. Filled with nothing but white. He desired for his books greatly and after a blink of an eye, A library suddenly appeared. Several bookcases that seemed heavily luxurious. Empty as they are are holding a regal look that might make any national libraries in the world collapse with envy and embarrassment.

A stone plaque appeared in the middle of the whole entire library, beholding what seems to be a book latched with archaic runes made of gold. The young man made his way towards this book and saw what seems to be an unbelievable story inside of it. Making his mouth wide enough to put a whole egg into.

Name : Leonard Cohen

Age : 23

Race : ?

Stats :

Str - 10

Int - 10

Spd - 10

Wis - 200

End - 10

Agi - 10

Unallocated Stat points : 30

Skills :

Passive : Writer's Intellect (MAX)

Able to quickly grasp situations and adjust to particular ones

Passive : ??? (?)


Active : impartation (7) (should explain itself)

Writer's will

Makes one persuade himself that all his actions are meaningful and needs to be completed

Active : ??? (?)

+×_=£¥×(&=:?- £@;×£,÷€$7';×¥


Thus the start of a story of mine. The soon to be ruler of a multiverse