
A Devil Named Devotion

When the most powerful mage in the world suddenly dies and leaves his inheritance spread across his journal pages, a mad dash to collect them erupts on the continent. One small issue: just before his death, that mage hid his journal pages in various locations, unknown to all. A young man, unconcerned with it all, suddenly has his life changed forever when he stumbles upon one of these pages and unlocks a power within himself he never knew he had.

Culmination · Fantasy
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156 Chs

Arrival to Kloldus

"I think that'll work. It's bold, but I can't really see any problems. Best case scenario, we don't have to use it." Alex evaluated the battle strategy that Devotion proposed.

"Just best to be prepared for anything." Devotion replied. He wasn't sure why, but he had this feeling of danger that only grew more intense as they got closer to Kloldus. No matter what he did, he couldn't shake that feeling. It was like a chill going down his spine.

The three of them fell silent for the rest of the trip, until their carriage finally rolled to the outer walls of Kloldus. By the time they made it, it was nearly nightfall.

"Let's just grab an Inn for the night, then we can head over to the study tomorrow." Victor proposed.

"Sounds like a plan. My legs are killing me from sitting all day." Devotion replied.

Once they hit the city gates, they all stepped out, and Victor outstretched his hand towards the carriage. He spoke out a few words of power, and the carriage and mount instantly shrunk down to a small size. Victor produced a glass bottle that the Summoner's Guild had given him when he rented the carriage, and placed them inside.

"So much more convenient than having to rent out stables." Victor sighed to himself. "Alright, let's get an inn."

The three of them walked in the city streets, hiding their auras and wearing plain clothes. It wasn't usually a great idea to proclaim that you are a cultivator in mortal towns, it could draw way too much attention. They stepped into the first inn they saw, getting separate rooms for each of them.

Just as Devotion was settling into his room for the night, he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." He called.

Victor stepped through the door, closing it behind him.

"I wanted to talk to you with Alex not here. How did you store that potion earlier? You said you had your own secrets, but that looks like an interspatial ring. Where did you get it?" Victor asked.

"Alright, sit down, I have a lot to explain to you. A few days ago, I received a letter from the head of the Mechanism Sect…" with that, Devotion explained everything that happened when he went to the sect. He produced the Sparkthrower, the volume, and the ring.

Victor sucked in a cold breath, seeing those items.

"An entirely new and unique form of cultivation. It's incredibly interesting. Have you read the volume yet?" Victor asked, his blue eyes shining.

"I haven't gotten the chance. I didn't want to pull it out in front of Alex, since I don't really know her well enough to trust her. I don't know if I'm going to join the Mechanism Sect or not. I might try and double dip as much as possible. Just think, if I can rise in power in this guild, and still have the secret backing of the Mechanism Sect, then I'll be a major power in the future. I'll take you with me. We'll rise up with two powerful sects behind us, we'll learn your origins, and be legends." Devotion felt a fiery ambition as he thought of the future. He had a resolve to grow stronger! He never wanted to be as helpless as he was when James Powder had nearly killed him.

Listening and seeing Devotion's ambition, Victor grew excited as well. "You're right. With our combined intellect, and two of the biggest sects in the continent backing us, we really will be unstoppable. Hell, we could found a new kingdom, if we really wanted to. Sure, it'll take time, energy, and power, but we'll get there." Victor joined in. The two of them looked at the future. It seemed so bright.

"Oh, Victor, you should take this, at least for this mission. I can do a bit of destruction magic, I don't want you to be defenseless." Devotion said, handing Victor the Sparkthrower. He was at least confident in protecting his own life, but he worried about Victor. "Just give it back after this mission. I still want to study it."

Victor looked it over. "How do I use it?"

"Just insert your spiritual strength and squeeze the trigger. Don't do it in here, though. It packs a way bigger punch than you think. Put a hole in a solid steel wall when the Duke demonstrated it. Only use it when you absolutely need to." Devotion explained.

Victor stored the Sparkthrower away, under his robe. "We'll have to make a sort of pouch or bag for it next time. A bit clunky to carry around." Victor joked. "I'll see you in the morning."

Just as Victor was about to leave, Devotion thought of something.

"Victor, wait." Devotion stopped him. "Just listen to me for a second. I'm not sure why, but I've had a bad feeling this entire trip. An intense feeling of danger, in my gut. I'm not sure why, I've never felt something like this before. Just be a bit careful tomorrow. I'm worried. I'm not sure if it's where we're going, or if it's Alex. I don't trust her. Just promise to be more careful. I'm concerned with how dismissive she is over potential danger." Devotion explained.

"I've noticed that too. She is really dismissive over potential danger. I'm not sure if she's overconfident, or is trying to make us overconfident and take the rewards for herself. Let's keep an eye out tomorrow." Victor agreed. "Thanks for letting me know. Let's get some rest, yeah?"

"Yeah, you're right. Night." Devotion replied. He watched Victor shut the door, then got ready to sleep.

After a minute of thought, Devotion turned into bed for the night. He needed to rest.

Hey guys, real sorry for the super late chapter and also pretty short one. Was spending Christmas Eve with my family. Not sure if I’ll get a chapter out tomorrow with the holiday, but I’ll try. Also apologies for any formatting issues, I typed this on my phone in the car. In case I don’t see you guys tomorrow, I hope all of you that celebrate have a very Merry Christmas, and Wonderful Holiday for the rest of you!

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