
A Devil in an Angel's clothing

When someone dies they immediately go to the after life whether is be hell or heaven. That's what supposed to happen for everyone one right? Well that wasn't the case for our main protagonist, when he died he ended up in an totally different world. One that was filled and ruled by fantasy creatures. A world where 90 percent of the world is creatures that are only heard in fantasy story books. A world where the remaining humans are treated nothing more than mere merchandise, nothing more than filth and are only used as slaves. Oh and what happens when our main protagonist who was once a famous mafia leader in his previous life is now a slave? This is my first time writing on this platform, so please excuse me for mistakes and this is my original story that I had written on another platform a while ago. This is Bl.

Shivisht · Action
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3 Chs


The dark yet calming night sky held so many sparkly stars that looked like jewels, the full moon match it perfectly, there was no clouds just the beautiful stars and moon. This scene was seen as a beautiful scenery for most people but not him. Dark purple eyes which color reminds one of camas lilies. They did not have not a single emotion in them. Those unique yet beautiful purple eyes that once held so many emotions are now emotionless and seen as dead.

They looked as if they have seen it all as if they were so bored at everything. Even the beautiful night sky appeared as any normal night sky to them.

A sigh left the owner of those beautiful eyes as he looked away from the sky, now looking at the scene infront of him. Bloody bodies surrounded him, so many that it was covering the ground itself. His beautiful jet black hair swayed as the cold breeze past through touching his pale face. "I'm tired" his voice sounded as cold as ice, he slowly got up groaning while doing so.

He was tried of it all. Tired of being number one, tried of missing his loved ones, tired of betrayals, tired of the world itself. He let out a tired laugh, if it was his old self, he would not only be scolding himself saying that he shouldn't give up on life, he would even smack himself. But what can he do? He was truly tired of it all and only wanted to meet his loved ones in the after life. That's all he wanted to do.

He winced when he felt pain shot through his entire body. Turning his head he looked down at his stomach, he could see blood seeping through his white shirt that laid under his black suit. He must of gotten hurt then again there's no way he could defeat fifty and more, men by himself and not get injured. Well there is a way, maybe its because he chose to get hurt? Who knows? He then heard a sadistic laugh coming from behind him. He let out another sigh. Can't he just die in peace? Apparently the world had different plans for him.

"You are truly a great man Haru san... you kill so many men... and you still look so bored" "There was over fifty men you know, Haru san you really are amazing" a woman's voice rambled on. "Tell me something I don't know Kira" Haru says while sighing once more. Out of all the people it just had to be a sadist asshole that's been after his ass for years. Quite literally.

He let out a groan when he felt a sudden kick in his stomach, right where his injury was. "You sadistic asshole" he heard another laugh before a gun was pointed at him. "It'll be a real shame if someone like you where to die you know" "Not only are you so beautiful but your also deadly.... Almost like a beautiful poisonous flower" "Say why don't you join me.... We can be together" "It'll be a win for both of us.... I get to finally rule the under world now that you'll be there.... And you'll get whatever you want."

"You know what I want Kira" "I'm tired of everything.... Tried of being number one.... tried of being betrayed, tried of this corrupted world" Haru says while glancing at Kira. He was truly tired, being number one did have the down falls. His being losing everything he held dear to him. And to add salt to his wounds, he had to be forced into this job, forced into killing at the age of twelve. That's was ten years of killing. He had seen in all, in terms of the hidden truth that was hidden from society.

He can't even remember when was the last he cried, the last he even smiled. That alone can tell just how long it has been since he felt any emotions. The thing he really wants right now was to die. He wants to leave this cruel, corrupt and unfair world. He wants to see his loved ones. No will he even be able to? Probably not. But he didn't care. He just wanted to die.

"Ah you poor thing ... My poor Haru.... Really..... How pitiful" "I'll grant you wish kay~" "All you have to do is give me your gang" he just nodded. His gang was made for business only, meaning that none of the members had gotten close to him, he didn't really care for them either. Horrible yes he knows but he was so tired off being betrayed and used by people he trusts, he decided to do the same. He also wanted to die a fast death, he knows he'll die either way but why not a fast death? One he always wanted, where he doesn't have to feel anymore pain.

"Great bye bye Haru san I'll miss you~" he felt a kissed being placed on his forehead and with that he heard the familiar sound of a gunshot. He closed his eyes in content. The only thing on his mind was the hope of being able to meet at least one of his loved ones in the afterlife.

" It's such a shame.... Oh well I can just keep the dead body.... Maybe even add it to my doll collection.... You'll be my master piece... I could even sell you in the black market.... Image the money I'll get. " "No no your to precious for that... I'll keep you all to my self." That was differently something he regretted immediately after hearing that. At least wait until he's completely dead to talk about that shit. Jeez now he has only one regret asking a perverted sadistic asshole to kill him. Jeez he feels sorry for his body already. Oh well at least he gets to die now he just hopes his wish of seeing them will come true.

All he wants is just to meet up with his love ones. Although, little did he know that hope and wish won't come through any time soon.















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