
The Kids' Conspiracy.

Meanwhile, while the adults were having their discussion, the kids were also engrossed in their own little world and having their own serious deliberations.

"Big brother, are you sure that we can do this?" Little Zia popped her head and looked at the scribbling and drawings that were made on the page of a drawing book, although she barely understood the entire point of the drawing, she knew that it was a draft that her brother had made for them to find their daddy.

"You have to trust your brother, Zia" Zayn uttered expressionlessly, he stared at the draft he made and could not be any more satisfied with himself. He knew that he had come up with the best plan ever.

"Yes, I trust you!" Zia bobbed her head seriously and expressed immediately. Zayn nodded and rubbed her head.

"You are a good girl" Zayn did not waste time praising his sister. The little girl blushed immediately. She knew that her big brother liked her the best! He always reveal a stony expression and spoke very little in front of others but, he rubbed her head and praised her! Little Zia was over the moon.

She hugged a teddy bear that her mother gave her for her last birthday and she looked at his brother curiously.

"But, why do we need a daddy?" She could not help but ask. When she thought about it carefully, they did not seem to lack anything. She really could not help but wrap her head around why her brother wanted them to find this 'daddy' so much.

Zayn heard his sister's question and he paused for a second, he looked at his draft seriously before glancing back at his sister.

"Because every kid has one," he said seriously.

Zia thought about this and nodded seriously. That was right, she had seen every kid with a man whom they usually call 'daddy' but she and her brother had none. She had even seen others ask a couple of times who their daddy was. They would always say they only had a mummy and everyone would glance at them apologetically.

"But, why did we not make Uncle to be our daddy if we need one?" Zia asked again.

Zayn looked at her sharply and frowned. "No!" He rejected immediately.

"A daddy is different, he is like… like…" Zayn paused as he was short of words for a moment. He did not know how to explain what the god-like figure of a daddy was in simple terms. Zia also listened attentively, she was finally interested in knowing what this 'daddy' is like. Since her brother was so serious about it, it must be something very important.

After a brief second, Zayn eventually knew how to explain what a daddy was like. He opened his mouth again and explained.

"Mummy cannot have us if Daddy had not helped her to have us. It was Daddy who actually gave us to Mummy so that Mummy can take care of us and give birth to us in her tummy. Daddy is like a big person, he is bigger than Mummy and Uncle, and he is the only one that can protect us and Mummy. He is our daddy while he is mummy's husband" Zayn explained patiently, this was the longest he had spoken in all his life.

"Wow!" Little Zia glanced at her brother in awe and cupped her face. "Big brother, you are so smart, how do you know so much?" She gasped and said in her small voice. Zayn only shrugged.

A second passed and Zia opened her mouth again. "What does mummy's husband mean?" She asked inquisitively.

Zayn was not surprised, he knew his twin would question every possible word. He patiently explained again. "Mummy's husband is a man who would be with mummy and protect mummy for the rest of her life"

"That is great! Is that also like mummy's Angel?" Zia questioned again.

"Mm," Zayn hummed and nodded in response.

"Wow…" the little girl's eyes glittered. She was only quiet for a few seconds before she spoke again.

"Didn't mummy say we are her little angels? Why does she need another one?" Little Zia muttered with a tiny pout. She could not help but feel a bit jealous of this sudden 'daddy' who was stealing their position.

"Yes, we are also mummy's Angels. Look at our mummy, she works a lot so hard every day. Do you think just two angels will be enough to protect her? Moreover, we cannot be with mummy forever. She will grow old one day when we have left. Only Daddy will remain by her side" Zayn enunciated with certainty.

Zia bobbed her head, she finally seemed enlightened. Although she still looked like she had a lot to say. It was not so easy to shut down such a chatterbox.

"Do we have to travel here to find Daddy then? We can just pick one in the country before" Zia muttered.

Zayn glanced at her and sighed. He finally knew what his sister's little grudge was all about. She never wanted to leave their previous country in the first place.

"The men abroad are not good enough for our mummy. Moreover, our daddy should be here" Zayn said.

"Have you met him before?" Zia asked softly.

"No" Zayn shook his head and answered.

"Then, how are we going to find him?" Zia queried immediately.

Zayn was quiet at first, he gave the question a thought before answering carefully.

"If he does not find us first, we will find him then. I think we can use my face to look for him. All kids usually look like their parents, I don't look like mummy like you do so… I should look exactly like our daddy" Zayn stated in his plan.

Zia did not know if the plan sounded like a plausible one but she nodded nonetheless. Of course, her brother was the smartest person she knew, he was always right.

"You are not allowed to tell mummy our plan" Zayn immediately warned.

Zia frowned and opened her mouth, "why? Is it not a good thing to let her know?" She asked.

Zayn sighed softly and held his sister's hands in his. "No. We can't let her know for now. Mummy has a lot to worry about already so we must not tell her yet. Remember, we are a teammate. You must not break the rule!"

Zia pouted, she was such a chatterbox so how could she keep such big information to herself?

"I will let you share a room with me and let you okay with my computer forever?" Zayn bribed without thinking too much.

Zia's eyes brightened and she immediately thumped her palm with her brother's.

"Deal!" She voiced happily.

Just at that moment, the door of the room opened and Allicia popped her head into the room.

"What are you kids talking about?" She asked.

Zayn froze immediately while Zia flashed her mother a sweet smile.

"Big brother and I were talking about finding–"

"Ice cream!" Zayn interrupted immediately.

Zia paused and blinked, ice-cream? She felt lost.

"You want ice cream?" Allicia did not suspect a thing as she laughed at her cute daughter.

"Come outside and I will get you some" Allicia said.

Zia let out a joyful cry and ran towards her mother with her short legs. Allicia scooped her into her arms and left the room. Zayn looked at the opened door and shook his head. He had gotten himself a bad teammate this time. He sighed and jumped down from his bed. He hid his plan draft somewhere safe before walking out of the room. He was only four years old but he had the mannerism of a young man already.