

Allicia arrived in front of the company, it was unsurprisingly situated in the business district of the country. Every well-known company in the entire country had its headquarters in that area. With one look at the solid structure before her eyes, Allicia could tell that the company was at the centre of other business in the country. It occupied the best space in the district. The forlorn construction attracted one's attention easily. Allicia paid her fare and stepped out of the car.

A small smile lit up her face as she walked into the company. She stopped at the front desk and showed her identification. The lady at the front desk input her information into the system, after a while, she glanced at Allicia and opened her mouth.

"Please, wait a moment" The front desk lady expressed politely. She picked up the telephone on the table and made a call. After dropping the call, the lady looked back at Allicia and spoke to her.

"Please take the elevator to the third floor, someone will receive you there" the lady expressed.

Allicia said a word of thanks and nodded before walking away. She entered the elevator and pressed the button indicating the floor she was heading to. In less than a minute, she arrived on the third floor and stepped out of the elevator.

As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, a woman in her thirties came forward and stood before her.

"Allicia?" The woman questioned with a stern face.

Allicia who was used to seeing all kinds of expressions at work was not displeased at such lack of affection, she became serious and she met the woman's eyes.

"Yes," she politely uttered.

"I am Marie, chief of the investment department B" the woman enunciated.

Allicia did not say anything and merely nodded. She walked immediately after the woman began walking and she waited for the woman to continue speaking.

"You will be assigned to take over the head position of investment department A for the main time. Our company is mainly focused on investments and there are a total of four investment departments, each will handle different investment proposals at each time. The company has been able to stand at the top of the investment realm because of its usual successes. Usually, we organise strict interviews to employ even the lowest member of the department, this is the first time someone is joining merely based on recommendation. We are investors and we are to only bring profit to the company not loss. Investment is not a job for the weak-hearted…" She paused and threw a disapproving glance at Allicia.

The woman did not hide her displeasure for Allicia at all. She had been disappointed when she knew that someone would be joining the department based on a recommendation, she had always eyed the position of chief investor of the investment department A. Everyone in the company knew that the investment department A, B, C, and D were grouped according to the successes of the members of the group. Every member of the department worked hard to be at the top. Right from being an intern to a full member of the department, it was never easy.

Seeing that the position she had been eyeing the most was taken away, Marie was not pleased. The more she looked at Allicia's pretty and youthful face, she suspected that Allicia got into the company by unscrupulous means. When she received Allicia's information, she dug into it to find the depth of her identity but she saw none. Now seeing her in person, Marie could not hold back her hate.

"The position you are assuming is only temporary. I don't care about the means you used to get in, you better work hard and hold it tight" the woman uttered.

Allicia was not by any means disturbed by this expression, she simply kept a polite smile on her face and glanced at the woman.

"You don't have to bother about me, I am always good at what I do," Allicia said.

Although her voice was quite calm, the woman could not help but feel that Allicia was only being arrogant. She snorted and rolled her eyes but plastered a smile on her face.

"Very well then, I will look forward to seeing how good your work will be. Better watch out not to be demoted in the end" Marie's words sounded as though they were nice advice but Allicia knew better. She smiled and did not retort.

Soon, they reached the front of investment departments. The four investment groups were only divided into cubicles and only the head of the group's had a small office. Allicia followed Marie and the latter immediately introduced Allicia to the members of each team.

"Everyone, this is Allicia, she would be taking over group A from today. Please welcome the new leader" Marie uttered.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and gave Allicia a look over. Although they were shocked to see how young she was, they still clapped and welcomed her warmly. Unlike Marie's cold reception, the others were rather polite and decent.

"Welcome leader!" Someone voiced and others joined.

"Thank you" Allicia responded with a smile.

Soon, Marie excused herself after showing Allicia her office, she also introduced her secretary who would be working with her. Although it was said that the position that she was holding was only temporal, no one actually knew the time when the former chief would return. He might not even be returning.

Allicia sat behind a desk in her office and she looked around, a pleased smile graced her lips. In the letter she got, she only knew that she would be working in the investment department, she never thought that she would immediately be elevated to the status of a chief and even more so, own an office. Unlike what Marie thought, Allicia believed more in her ability, she knew that she could handle the position right.

Temporal chief, huh? Wait and see how much ability she wielded as an investor. She was not a god but, she never made a single loss.

Just when she was deep in thought, a knock sounded on the door and the door opened afterwards. A young lady who was almost about the same age as Allicia walked into the office. She held a pen and a notepad as she made her way towards Allicia's table.

"Hello leader, I am Annie, I am going to be your secretary". The lady spoke politely.

Allicia glanced at her and briefly studied her, she could tell immediately that the lady was a good-natured person and mostly efficient.

"Thank you," Allicia started politely. "What do you have on the schedule?" She asked.

"There is a proposal that was initially supposed to be handled by group A but because group A didn't have a leader, group B took the opportunity to snatch away the proposal from our group. But now, since Leader is here, we should get back the proposal" Annie explained.

A sharp glint lit up in Allicia's eyes and her lips curled up to form a smirk. "Snatch away my group A proposal? Since I am here, we will snatch it back then!" Allicia enunciated authoritatively.

"Bring me to group B, we have a proposal to snatch back! When we get back that proposal, rearrange my schedule, make it busy as possible" Allicia said.

Annie was immediately pleased with Allicia's domineering spirit. She nodded seriously and followed Allicia out of the office. Marie and other members of group B were displeased at her behaviour but no one could complain, they could only watch her snatch back the proposal from them.

Just like that, on the first day at work, Allicia's name already spread around the other groups faster than she thought.