
A Mother And Her Cuties.

It was a hot summer afternoon, a great number of people flooded in and out of the airport, a couple of people sat in the airport lounge waiting for the announcement of their flight, and most had a conversation over ice cream to cool off the afternoon heat. There were others who were looking anxiously around, craning their necks, holding cardboard and waiting for their loved ones.

Among this group was a hyperactive lady who managed to squeeze up to a position in the front, she held up a cardboard with the inscription "A pretty lady with her cute bundles of joy!" Everyone looked at her with a bewildered expression.

A young lady stepped out of the crowd, dressed in Jean trousers and a denim jacket matching outfit, a floppy hat shielded her face from the ray of light and she wore a pair of sunglasses. She looked rather fashionable.

However, it was not her presence that drew the attention of the people around her but the little cute bunnies that walk by each side of her legs. Both cuties were dressed in the same way as the lady. The only difference is that while the lady had light ash shoulder-length blonde hair, the cutie by her right side had thick light-coloured curls that cascaded down to her waistline. The second cutie had sleek jet black baby curls. This was all that made people differentiate the children.

The presence of the lady and children was spectacular, people subconsciously gave way from them to walk. It was as though they were walking down a fashion walkway. The two kids had the aura of a model as they walk, it was noticeable and unavoidable.


A loud squeal snapped the crowd out of their daze and everyone looked in the direction of the noise. It was a lady who had been holding the cardboard for a while, she had just spotted the lady and two cuties and she could not help but scramble her way to their direction. While everyone was admiring the family of three, the lady jumped forward and scooped up the two bundles of joy in her embrace. She squeezed the kids so tightly in her arms that their cute faces reddened in embarrassment.

"My sweet little pie, my cute bunny!" She rambled on as she tightened her arms around the children. The lady who stood with the children could not help but smile gently, her smile was like a breath of fresh air, it stole the heart of many away.

"There, there, the kids are not running away. Don't you feel embarrassed doing this to them in public?" The lady uttered with a hint of amusement.

"Oh please, Allicia, you have these cuties to yourself all these years and all I saw was their pictures or news about them. You can't stop me from hugging them as much as I want now!" The second lady snapped and pouted in disagreement.

"Fine, you can do what you want but, can we go home now? Because…" Allicia paused and looked around tactically.

The lady followed her eyes and as expected, she saw that a couple of people had taken out their phones to take pictures of her cuties. She pursed her lips and immediately turned the kids around.

"Okay, okay, we are leaving!" She muttered.

She grabbed each child in both hands and left the bags to Allicia while they walked towards the entrance of the airport. Allicia shook her head and smiled softly. She pushed the box and walked behind her friend and her kids.

Yes, she had kids. Two beautiful children, her light and her life. The two kids represented her entire world. Allicia tightened her fingers around the handle of the box, a cold expression flickered through her eyes but it disappeared as quickly as it came. Although the incident preceding the birth of the twins was rather unfortunate, she was grateful to have the kids. They gave her a reason to live again.

Allicia was lost in her own world as they got into the car. She looked out of the window and peered into the street. She did not expect that she would be back in the city again after five years. She had left then with nothing, she left as a pathetic orphan who was robbed of her innocence by a stranger, but now, she had returned with two bundles of joy.

No one knew what happened to her after she met that man. She never returned to the mansion. As promised, she received a recommendation letter to study in the world's top business school and her education would be fully funded. But, she was depressed, she left for the countryside to hide for a few days after the incident and only when she was encouraged to start again that she flew out of the country.

Just when she thought that she could eventually go to college, she found out that she was pregnant the following month! She remembered that she had fainted on the street one sunny afternoon, people were reluctant to help her until someone came to her rescue. Luckily, he was a doctor and he took her to the hospital. It was then that she discovered that she was pregnant. She was only nineteenth!

She was a stranger in a foreign land, she had no one to turn to. She was hopeless, her depression came back to her, and it threatened to ruin her. She was confused, she did not know if she could keep the baby or not. While she was still trying to clean up her mess, the time for her admission lapsed and she had no chance anymore. That year was simply the worst year of her life!

She was messed up, her skin had lost its glow and her eyes were hollow with endless depths of sorrow and bitterness. She was clueless about her life. She was a few months pregnant and she could barely afford a minimum standard of living.

It was until she met a long-time friend that everything turned around for good. That friend accommodated and took care of her, he was with her until she gave birth to her kids. He helped her get back to college, although it was not a top school, it was a good one.

Allicia pressed her head against the window and sighed softly, she had indeed come a long way until now. She suddenly felt a warm small palm touch her and she shifted her gaze.

Her daughter was peering at her with her doe-like eyes causing her heart to melt instantly. She saw that her son was also staring at her but unlike the cuteness of the daughter, the eyes of the young boy were sharper, it reminded her of the eyes of a certain person.

In spite of this, she smiled. She raised her hands and rubbed the heads of her babies. Why bother about the past when she already got her compensation? Her babies were worth more than what she had faced, she was glad to have them.

"Aw… you family of three are killing me with sweetness! Why are you all so cute!"