
~Chapter 9~

“Well this is kinda surprising but the liquid that you found in that bottle is trichloromethane, or in a more common name, chloroform, which is an organic compound with formula CHCl3. It’s colorless yet strong-smelling and it is produced on a large scale as a precursor to PTFE. It can harm the eyes, skin, liver, kidney and nervous system, not to forget how toxic it can be if someone inhales it or even swallows it. And the other material that you’ve found is was used to make benzodiazepines which are a class of psychoactive drugs whose core chemical structure is the fusion of a benzene ring and a diazepine ring. As depressants they are prescribed to treat conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, and seizures so you can’t get it so easily unless you have one of those issues or you have your contacts.”

Juwon took a gulp down the rest of his coffee as his mouth was dry due to all that speaking. He really needs to drink more water…

“Hm… Detective Kim, that kind of makes your theory plausible!”

Juwon looked up from his tablet with a soft frown in his face.

“What are you talking about? What theory? Sehun, you have to talk to me more!”

Sehun rolled his eyes as Chanyeol chuckled. The older of them all was really behaving like a mother towards the other.

“Detective Kim thought that our victim was forced to swallow those pills and write that suicide letter. Honestly, I wasn’t really sure about it at first when he told me but now that you filled us in with this information… it is plausible.”

Sehun scoffed once he heard the other’s comment. So he didn’t believe him, huh? And on top of that he even started laughing? Does he have a dead wish?

Chanyeol noticed the change of aura in the room and slowly but surely stopped laughing.


The raven saw how Juwon gulped and mouthed at him ‘good luck’ as he made his way out of the room silently. Before he could stop him, the older was already out and he quickly turned around towards the blond, suddenly having that feeling that not facing him was a really, really bad idea.

“Ha… Haha… Dear Devil, isn’t it hot in here?”

If anyone from hell would witness this scene they would be laughing at him. The great King of Hell somehow behaving himself in front of a mortal. A mere mortal.


He would dig a hole in his own head if he behaved like this in front of someone else.

Anyone else.

But since it was this specific mortal… well… It didn't feel that wrong.

It doesn't feel wrong at all.

His thoughts were interrupted by the small footsteps that were approaching him. The blond’s eyes were colder than usual and his face was completely emotionless. Honestly, the Devil himself was shocked by the self control the other possessed.

He couldn’t help but wonder… What would he look like losing control? Like losing it for real. And not just because of him or because of work, but in the other way. In both ways.

Yeah, sure, maybe it wasn’t the best moment to think about this but damn it, he couldn’t help it. It intrigues him.

“So you didn’t believe me, huh?”

Chanyeol might not be that much of an expert on the other as he wished but he knew that the blond haired male’s voice was too low. Deep.

“Detective Kim, come on! We’ve been getting along all day! No yelling, no screaming, no threats! We should keep it that way, now shouldn’t we?”

Sehun didn’t even bother to answer as he just stared with those dark, cold eyes right at him.

After what felt like forever for Chanyeol, Sehun murmured ‘whatever’ and left the room, going straight to the rooftop.

Chanyeol kept looking forward, somewhat dumbfounded and blinking several times.

What just happened?

Luckly for the blond, it was windy outside and he immediately closed his eyes, enjoying the way the wind brushed his hair in all directions. With a soft sight, he opened his eyes and sat on the ground, using the wall as a support to rest his muscles.

He was tired.

Maybe some people would think that he was exaggerating before, and maybe he really did. Why did it bother him that the other didn’t believe him? IT’s not like anyone did.

Not since those events.

How he wished he could just forget or just get over it. He hated that he wasn’t capable of ignoring some things, like he always ignored his feelings.

Judge him if you want but his way of thinking was just different. He stopped being all positive and optimistic a long time ago.

Years ago.

He realized long ago that hopes and dreams were useless. He learned that the hard way. If you want to get somewhere you have to put all the feelings and weaknesses to the side as they are always in the way.

Sure, maybe not everyone agreed with him but that’s what worked for him. At that point, feelings made him feel vulnerable.


He hates that feeling the most. He hates to feel vulnerable.

He felt a sudden mix of emotions and took a few deep breaths in order to calm down.

“Damn it Chanyeol.”

— —

Everyone knew Sehun for his reputation and his colleagues were getting used to his rude and cold personality but for some reason, today the aura around the detective was darked, maybe heavier than usual.

Even though they were all outside his office nobody even dared to get close to the door. That look in the blond’s eyes was terrifying.

Even Chanyeol was quiet. Since the younger returned from Satan knows where he didn’t open his mouth once and that was odd. Yeah, the other was usually pretty quiet but this was a different type of quiet.

It almost intimidated him as well.

Chanyeol looked away from the laptop screen for the nth time and looked straight at the other, not trying to hide his glare like the other times. Not gonna lie, he was amazed by the aura around him. For a mere mortal, Sehun really was something.

And that only gave him more reasons to stick to the other. It was getting more and more interesting.

Chanyeol was so used to his daily routine in which nothing interesting ever happened. There was rarely something different or challenging. So he was often bored.

But not anymore. Not with the detective around him.

“If I see that stupid grin on your face one more time I’m gona punch you right in the face and I’m not even lying.”

The raven blinked twice, not even realizing his own actions. And more importantly… The other never looked at him even once! How did he know?!

“You’ve been quiet for hours and the first thing you say is this? I don’t know if I should feel flattered or hurt…”


“Well anyways, it makes me feel kind of special, not gonna lie. Knowing that you pay so much attention to me… Ah, it definitely feels good.”

Sehun turned his head towards the other almost immediately, his eyes widening that very second.

He just did not.

Being done with the other for the day, the blond got up and took his jacket that was hanging on one of the chairs in front of his desk, almost falling on the ground.

“Detective Kim? Where are you going? Wait, I’m coming with you-”

Sehun turned around quickly after hearing those words, his left hand still on the door’s knob.

“No, you are not coming with me. I’m going home so we’re done for today.”

“Oh come on~ I need to stop by the convenience store that’s a few streets away from your house. You could do me the favor and take me with you. Please?”

With a sigh the blond murmured a ‘whatever’ and left the office, leaving the door open behind him so the other would follow him. Chanyeol’s grin only got bigger and he went running after the detective.

Seriously now, if someone finds out that the King of Hell, the Devil himself, runs after a mortal and follows orders he wouldn’t have peace for the rest of his immoral life. Sure, they wouldn’t make fun of him nor would they dare to say anything in front of him as they all fear for themselves knowing just how cruel their king is but the rumors would get to him anyway. And killing half of his kingdom in one go wouldn’t be that nice either.

The ride was quiet but after such a long day Sehun appreciated that the other wasn’t making any stupid jokes or rambled about random stuff like he usually does.

As he was concentrating on the road he failed to notice the intense stare the other gave him. Chanyeol felt like he was in a trance. He couldn’t help but take in every feature of the other.

He simply couldn’t look away.

It was so distracting. The way his blond hair fell perfectly on his forehead not even having to bother into styling it, the tip of his nose that was just perfect, the tree little moles on his nose, lips and on the cheek close to his eyes… and those lips that the raven couldn’t help but wonder if they were as soft and sweet as they looked.

At one of the red lights Sehun sighed and leaned his head back, his neck now exposed to the other’s eyes. He turned his head slightly towards the other and looked straight into his eyes.

Unholy devil.

The way he looked at him and that angle… It took him everything to hold back and not just jump on the mortal.

“What do you want?”

As it wasn’t enough, Sehun’s voice came out husky and deeper than usual.

The detective was driving him crazy.

“Nothing… Just enjoying the sight.”