
~Chapter 30~






One was an unpleasant emotion caused by threat, danger, pain or harm. One was the strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure… of hostility. The other was the complete loss or absence of hope.

Hope… She barely had any hope left.

She was dirty, hungry and felt miserable.

She was just… laying on the floor, almost lifeless. The numbness she was feeling in that moment was so unfamiliar to her. At some point, to cope with the pain, she started to imagine herself at home with her family eating some snacks while staring at the sky for hours and talking about the stupidest things. But once she was back to reality she realized that there might never be a chance to do that again.

And it was so dark… She could remember when she was 8 years old how proud was of herself for not fearing the dark anymore. But now that fear is back. With every second that passed by, she could feel it crawling back at her. And it was worse than ever before.