
~Chapter 15~

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

“Oh, come on Detective Kim! It’s not that bad. I mean, there’s no way we could have stayed home when it’s so sunny and warm outside. Besides, the doctor did say you need rest but he also said that you need to take slow and long walks to get your body used to being active again after lying in bed for so long. I’m just trying to help you.”

Oh, Sehun wanted to wipe that smirk off his face so badly.

And how the hell did he know what the doctor told him before discharging him?

Upon seeing the confused look on his face, Chanyeol giggled awkwardly and pushed him softly from behind, motioning him to walk. He has to be more careful with what he says… If he doesn’t start to think before talking he mind end up telling the blond that he’s been observing him for the past couple of weeks.

Oh, and he knew the detective wouldn’t react well.

“Detective Kim, you can’t be mad forever! Going out with me is so much fun rather than staying home all day. Let’s go anywhere you want. I’ll pay for everything!”

Sehun blinked a couple of times before opening his mouth just to close it again. It was obvious that Chanyeol was rich but was it really necessary?

“I know what you’re thinking but honestly I just want to spoil you a little bit.”

The sincerity in the other’s voice only made him sigh and murmur a ‘wathever’ before walking ahead.

Content, Chanyeol smiled and quickly catched up with him.

And just like that, they spent the entire day walking around the city, visiting different places and eating all sorts of sweets. Honestly, it looked like they were on a date and it was easy to think that they are a couple. While Sehun was mostly quiet and letting the other lead the way, Chanyeol kept talking and telling him different stories about what happened to him in those places. Not gonna lie, the blond had a lot of fun and laughed like he didn’t in a long time.

They were so different yet they were perfect together. Somehow they completed each other without even realizing. At some point Sehun was more relaxed and comfortable and Chanyeol gave up on his annoying comments and jokes and was acting more like himself.

Around 7pm, both being hungry, they decided to have dinner at a restaurant that was quite close to Sehun's place.

And to their surprise, even though it was pretty small, it was really cozy and warm. This could easily be described as the perfect place to have a romantic evening or a sweet moment with your family or friends. You know, the kind: earthy interiors with subdued lighting and a menu filled with savory and hearty options. It kinda gave away a vintage vibe complimented with antique furnishings and an old-time counter that serves familiar comfort food and classic beverages.

The tables were so organized and weren’t overly decorated. There was enough space between each one of them so it gave you enough privacy and you could see two tall and white candles with a small flower in between making it give away a home-like feeling. It was elegant but it wasn’t too much either. Even the chair looked comfortable and on one of the small arm rests there was a colorful blanket in case you were cold and a small pillow for your back. Honestly, leaving was probably gonna be hard but Sehun was definitely going to enjoy himself and luckily for him, it was almost empty.

A waiter came up to them and led them to a table close to a window allowing them to enjoy the view of the city as the sun slowly went down leaving behind a coat of darkness and cold. A cold that made other people shiver but luckily couldn’t get to them.

“I can’t believe I’ve been living here for so long and never realized there was such a place.”

Sehun’s voice came out more astonished than he intended but to his surprise Chanyeol dropped all the attitude and smiled while answering.

“Maybe I should take you out more often.”

“Huh, you wish!”

“Detective Kim, I’m trying to be nice here!”

And although he wouldn’t admit it or say it out loud, Chanyeol frowning and acting like that was pretty cute. But again, he would never say it out loud because that would just be the end of him.

Not bothering to answer, Sehun took the menu that was placed in front of him and looked through all the food variety that was served there, trying to ignore the feeling of being stared at.

After a few minutes the same waiter that welcomed them earlier arrived at the table to take their order. As the man was staring so intensely at the blond, Chanyeol decided to talk first just to get his attention.

“I’ll have Samgyeopsal with a salad and a bottle of wine.”

And even though he was writing down his order, the waiter never once looked at the raven, his eyes only resting upon the detective’s face or body.

Chanyeol’s eyes narrowed and he slowly clenched his fists, not liking the other’s behavior at all.

“Um, I’ll have Japchae.”

Saying that Sehun felt uncomfortable was maybe a little bit underrated. That stare was almost burning his skin and he felt so small. After quickly handing over the menu, the blond took a look at Chanyeol who looked ready to murder the man. Looking down at the table he saw how his fists were clenched and while the waiter started to list all the wines they had, Sehun slightly leaned over the table and took Chanyeol’s hand in his to calm him down.

Surprised by the sudden touch, the raven’s eyes widened a little bit and looked at the mortal who was clearly feeling uncomfortable but still wanted him to calm down. Taking a deep breath, he held onto the blond’s hand tightly and almost immediately calmed down.

The whole hand holding thing didn’t go unnoticed by the waiter who didn’t seem too happy. Still annoyed, Chanyeol ordered the most expensive wine and told him to leave, all while looking in Sehun’s eyes.

It was ridiculous.

The effect the mortal had on him… it was ridiculous.

Absolutely ridiculous!

It almost felt like he got hypnotized the very moment he looked at the other. For some reason it calmed him down so much and the raven could swear that the moment he got touched he felt like melting and his legs would have given up on him if they were standing.

But honestly, it was always like this.

From the beginning.

Whenever he felt like he was going to lose it just being in the mortal's presence did wonders on him and calmed him down almost instantly.

Chanyeol was not a man that preferred lying to others about anything. He always liked to be honest and say the truth and hurting or not did not matter. Not to say how much he valued those who dared to say the truth without sugarcoating it. And he would definitely be lying if he said that it wasn’t a little scary, thus nobody had this effect on him before.

In centuries.

Focusing on Sehun’s heartbeat, he bit down a chuckle when he heard how fast it was and only in that moment realized just how red the mortal’s cheeks were. In another situation he would definitely have teased him, but knowing better than pissing him off, the raven decided to rub circles with his thumb on the delicate and cold hand that was clinging on him so tightly, comforting him. Once again, he focused on the other’s heartbeat and smiled softly upon realizing that it was slowing down.

No words were needed.

A simple touch was more than enough.

Who would have thought that they both would find comfort in the least expected person?

And even though he was the one to almost explode and kill someone, Chanyeol still felt the need to ask the blond.

“Are you okay?”

His voice came out so soft and gentle, being really careful with his tone to not make the other uncomfortable or maybe scared. At the same time, he didn’t want to disturb the peace that was surrounding them.

Sehun looked down at their hands and nodded softly. His mind was yelling at him, telling him to pull away his hand and do not let the other get so close while his heart was craving to be touched and let someone close to him to warm him up, not wanting to be alone anymore. It was a constant battle with himself yet he couldn’t help but to like the comfort and feeling of warmth and safety.

So for the first time in years, Sehun ignored his mind and listened to his heart, and grabbed harder onto the hand that was caressing him with such a great care.

“Yeah, I’m okay.”