
~Chapter 12~

The day was chilly as the wind hit the living room’s window repeatedly. Sehun stared at the trees, observing their funny movements and the birds that seemed to try and hide from an upcoming rain.

Sehun loved this kind of weather. It made everything look so beautiful and calm in the weirdest way. And the silence… As he was a person of really few words, silence was his best friend (don’t tell Haneul.).

It’s been almost two weeks since the blond has been discharged and ever since then he went to his place only twice as he was staying with Haneul, who was taking way too much care of him. In the first 4 days he wasn’t even allowed to eat by himself. Thankfully Juwon stepped in one of the many days he stopped by to give him too much food and see how he was doing. It took both of them a lot of work to convince him but in the end their hard work paid off and Sehun wasn’t treated like a baby anymore.

Don’t get him wrong, the blond was more than thankful for all the care and attention but he couldn’t help but feel like a burden to the older. Everytime Haneul had to leave for work he’d get so many calls and text messages and if he didn’t answer in 10 minutes the other would go crazy.

He still laughs when he remembers that day. He was taking a shower and as he was alone it took him longer than usual. He got a few calls and messages but he didn’t give it too much thought as he was going to call that person once he was done. Not even 7 minutes later the front door opened with a loud bang and a sweaty and worried sick Haneul made his way to the bathroom where the blond was drying his hair.

It was obvious that the other was still feeling somewhat guilty so he never stopped him from preparing his food, going shopping and carrying all the grocery bags or even taking him to the hospital when he had his appointments to check on the wound and change the bandages.

Juwon was also worried even though he didn’t show it that much. Yeah, the older of them all might think that he is playing it cool in front of him but his behavior, those small details in his actions and his eyes betrayed him every time.

He wasn’t going to lie, having people around that actually worry about you and don’t let you go through a hard time on your own felt nice but he wasn’t used to it. Whenever he was sick or just wasn’t feeling well he always dealt with it alone.

“I’ve got all the snacks and drinks prepared. Time for movie night!”

The blond couldn’t help but giggle as he rested his head on Haneul’s shoulder as said male wrapped his arm around his waist, being extra careful not to hurt the other.

Cuddling was a daily thing now. At first Sehun was so against it but he grew used to it. It was almost funny just how soft he could be around the older. Will he regret it? Maybe.

On the other hand, a certain raven was losing his mind. After getting yelled at for at least 40 minutes, the director has told him that he isn’t allowed to step in the office until detective Kim is back. So he decided to use that time and focus on the detective and his well being.

And he expected a lot of things: the detective ignoring him or being rude, maybe both. He even expected to get yelled at every 2 minutes and to get kicked out the second he showed up at his door. And many other things.

But he was NOT expecting the detective to stay at Detective Haneul’s apartment and to always find them texting, calling, laughing, cuddling or seeing detective Kim getting fed by the other.

And for some unknown reason it made his blood boil in his veins. It annoyed him and that didn’t help with that weird feeling in his chest that was still there, making him think about the detective and his situation more then he wished.

Of course Minjun and Kyung haven't missed a chance to make fun of him. No need to say that it made him even more moody.

At the moment he was in the Underworld, sitting on his throne and glaring at his guards. If looks could kill, they would have been dead the moment their king stepped in the throne room.

"Looks like someone is in a bad mood~ Let me guess. Your lovely detective is with that freak?"

Kyung laughed at his boyfriend's words and sat on the stairs by the raven’s side.

"I bet they are all cuddled up on the sofa or something."

Minjun hummed in agreement as he sat on his boyfriend's lap and kissed him on the cheek as Kyung wrapped his hands around his waist.

Chanyeol made a disgusted face when he saw the affection they were sharing and looked away, focusing on anything else but them.

"This is bullshit."

That murmur didn't go unnoticed by the other two in the room but they decided to ignore it.

The raven suddenly pulled out his phone and bit his lower lip before starting to type.

Cy:'For how long are you going to ignore me, Detective Kim?’

He was never a person to approach others. You could ask anyone. He was always the one to be approached. Everyone looked for him, he never looked for someone.

He didn’t have to.

Man or woman it never really mattered.

But with the blond it was always the other way around.

He approached the detective.

He initiated conversations with the detective.

He looked for the detective.

And suddenly it hit him.

Maybe Sehun meant something more than he tought. .

But that wasn’t something new as Minjun and Kyung had already realized that. That’s why they agreed to look after the other and inform Chanyeol about it. Yeah, they might have a different status then the raven but, as his most trustworthy people, they kind of had the chance to turn off a job if they didn’t wanna do it and their king would just get someone else to do it. But they saw how different the raven was when it came to the detective. Something in him changed. No one ever had that effect on him and they would lie if they’d say it didn’t amaze them.

The somehow awkward silence was interrupted when Chanyeol got a notification.

Sh:‘It’s not like you talked to me or something up until now so why are you complaining now?’

Chanyeol read the text over and over and over again and just blinked several times.


Cy:‘You could have texted me too, you know??’

It took almost a minute until he got a reply from the other.

Sh:’You are the one who disappeared on me so why should I text you?’

This little…

The audacity.

Cy:’Detective Kim, that was rude. By the way, when can I start calling you by your name? Writing ‘detective Kim’ over and over again is a handful.’

The blond read the text almost immediately but he did take his time to respond. At some point Chanyeol thought that detective Sehun wasn’t going to answer anymore.

Sh:’Then stop texting me if you don’t like it!’





Suddenly laughter echoed through the throne room and Chanyeol quickly turned around only to find Minjun and Kyung staying behind his throne and peeking at the screen.

“You are so bad at texting. He even went offline as soon as he sent that text!”

Minjun kept telling him how bad it was while Kyung was literally crawling on the floor, holding his stomach.

When was the last time Kyung laughed like this?

He couldn’t remember.

“Shut up you two! If you don’t stop I’m gonna skin you both alive!”

Too bad the other two only laughed harder at this statement.

After taking a few deep breaths Kyung was finally able to talk.

“Sure. Will you send me a text message when that time comes?”
