
~Chapter 11~

Did you ever blame yourself for something that happened? Like you just know that you are responsible for some shit that occurred and you just can’t get rid of that guilty feeling. It’s like a weight on your chest that just won’t go away and it makes it hard to breathe.

So calm.

His face looked so calm it almost scared him. Those small puffs of air that left his mouth were the only proof that he was breathing.

It was the only proof that Sehun was really alive.

He looked so pale, his hair was a little bit messy, his hands were still not moving even an inch, his breathing was slow but regular and it didn’t look like he was going to wake up anytime soon.

With a sigh the raven took a step closer to the bed so he could have the young detective within his reach.

The visiting hours were long over and the hospital didn’t allow anyone but patients or relatives in that area of the hospital.

But that didn’t stop Chanyeol from flying all the way to the hospital to see the blond.

Over the centuries he has seen so many things, so many tragic incidents. He felt so bad and guilty over a mistake that almost ended someone’s life. And he couldn’t help but wonder… how could humans hurt someone and even kill them and just live with it?

It felt horrible even for Chanyeol and he was the devil.

Yeah… it might be true that if another person was lying in that bed in front of him he wouldn’t feel bad in the slightest even if he was to blame. Maybe he would even enjoy it.

But this…

It wasn't just any person.

It was Sehun.

The mortal who he has the need to be around and protect even since he saw him for a reason that not even he himself could comprehend.

He was well aware how bad he had screwed up and he was sure gonna get in trouble. He could already see the director’s disappointed face and Haneul’s angry face. But honestly he didn’t care. He didn’t care if people judged him or hated him or whatever. The only opinion that matters to him will always be the detective’s.

“I failed you, didn’t I?”

He sat down and sighed for the nth time since he found out about what happened from Kyung. Weirdly, the other wasn’t sleeping like he usually does. From what he was told, said man was walking on the streets around the raven’s mansion to make sure that everything was alright and there was no danger that could harm his King. Apparently everyone found out about the incident and it was literally everywhere: newspapers, TV, posters,etc.

“How am I supposed to gain your trust and make you open up to me if I’m never there for you? Ah! I’m really bad at this… In the end you will really hate me. And all of this just because of a stupid one night stand.”

It was really dark in the room and somewhat chilly but thankfully his red eyes helped him see perfectly fine.

Silence took over the room and suddenly those machines that were attached to the detective were too loud. His eyes followed the other’s heartbeat unconsciously and he suddenly wondered if those lines would be straight when he leaves.

That made him want to stay by the blond’s side even more.

“What are you doing to me?”

Slowly, making sure that the other is not going to wake up, he leaned in and kissed Sehun’s forehead. It was a soft and long kiss and he wished he could stay like that forever.He wished he could do that more often, even when the blond was awake.

— —

“I said get out! You don’t have the right to see him! Do I have to remind you that Sehun, my best friend, is in this situation because of you?!”

Chanyeol looked down, not saying anything. He knew he was to blame but it really took everything in him to control himself from yelling and punching Haneul. He would never allow anyone else to talk to him like that beside the blond.

The blond was always an exception for everything.

“Hyung, stop yelling. My shoulder already hurts enough, I don’t need a headache.”

Both males turned to look at Sehun, kinda surprised to see the other awake.

Chanyeol was going to ask him something but the older of both of them beat him to it.

“Sehun, why are you awake? Do you need something? Water? Maybe food? Do you want me to call the doctor?”

The blond couldn’t even answer as the other wouldn’t stop panicking. Not gonna lie, Chnayeol got jealous when he saw how touchy the other was with the blond who wouldn’t even protest or frown.

Just how close were the two of them?

Suddenly, their eyes met and even if Haneul kept talking and making questions they both couldn’t listen. They're gaze was so intense, none of them looked away for what felt like forever, until Sehun finally decided to break eye contact and turned all his attention to the other detective.

Chanyeol’s chest suddenly felt heavy and it was hard to breathe. What was that feeling?

All the awkwardness between the two disappeared the moment the door opened, revealing a doctor and a nurse which was the cue that both Chanyeol and Haneul had to get out.

Chanyeol was the first to sit down, feeling slightly tired as he spent the whole night awake, making sure the other was okay and didn’t need anything. Luckly for him no nurses came to check up on the detective at night so he didn’t have to hide.

The raven looked at the door, already wanting to return to the blond’s side, not liking to stay away from him or have him out of sight. It annoyed him because he couldn’t see what was going on.

“Detective Haneul, why isn’t Detective Kim’s family not coming to see him? I’ve been here all day and nobody looked for him.”

The elder almost choked on the water he was drinking and looked at the raven slightly surprised before sighing and sitting down, keeping some distance between them. Haneul is still mad.

“I can’t tell you anything about that because I’m not in the place to do so. The only one who will ever tell you something about that is Sehun. The only thing I can tell for sure though is that you shouldn’t expect anyone because nobody will show up.”

Now that Chanyeol thought about it, he doesn’t know anything about the blond. Yeah, they might have met under weird circumstances a while ago so it’s normal not to know certain things. But never, not even once, the raven has heard Sehun talk about his family or seen them. Which was weird because when you have a family you want to go home to spend time with them or you talk about them or you have a picture of them on your desk or something like that. But Sehun did or had none of that. It was quite the opposite. He was always working and he never left his office for other reasons than work or going home. He didn’t have personal objects in his office nor in his place as Chanyeol already looked around when he ‘saved’ the detective from that weirdo.


He still doesn’t know who he is.

“Leave. I’ll stay with Sehun. You should go to the office though. The director wants to talk to you.”

Well damn.

“Alright, I guess I’ll go talk to him… But I’m coming back when I’m done!”

It’s not like he wanted to leave but he wasn’t dumb. The raven knew damn well that the detective wasn’t going to talk to him. And maybe giving him some space was the best option, even though he didn’t like it one bit.

He looked once again at the door, hoping it would open and the doctor would leave so he could see the blond one more time before leaving but after what felt like forever the door didn’t move one bit. So with a weird difficulty and feeling in his chest, he got up from the chair and slowly made his way to the exit of the hospital, his senses still focusing on the door.

This is stupid.

Biting his lower lip, Chanyeol took his phone out of his jacket’s pocket and called the pink haired demon.

“Minjun. I want you and Kyung to watch over Detective Kim. Don’t leave out of sight for even a second and I want to be informed about everything: visitors, about his injury, if you see something weird or out of place. Anything. Don’t leave one thing out.”

A long sigh was heard from the other end of the line but Minjun didn’t take that long in answering.

“Alright, we’ll be there in a bit. Don’t worry.”

The demon wasn’t stupid. He knew damn well that Chanyeol was interested in the mortal.So if he wanted them to look over him they would. He wasn’t going to lie, he felt bad when he found out about what happened and even cursed at the raven many times.

“Make sure nobody notices you though.”

That being said, the devil ended the call.

If he couldn’t stay by the blond’s side to watch him he would get his most trustworthy people to do it for him.