
Orphanage once again

After Cram left the resort, he went to the church to see how the liberated slaves were doing. He wanted to check on them as well as the church and the children.

As he got near the church he noticed the guards Miyuki left. They were still there performing their duties. Cram greeted and thanked them for their work, before he went inside.

The inside church was still as beautiful as ever, thought Cram.

However, there were a few differences compared to the last time he was here. Mainly because some of the lined up chairs were moved to somewhere, as to give way for the slaves futons.

Cram saw Mary, Joy and the kids handing out food for the liberated slaves. When Myuu suddenly noticed Cram.

"Cram!!" shouted Myuu as she ran at full speed heading towards Cram, then jumping to hug him.

Cram saw Myuu jump at him for a hug. He caught her while killing the momentum of her jump so she wouldn't hurt herself and let her hug him while carrying her.

"Cram, did you come here to play" asked Myuu in his arms, while looking at him with expectant eyes.

Cram chuckled "Well only for a while" he said, as he carried her towards Mary and Joy.

"Yay!" said Myuu as she clapped her hands in excitement.

Because of Myuu's actions the slaves also noticed Cram entering the church, they all wore grateful expressions when they saw him. They stood up and bowed their heads to him, all while saying "Thank you for saving us"

Cram looked at them while still holding Myuu, then smiled "No need for thanks, although I ain't no hero but when I see that people in front of me are in need. I tend to extend a helping hand to help" he said.

Mary and Joy nodded in understanding, they already knew of Cram's helpful nature.

They still had doubts about Cram's kindness. They are people who were mistreated and handled as tools, so they tend to be a bit untrusting to other people. However, when the slaves heard what he said, Hope, gratefulness and a bit of expectation could be seen in their eyes.

When Cram saw this he laughed and said "Don't worry, you guys are free. If you have a place to go home to I'll gladly send you there. If you don't, you could come and live with me and I'll even give you jobs" said Cram.

All the slaves went quiet for a few moments before a woman named Nana stepped forward. She seemed to be the de facto representative of the group as she was the oldest out of all of them.

Nana is a 21 year old human that had green hair and eyes, she had porcelain colored skin, a cute face that exuded cute-maturity and a well developed body.

"Sir Cram, we thank you for your offer and some of us are willing to take your offered job, but most of us would like to go home to our families while others wish to be independent" said Nana.

"No problem, starting the day after tomorrow I'll escort each and everyone of you guys who still have families to your home. As for those who are staying, you will be given jobs as Maids or Butler's. If you don't have a place to go home to and don't wish to stay with me as well, then I'll give you guys some money enough to survive a week, but please keep in mind that I will no longer have anything to do with you afterwards, should you choose this option" said Cram

Nana contemplated for a bit then nodded at Cram's words. She was really thankful for Cram's generosity and still couldn't believe that there was such a good man like him. She bowed to thank him once more, then went and gathered the slaves for discussion.

Meanwhile, Cram and Myuu went over to Mary and Joy's side.

"Yo" said Cram.

"Yo" said Myuu while imitating Cram and giggling.

Mary and Joy chuckled at their antics, they couldn't help themselves in thinking Cram and Myuu looked like father and child.

The kids also greeted Cram for a bit and then immediately went back to what they were doing.

"Good Morning Cram" greeted Mary

"Good morning" greeted Joy as he asked Cram "What brings you here today?"

"I came to ask a favor, and also see how the slaves were doing" said Cram as he put down Myuu who wanted to join the other kids.

"Well, you can ask away as long as we are able to help we'll do everything, as for the slaves you can see for yourself that they are doing fine" said Mary

"At first they were still on guard and quite timid. But when they started getting along with the kids, they started to open up" said Joy.

"They did however asked alot of questions about you, we answered them a little vaguely as we ourselves aren't that familiar with you yet" said Mary with a wry smile.

Cram had a mischievous idea when he saw Mary's smile. He went towards Mary, held her hands and said in a serious tone "In time we'll get to know more about each other" said Cram as he smiled teasingly at Mary.

"WhawawWa-" said Mary as she blushed at what he said and couldn't look him in the eyes. Joy laughed at Mary's reaction, while giving Cram a thumbs up.

Mary saw their interaction and said "Mou, Stop teasing me" then she waved off Cram's hands.

"I'm sorry Mary you were just too cute" said Cram.

"Hmmmpp" said Mary as she pouted. Although, inwardly she was quite happy, but didn't know why.

After teasing the cute nun in front of him. Cram told them his reason for coming.

"I'm going on a hunting trip for a while so I can't take care of the slaves today, if it's ok would it be alright for the slaves to stay for at least one more day" said Cram.

Joy and Mary looked at each other then nodded.

"Well gladly take care of them Cram" said Mary.

"Yeah, even for a week you can leave them to us" said Joy.

"It's the least we could do after all the things you've done" said Mary.

"Thank you, anyways I already spoke to someone about buying a house. I'm pretty sure with their connections it'll be handled within a day or two at the latest. However, before then I wish to add more money to my account so that I could pay for the house while still having a bit of leeway. Thats why I'm gonna go hunting" said Cram.

"Hmm? does hunting give you that much profit? Is it enough to fund the house?" asked Mary a bit concerned.

"Don't worry, because it does" said Cram as he inwardly thought (hunting A rank monsters and criminals that is)

"I see, then please be careful" said Mary.

"Yeah, don't let your guard down. Especially in Akane Forrest. I heard there are pretty strong monsters out there" said Joy.

"Ill keep that in mind, but don't worry I'm pretty strong you know" said Cram in a confident tone. While Joy and Mary just nodded in response.

Niiya has already told them about what happened at the bar so the had a vague idea of Cram's strength.

After their discussion, Cram went to play with the children for a while. When they were satisfied Cram went and asked the slaves what their decisions were.

However, their situations were for more complicated than he thought. Like how some of them still had a family, but didn't want to go back as their family were the ones that sold them in the first place. There were also alot more issues similar to this. Which was pretty bothersome. So instead of waiting for them to finish making their discussion. He let the slaves be and told them he would ask them again tomorrow.

Cram went towards Joy and Mary once more and said his goodbyes before he left the church ready for a day of hectic hunting.

Like I said I'm going to my best friends wedding so I might not update for a while or at least until the 15th.. sorry

CoolNameGuycreators' thoughts