
A Dethroned Champion: Beneath the Wings of the Brutal Black Swan

THE COVER IMAGE IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. CONTENT WARNING: This novel contains strong descriptions of violence and sexual abuse of woman against man. Story starts with the reigning boxing champion, Yoon Sang-hyun, a paragon of power and confidence, and the world-renowned ballerina, Shin Yumin, a globally renowned ballerina who harbors a cruel and sadistic side beneath her alluring beauty. Intrigued by Sang-hyun's prowess and unbroken record, Yumin views him as the ultimate conquest - her perfect prey. On the other hand, Sang-hyun underestimates Yumin's physical abilities, seeing her as nothing more than a fragile and sensual dancer. An unexpected challenge throws them into the ring together, under Yumin's terms and special conditions. It's a dark, brutally seductive story of a cruel ballet dancer's thirst for complete domination over the mighty boxing champion.

YM_SH · Urban
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12 Chs


The alluring vision of herself, clad in nothing more than her thin silk panties, was set against the pitiful sight of Sang-hyun, the mighty fallen champion.

Yumin, the graceful ballerina, now stood before Sang-hyun, the once unbeatable champion. She chuckled, the sound airy and light, almost cruel against the heavy silence of their imagined arena. "Look at you, sweetie, all cornered and shaking like a leaf," she taunted, her voice laced with venomous delight. "Isn't it funny how the tables turn?" Her words lingered in the air, a prelude to the impending fall of a titan.

With a deceptively delicate step, Yumin closed the distance between her and the faltering champion. Her body, adorned with nothing but her fine silk undergarments, radiated a sense of power and dominance that the sturdy and muscular form of Sang-hyun, clad in his boxing gear, lacked in this moment.

Her flexible body moved with the rhythm of a predatory dance, her limbs winding up with the grace of a prima ballerina and the force of a seasoned fighter. Her right fist tightened, the muscles of her arm coiling with raw power, ready to unleash the strike she had perfectly set up. Her eyes sparkled with sadistic satisfaction, fixated on the target - Sang-hyun's face, a canvas of confidence and pride, soon to be marred.

A tremor rippled through Sang-hyun's body as he watched her movements, his eyes widened with a fear that shook him to his very core. He had anticipated this moment, but the reality of it was far more terrifying than he could have imagined. His chest heaved as he gasped for air, words tumbling out in a desperate plea.

"Yu... min... mercy," he choked out, his voice a mere whisper in the face of his impending doom. His knees buckled, his body collapsing under the weight of his regret. "I... I was foolish... so foolish to think I could stand against... you."

Yumin paused, her punch hanging mid-air as she turned her gaze to him. Her face softened into a cruelly sweet smile, her eyes gleaming with wicked delight. "Now, now, sweetheart," she cooed, a wicked glint in her eyes, "Did you really think a few pretty words would save you? Oh, you are delightfully naïve." Her words were a cold caress, a stark contrast to the warm endearment.

Ignoring his pleas, Yumin's focus shifted back to the task at hand. With the precision of a marksman and the brutality of a sadist, Yumin sent her fist flying forward. The air whistled as her punch sliced through it, the swift movement resulting in a sharp whoosh, a forewarning to the catastrophic blow about to land.

And then the world spun.

The impact was colossal, as Yumin's fist made contact with Sang-hyun's face, a deafening CRACK echoing in the ring of her mind. The sound of bone meeting bone reverberated around the imagined arena, creating an eerie symphony of violence and dominance.

His reaction was immediate and satisfying. Sang-hyun's head jerked back under the force, , his features crumbled inwards, his strong jawline disfiguring under the brutal force of Yumin's fist. His eyes, once gleaming with vigor, squeezed shut in agonizing pain. A terrified, guttural cry tore itself from his lips, his voice distorted in the throes of his torment, "A-Ahhh..."

Thrown backwards from the force of the punch, Sang-hyun's body whipped around with a savage speed. Arms outstretched before him, like a diver's at the pinnacle of their jump, his body flung back in an undignified sprawl. His journey ended with a harsh collision against the ring ropes, his body jerking to a stop in a degrading position, face first, his torso following in an awkward bend.

For a fleeting moment, the world seemed still again. An image of a fallen champion, caught in the ropes, face twisted in agony. The aftermath of Yumin's devastating blow was a tableau of total defeat, etched against the fabric of the ring ropes. A sight she relished in her sadistic fantasy.

The moment of stasis, however, was short-lived. The unforgiving recoil of the ropes, coupled with the lingering force of Yumin's punch, flung Sang-hyun's body forward once more. This time, the direction of his fall reversed. His face, still marked with the hideous imprint of Yumin's knuckles, led the way, whipping forward as if on a pivot. His body followed suit, the backward arch giving way to a forward lurch. His arms, once outstretched in a grim parody of flight, were flung backwards, now trailing behind his falling form.

Before the cruel dance of humiliation could come to an end, Yumin stepped in. Her arms shot out, ready to catch the faltering figure of Sang-hyun. His body, now robbed of its pride and strength, like a puppet with cut strings, stopped in her comforting half-naked form. His unconscious form cradled in a perverse embrace. His final position was one of utter defeat, a testament to the power play that Yumin had executed flawlessly in her mind's arena.

Yumin envisioned herself enveloped by the helpless form of Sang-hyun. His muscular chest, now feeble and trembling, pressed against her large, supple breasts. The softness of her flesh gave way under the unyielding hardness of his, molding around him, accommodating him. The intimate contact sent waves of pleasure rippling through her body, further drenching her luxurious silk underwear.

Her right shoulder served as his unintended resting spot, his neck bent awkwardly on it. "Ugghh...ahh..." Sang-hyun's ragged breaths, hot and erratic, tickled her neck, stirring the fine hairs there. His moans of pain, muffled against her skin, were intoxicating whispers in her ear, arousing her further.

His arms, once a symbol of strength and resolve, now hung slack, swaying aimlessly at his sides, unable to form even the most basic of defensive postures. His legs, once powerful, now limp and uncoordinated, now sprawled uselessly on the floor twitching sporadically as they tried and failed to support his body. This once formidable champion, laid low in his humiliation, was nothing more than a marionette with severed strings - unable to stand, unable to fight, and wholly at the mercy of the ballerina who reveled in his downfall.

With her arms tightly wound around Sang-hyun, she marveled at the contrasting sensation - his hard, trembling muscles against her soft, yielding body. Every convulsion of pain, every shudder of humiliation, seemed to vibrate through her own flesh, sending shivers of dark delight down her spine. It was a twisted, addictive dance of domination and submission, and she reveled in every second of it.

"H-haa...ngh..." His moans were erratic and labored, each one punctuated with a shuddering gasp as he tried to regain his breath. His breath came in hot, ragged bursts against her neck, each puff sending a tantalizing shiver down her spine. The raw, primal sounds of his suffering were like a beautiful melody to her ears, filling the air with a symphony of his defeat.

The once formidable champion was reduced to nothing more than a sexual plaything in her arms, his misery fueling her dark pleasure, her left hand circling her sensitive folds through the thin fabric of her underwear.

Leaning in close, Yumin let her warm, honeyed breath wash over Sang-hyun's ear, a teasing whisper of things yet to come. Her soft voice broke through the layers of his pained unconsciousness, stirring him from the depths of his disorientation. "Awake, my dear punching bag... there's more fun to be had."

A harsh groan tumbled from Sang-hyun's lips, raw and full of confusion, "Nnngg..." The sound was as pitiful as it was delightful to Yumin's ears. His arms, trembling and weak, wrapped around her slender waist in a feeble attempt to pull himself upright. His legs, too, tried their best to obey his command, flailing beneath him in a pathetic display of lost strength. Yet, his body betrayed him, refusing to cooperate, leaving him helplessly embraced in Yumin's firm grasp.

Her fingers, which had been lightly grazing her intimate parts, began to trace circles on her sensitive skin. As her left hand ventured deeper into her pleasure, her right hand started its own journey, making its way up to two soft hills, the rounded contours and subtle peaks of her feminine physique. Her fingers gently kneaded the soft flesh, her touch causing the nipples to tighten into hard buds. Every tug, every pinch, mirrored the rhythm of her pulsating core.

Yumin's back arched slightly as her movements became more deliberate. "Mmm... hmmm...." A soft moan slipped past her lips, adding to the symphony of sounds in the silent room. In her mind, her torment of Sang-hyun continued. Her gaze never leaving his desperate struggle, Yumin cooed gently, her words a loving mockery of his helpless state. "Look at you, love, all sprawled out for me... Let's see if you can endure more of my love."

In response, Sang-hyun's body jerked weakly in her arms. She reveled in his misery, teasing him further, her words sliding down his spine like ice, "Honey, you're shaking. Are you frightened by your delicate ballerina?" He managed to whimper, "Yu... Min," each word squeezed out from the depths of his pain. The sound of his voice, so filled with humiliation and misery, brought a wicked smile to her face.

"Oh, sweetheart, you can't even speak properly," she cooed, her words carrying the weight of her sadistic satisfaction. "How does it feel, my beloved champion, to be completely at the mercy of little ballerina?" she taunted him, her voice barely above a whisper as if sharing a secret with a lover.

Reality, however, unfolded in stark contrast to her vivid imagination. The soft gasps that escaped her parted lips filled the room, echoing through the silent space in a symphony of sweet torment. "Haah... haaaah..." Her lungs filled and emptied in rhythm with her roving fingers. Her body arched, twisting in the sheets as she explored the intimate terrains of her body.

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