
A Detective Conan Fanfiction Story: Fading Memories

When Ran found out Conan's identity, her life was in a tightrope and all bad luck in life came to their lives like a tornado. Ten years passed, he couldn't recognize her. She was a complete stranger to him. Will they be able to solve their complicated, tough case together? Credits to the true maker of Detective Conan, Gosho Aoyama.

MQWrites · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Five: Return of the Lost (Part Three)

Shinichi's POV

"I made choices but you declined. Put it up with some good fight would be a better kill time for us all."

Her right hand was filled with a sharp hlade. I noticed that there's holster on her right leg with a gun attached to it.

I looked up at her again. Her eyes were filled with emptiness, like a puppet being played with strings. Face were completely dense and her body was like being processed to fight.

"This is not your type, Ran," I said and walk passed the two friends I have with me. They're saying something but that's least of my concern now. "You're not killing nor fighting a person here now, Ran."

Her eyes filled with horror and she stepped back again. "Don't move or I'll move my blade to your face."

"Prove it."

Her expression changed into shock. "What?"

I moved swiftly near her and quickly grab her wrist with the blade still in her hand and put the tip of the blade near my cheek.

Her eyes widened as she saw my face was so near to hers with the blade between us. Her eyes were shaking in fear.

"Prove it. Prove that you're going to slice my face," I said and put the blade in my cheek.

I could feel her hand froze in the air. It was so hard, like I was holding a stilled figure.

"Why is your hand not moving yet? Scared?" I smirked when I saw her frowned.

"Back off, you prick!" she shouted at me. A sweat fell down her forehead.

"Hmm? Can't move, baby?"

She blushed. That's when I took advantage of the moment. I unwrap my hand to her wrist, making her look at it and I quickly put my hands to the air, looking down and flipped my left leg up to the air. I give pressure to my left foot and targeted her right wrist.

She was caught off guard. She screamed in pain as she felt the pressure down to her wrist, making the blade fell down from her hand.

She looked at me. Eyes like a lion ready to plunge down to his prey.

She crouched down. Her right hand down to her side, as well as left hand. It left a red mark to her wrist and that made me worried.

But she plunged towards me when I was about to walk towards her.

I was caught off guard. The damn red mark was the distraction. Tsk.

I just stared at her eyes while she slowly going towards me and smiled at her.

But there's no change to her expression. It was now stable but I noticed she didn't pull out the gun yet.

"RAN-CHAN!!!" I flinched on my spot as I saw Kazuha suddenly appeared so fast in front of me.

Her arms were in a stance, feet were apart—one was behind her other and the other came forth. As Ran came slow to Kazuha's sight, her eyes popped out and took Ran's uninjured wrist to her hands and put Ran's arms behind her back, binding her to move.

They fell down the ground with a thud.

"Hey! Release me!" Ran complained as she tried to get out of Kazuha's grasp.

"Heiji! Get the holster out of her leg! Now!" Kazuha instructed.

As what Kazuha said, Heiji immediately took out the holster to her leg and threw it somewhere far.

"Woi, woi. This battle was really an eyesore. Can we just kidnapped her like Hayley did to her?" Hattori said as he looked at me. "Woi, Kudo. Can I knock her unconscious so that we could finish this easily?"

This guy was really tired of fighting Ran...

I looked at Ran whose been tied badly by Kazuha with her hands. Her face was now on the ground, unable to move.

I sighed and looked at Hattori with glares. "Fine, fine. Knock her out. We have something else to do anyways."

"Al~right!" He clenched his fist and I heard cracking sounds through it before he go towards Ran. "Sorry, Ran-san, but I'll do this for now. Goodnight~~"

Kaito's POV

"Woi, woi. Are we really safe here?!" I shouted and gulped a lump in my throat.

There's more than five people in front me and Aoko and I really knew we could not fight them.

My eyes widened as I saw Aoko stood in front of me so fast with a long stick in hand.

Eh?!!! In how the earth did she get that from???

"Kaito," she called and glanced at me with seriousness in her eyes. I could also sense her serious aura. "We should fight."


"Don't be such a coward, baka! (idiot) We need to fight or we will be left off by everybody."

"E-Eh?? W-Woi, A-Aoko. W-Wait a--"

"Here I come!" she said and shouted loudly before plunging in to our foes.

S-She was too fast... I thought as I saw trails of dusts behind her where she ran.

I heard a groan and another groan again. My eyes wondered to my girl as I looked at her battling with the ten people.

Her speed was incredibly fast and the way she hits the long stick in her hand to her opponents, it really looks like it hurts just to the sight.

I thought she was an ordinary girl with the innocent look and weak body but I never thought she could've hide something so amazing.

I smirked, thinking I should act as well so that that detective boy would praise me and he could give me credits.

"Woi, Kaito!" I heard Aoko shouted and I looked up to see her struggling to hold up two, three—no, five persons with her long stick.

They have those sharp objects with them and I don't know how Aoko manages to not let her long stick cut into pieces by those jerks.

"Help me and don't just stane there, idiot!" she complained and with all force, she shouted and push the five persons with the long stick.

"Alright, alright," I saie as I took my card gun on my pocket and aim for the upcoming three noobs to Aoko's side.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three shots were made to the three noob's wrists, causing the weapoms on their hands fell down to the floor.

Their hands turned to look at me. Their eyes were a raging fire.

I smirked back at them and motioned them to come over me.

Loud screams were made as they ran towards me with speed but enough for my eyes to catch up.

As soon as one of the men stretched his right arm to me, I immediately dodged it while holding my hat and shoot one card to his chest. He stumbled sideward, earning a glance from his mates.

They're growling and like lions wanting to get their pray to their trap, they plunge to me with a loud growl but I instantly dodged all their attacks.

I attack one of them with a gun, three cards and the other one with my flying hat.

I sighed as I came down from my high jump and looked at the three big-muscle musketeers who ran into me a while ago.

"Woi, woi. Don't you think it's all to easy to beat these three, Aoko? It's no fun at all," I complained.

"You're just lucky to shoot them in long range when I'm distracted, idiot," she gritted as she pushed her opponents using the long stick and turn it around above her head before running towards them and slapped them with the tip of the long stick one by one.

There's no mercy from Aoko as she took all five men to the ground.

My eyes glimmered in amazement. "Woah... Nice battle you got there," I said and winked at her as she turned her back to the defeated opponents and walk towards me.

She sighed heavily. "That's one of a hell job to do alone," she whispered but enough for me to hear. She glared at me. "You just knocked out three, I knocked out the most of our enemies. How could you be so selfish?"

"I'm not--" My words cut off as I saw two more of the enemies running towards the oblivious Aoko.

"What are you saying, Kaito?" Aoko asked, frowning without noticing the two men running behind her.

I pulled out my gun and shot the two down before Aoko could say anything. Groans came from the two men as I put back my gun back to its original place.

When I look at Aoko, her face semmed to be in fear. I tilted my head and crossed my arms.

"What happened to your face, Aoko? Your face looked dark."

Her fist clenched and her head lowered down. I saw her bit her lip and slowly looked at me.

My eyes widened and my hands quickly clasped my ears when she suddenly shouted, "THINK WHAT IS THE REASON, BAKA!!!"

I sighed heavily as I laughed sarcastically. "I know, I know so stop shouting now and let's go forward. Our troupes are waiting for us," I said as I turned my back at her, glancing back. "Let's go fight the bad guys."