
A Detective Conan Fanfiction Story: Fading Memories

When Ran found out Conan's identity, her life was in a tightrope and all bad luck in life came to their lives like a tornado. Ten years passed, he couldn't recognize her. She was a complete stranger to him. Will they be able to solve their complicated, tough case together? Credits to the true maker of Detective Conan, Gosho Aoyama.

MQWrites · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Five: Return Of The Lost (Part One)

Hayley's POV

"Who am I?" My lips curved into a huge smile as I saw Rachel's eyes fluttered open and landed her eyes onto me first with the most innocent look. That's her first question when she woke up by the way so 'The Pandora' is a success.

"My Lady, the antidote worked," Sherry said out loud that made Rachel frowned and made me panicked inside.

"Antidote?" she asked, eyes were filled with curiosity.

"W-Well, don't mind her. There's no antidote involved here, alright?" I glared at Sherry who just continued with her work. I cleared my throat and gave Rachel a smile. "Hi. My name's Eclipse, your My Lady. I suppose you can't remember me because of the car crash."

"Car crash?"

"Yes. You bumped your head somewhere and now, you can't remember us even yourself." I sighed, trying to look like I was sad. "Your name's Angel, my dear."


"Yes. Like the human with the wings in heaven, an angel," I explained and rolled my eyes. "Anyways, change your clothes to this."

I handed her a black dress with no sleeves and the skirt was above her knees. Shoes were army shoes in black color and a gold chain belt with a heart engraved to the center for her dress. I also put there a headband engraved with gold metal leaves for the match.

The rest would be the accessories that I'll give later to her. And of course, it'll be also gold to match the black dress.

"Go change and go back once you put them all."

"Ahm... But I don't know where's the changing room?"

The vein in my head popped out as her question processed in my head. "Are you an idiot? This is an abandoned building. Go and change to an empty abandoned room and come back here once you did."

She only nodded and left the place where we are. After a few minutes, she came back while wearing the clothing and lower accessories I told her to wear.

I sighed in relief as I confirmed she couldn't really remember me and just being so innocent in front of me would be just a huge success. I assist in putting all of the other accessories left in my hands and carefully putting it on her.

Once I did it, I go in front of her and looked up and down on her. She was like a doll, I may say and I envy her because of that.

"Wah~ I love it! This outfit suits you better than the cheap ones you used to wear a while ago." She also made a hairstyle herself to fit in her outfit. It was a double braid. "I welcome you to our organization," I continued as I tried to force a smile on my lips. "Now that you're in, I shall tell you the details. You and the others will be my assistants including the girl with the short auburn hair behind me. You can just call me 'My Lady', not any names. Whatever I say, you'll need to follow it and if not, there'll be a punishment for it, alright?"

She nodded reluctantly with that innocent look. Argh! This woman was giving me nerves. She does that always-- the innocent vibe all over her body doesn't seem to fade away. It was like it's just in there, trying to mess me up with everything.

"Words," I said with a firm voice and her eyes sparkled with fear as her left foot slide back a little.

"Y-Yes, My Lady," she answered.

I grinned as I heard her response. I was utterly satisfied and I could not wait to see the outcome once Jimmy sees this.

Shinichi's POV

We are now ready to get movin' in this round where we start to go in Hayley's organization's hide.

The patrol cars are waiting to get filled so we take each patrol car to make it full plus the other vans owned by Suzuki's which was used by the guards we needed for patrolling and executing the plan.

We are looking forward to going to Hayley's hideout as much as possible so that we could assure everyone will be safe, especially the two girls since they're the sensitive ones.

While we go forth to our destination while carefully sneaking out through the whole streets of Tokyo where Kaito mentioned, I have an intuition that there's something wrong while we are in the midst of planning. I couldn't seem to put it away--that feeling keeps on lurking through my brain cells for an hour now.

The streets were noisy as usual. With cars and vehicles hovering here and there, people in the side streets tapping their shoes on the floor with bags hanging around their limited arms.

At Hayley's hideout...

We arrived at their hideout after two hours of finding it out and with Kaito and Aoko flying through the air, guiding us through the whole ride.

All of us stepped out of the cars. Kaito and Aoko landed safely to the ground near us without any sense of harm.

The patrol cars were been stopped miles away from the hideout so that there will be no suspicions to be triggered by the organization.

I put my forefinger to my lips as I looked at them and they all nodded in response.

"All ready?" I whispered at them and they nodded again in response.

We all have light footsteps as we approached the entrance of the old building.

It stood really tall. Maybe they didn't finish it on time or the owner just went bankrupt.

"Look. Ton heads of snipers are visible here," Hattori said as we crouched down. The police officers headed in the entrance slowly; the others went into the other entrance where Sonoko and her troupes are waiting.

"There are also guards near the back entrance, Sir. Roger," an officer from Megure-keibu's group said while on a roll.

The sound of the radio was quickly silent. "Distract the guards. Somewhere in there needs to play," I said and the only response I get was, "Yes, Sir."

The plan was already on a move. I looked at Hattori, Kazuha, and Megure-keibu. I nodded at them and they nodded in response and move forward, sign that they need to get going while I stay in my place.

"The snipers were already in the act. Observant, perhaps. They are also in the rooftop watching thoroughly," Kaito said as he was on abort via radio.

"Kudo-kun, we landed down to a balcony," Aoko announced to us through radio.

"Any suspicious?"

Silence filled our conversation in minute. "None, whatsoever but..." She paused again. "... I could see the two girls here with the old man. Oh! And they're doing something to your girl, Kudo-kun."

Fear filled all of me. "What?! What happened to Ran? Did something gruesome happened to her?"

"No, no. Don't panic," Aoko said but then, I heard was a shuffling sound before someone talks again. "Hello."

Wait, that's not Aoko's voice I'm hearing.

"It's me—Kaito Kid, idiot," he introduced himself with a hint of sarcasm. "Well, Aoko's words are pretty much of hurtful so I snatched her device on her to give you the specific details of what we are seeing right now on your girl, the other girl, and to the old man with the evil queen.

"A long table was set beside a large long white table with scientific things. Haibara and the old man is still working to the best as they can but I don't think the old Professor could handle much of the pressure he's in. He's super sweaty, by the way.

"About your wifey lovey-dovey—whatever you call her. Anyways, her outfit changed. Wearing a black dress above her knees with gold accessories to match the ambience of the dark color and—oh well, your ex-girlfriend let her choose three weapons to use for battle, which means we are in a great trouble. "

"Hey! Give me that!" I heard Aoko's voice aloud. I heard some shuffling sounds again and this time, Aoko is on the line. "Sorry for Kaito in disturbing our conversation that needs to be done by me. I should have explained it much shorter than him but anyways, those were the specific details about what we're seeing right now."

"How is Ran?"

"So far, she's fine but I know deep inside, she doesn't like it. Make it fast, Kudo-kun. I don't think Ran and the other victims could make it in time without them being harmed by the girl you mentioned us."

"Hayley. Her name is Hayley."

"Yes. Hayley looks dangerous. I think the plan would be a success by the way. But please hurry."

"We will and we could save them three without no signs of harm to them."

The line went dead, and I stared at the entrance where Hattori, Kazuha-san, and the other police with Megure-keibu successfully get through.

It was being too obvious, but the snipers seemed pretty oblivious of what's happening.

There's one thing in my mind when we are doing this.

I'll save you, Ran. No matter what.