
A Detective Conan Fanfiction Story: Fading Memories

When Ran found out Conan's identity, her life was in a tightrope and all bad luck in life came to their lives like a tornado. Ten years passed, he couldn't recognize her. She was a complete stranger to him. Will they be able to solve their complicated, tough case together? Credits to the true maker of Detective Conan, Gosho Aoyama.

MQWrites · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Faded Memories (Glimpse)

Ran's POV

What is this smell? It reeks like iron... Blood? No, why does it smell like blood?

And my body... It feels like floating through the air... Am I... dead?

"No, you're not dead," I heard a voice whispered to my ear.

My eyes opened wide, and I stood with my own two knees, wearing my clothes from before and able to swing myself a little.

And also, the smell became different. It smells like perfume.

I felt a soft thing brushed to my cheeks as a chilly wind burst towards me.

My eyes automatically closed by the sudden wind current and I can't seem to stand up, but it stopped so suddenly.

My eyes slowly opened and my eyes widened as my vision focused on the wide plain of purple flowers.

The place looks so calm and pure. The sky is pure white and vibrant. The air is not too warm, but not too cold either.

Is this... Nirvana?

"No," I heard someone whispered to my ear once again. That voice again... "Ran nee-chan," it called.

I turned to look at my back to see a woman, aged like Mitsuhiko and Genta, standing there, wearing a pink kimono. Her head was tilted slightly as her hands were both clasped on her back. She was smiling.

My mouth opened in awe and my eyes focused on her features. She seems... alive. Is she even a human?

"Yes, I'm a human," she answered. My eyes widened as I heard her voice. "Yes, I'm the person who's talking to you while you are in a dream."

"Dream?" I frowned. "What do you mean a dream?"

"Ran nee-chan, you are dreaming and I stepped into your dream for you to see me," she answered. "You are thinking about me when you suddenly blackout, right?" She smiled sweetly again while her eyes were closed. "Arigatou."

"Ayumi...chan, right?" I blurted out.

She nodded. "Hai. Watashi wa Ayumi desu. Ran nee-chan, I'm dead but I'm a human before. Now, I'm a soul living in Nirvana and just came to see you through your dream."

"Are you really dead? You don't seem like it."

She laughed. "Ran nee-chan, I am. You could never change the fact," she replied and lets out a sight. "How sad that you are in a hard condition. You are also giving Shinichi nii-chan a hard time, and also Sonoko nee-chan. Go and make sure to cure yourself, Ran nee-chan. Remember everything so that you'll be able to protect you wanted to protect."

I felt my tears swelled up and falls down to my cheeks as I looked at her. She is still smiling so beautifully while she's in the middle of a calm breeze.

Why does she need to tell me all of that even though it's too sad?

"Ran nee-chan, don't let any lives be taken anymore. Protect them with Shinichi nii-chan. I'm counting on you. Sayounara, Ran nee-chan," she said and she is still smiling.

"I-I don't understand. Why are you still smiling?" I asked her.

Her smile faded but her lips opened in awe with her eyes glimmering with shock and curiosity. The sweet smile came back in a second.

"I'm happy to see everyone doing their best and you too, Ran nee-chan," she replied and turned her back at me. She raised her left hand while running away from my direction. "Sayounara, Ran nee-chan! See you next time!"

And that dream forced me to move forward, that I can't just stay silent forever while my memories still not come back.

That time, I also realized that what everyone said is the truth. That I, Mouri Ran, is their ally... friend... sister... and also, an important and valuable person to them.


"E-Eh? O-Oi, Ran. Don't push yourself too hard. You're still recovering, aren't you?"

"I won't just sit still while my body is now completely recovered," I said as I hurriedly sat down and put my shoes on.

It's been a month since I've last dreamed of Ayumi-chan. Ever since she's not bothering me but the words of hers sank in me.

"Ran, Shinichi will be mad if he--"

"Will you tell him, then?" I stopped in my tracks and looked at her. My hand gripped on the handle of my bag. "I'm just going to know how strong I am, how I do become a 2nd Degree Taekwondo player."

"S-So, I tell you, you're really amazing when you do Taekwondo. I'm just worried because you have no memories about it yet," Sonoko said as her eyes glimmered with worry.

I sighed and looked at her, giving her a reassuring smile. "Geez. You're a hassle friend, Sonoko. You're just going to take me to your boyfriend. I'm just going to take knowledge."

"But, Ran..."

"I'm okay. Don't worry. I'll be fine, I promise."

She sighed and nodded. "Okay... If you say so. Just don't tire yourself, hmm?"

I nodded. "I assure you."

Her eyes widened with happiness and her mouth opened in excitement. She nodded and tilted her head with her eyes closed and her hands clasped behind.


"Hah!" I yelled as I land a kick to Sonoko's boyfriend's palm. I twisted my left foot and put more pressure on my kick, making Sonoko's boyfriend landing sideways to the bushes.

"Wah~ Makoto-san!" Sonoko yelled and ran to her boyfriend's side, getting down on her knees and check his body. "Are you okay?" she asked worriedly and then, she looked at me with anger in her eyes. "Ran, you shouldn't be much more violent! Geez."

As my feet landed down the stone ground, I looked at her and smiled. "Gomen, gomen. I don't know how much force I used in there," I said and bowed. "I'm sorry, Kyogoku-san."

"D-Daijoubu desu, Mouri-san," he said and stood up with ease.

Sonoko was still on her knees, looking at her boyfriend so worriedly. It was the same spark she used when she is worried about my condition.

"A-Are you really okay, Makoto-san? Your clothes are now dirty--"

"I'm okay, Sonoko," Kogyoku-san cut her off and sighed. "I could handle her attack. But that was pretty good for a person who could not even remember even the techniques, huh?"

My eyes widened by his praise. "H-Hountoni?"

He nodded in response. "Your moves are just like when you're conscious of your memories. For now, let's rest. And of course, I'm sure Kudo-kun would be worried if he finds out you are working your body really hard to just remember about yourself."

"Makoto-san! I told you, I didn't tell Shinichi about this so don't worry about Ran and train her more!" Sonoko yelled.

Kogyoku-san sighed and looked at his girlfriend. "Don't be so childish, Sonoko, and don't order me around. Mouri-san needs a lot of rest since her memory is still not coming back. You know her condition like Kudo-kun, right?"

Sonoko lowered her head and slowly nodded. I saw her hands clasped tight to each other.

Kogyoku-san smiled at her and caressed her hair. "You are a good girl. Now, let's rest. It'll be night soon. You can rest in the guest room if you want."

"But, Makoto-san, I told you that we--"

"It's too late for it now, Sonoko," Kogyoku-san cut her off again. His glasses reflected by the light. "I told Kudo-kun about the situation and he agreed but I have to make sure that you'll be under parental guidance."

"Eh???" we both said in unison.

"Why did you tell him?!" Sonoko proclaimed to Kogyoku-san. She sighed heavily, shoulders were lowered down. "Now, we are caught."

For your information, I was the one who dragged you in this, idiot. I thought as I stared at the couple in front of me.


We changed our clothes from Kogyoku-san's house. We also stayed to their guest room for just temporary purposes.

"Ran, the dinner is ready!!!" I heard Sonoko yelled to the next sliding door as she waved her hand at me.

"All right! I'll be there!" I replied and tied the ribbon on my waist perfectly before closing the sliding door.

I turned around to walk but then, I sense something. I looked at a random direction. My eyes widened as I saw a glimpse of an unknown figure hiding inn the bushes outside the premises.

I was about to yell but the next thing I knew I felt the cold floor and a liquid pours down on my whole back.

I could hear my best friend yelling and my vision became blurry until I was blacked out.