
A Detective Conan Fanfiction Story: Fading Memories

When Ran found out Conan's identity, her life was in a tightrope and all bad luck in life came to their lives like a tornado. Ten years passed, he couldn't recognize her. She was a complete stranger to him. Will they be able to solve their complicated, tough case together? Credits to the true maker of Detective Conan, Gosho Aoyama.

MQWrites · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter Three: The Red Invitation (Part Two)

Kaito's POV

"Wait, seriously?!" I got out of my bed so hurriedly. "Metantei, are you even joking around right now?"

"I'm not joking," said he on the other line. "I really need your helping hand."

"Beats me. You don't need me there. Just find someone else to be your partner-in-crime."

"Bite to my offer, Kid."

"And what's the exchange?"

I heard him sighed on the other line. "What do you need?"

I grinned. "Anything?"

"If it was the Karat Diamond in the Museum or the precious Golden Necklace of the president, I will not possibly give it to you."

I frowned and plopped down to my bed. "So, what could you offer? If there's none, I think we should stop talking to each other right no--"

"You could steal one precious item from someone's rich in the party. How about that?"

I grinned. "Deal. So, what are you planning up, Metantei?"

"You need to lend some things for me. Make sure we could use it both for some sudden purposes. So, do I."

"Okay. I could inform it now to Jii-chan. He should arrange it right away."

"Good. Now, all you need to do is to find something to wear."

"Wait, what? A wear?!" I groaned. "I hate dressing up. Tell me, what's the event's theme?"


"Kaito!" Aoko shouted as she descended from the stairs. She threw a black blazer to me. "There. Wear that. That suits the pamts and the red shirt."

"Seriously, Aoko?" I put up the blazer she threw at me and made a glance at her. "You've got to be kidding me. This couldn't fit through me! It is Uncle Nakamori's!"

"Are you going to fit it or not?" Aoko backfired, hands on her waist while raising an eyebrow at me and giving me a glare.

When I didn't move, she grab the blazer from me and put it on to me quickly. She moved back once she's done putting it on me. I looked at the mirror.

"It just suits right. It's better 'cause you look more like a businessman wearing my dad' s formal blazer."

"It is too BIG for me," I complained. "It's too baggy for me. I looked like a man wearing oversize shirts in an important event."

"Stop complaining. I told you, it fits you," Aoko said and she started to make the knots in my tie. She got back up once she's done. Her face scrunched. "You literally look like Kaito Kid with a black suit right now."

"I'm Kaito Kid, idiot," I said as I looked unbelievably on her.

"I know," she said.

Nakamori Aoko, my best slash childhood friend, knew now that I was Kaito Kid the Phantom Thief. She knew since that accidnet happened but she keeps it as a secret to her father.

I turned around, left to right to see myself. "I really look fat in here," I said.

"No, you're not. It's perfect for you."

"Yeah, right," I said flatly and scoffed.

"Well, go to Jii-chan now," she said as she pushed my back, trying hard to get me out of my own house.

"Doesn't mean you could push me, idiot," I said.

"And that doesn't mean I could not," she backfired. She puts her hands on her waist. "Be matured enough in the event. Don't do tricks. I'm warning you. Don't do tricks and don't rob."

I rolled my eyes teasingly. "Not that I can't do that."

"Kaito..." Her voice looks like it is threatening me. Her gaze looks like giving my face a hole in between.

"Hai, my wife," I answered back.

I saw her cheeks flushed red when she heard the endearment. I hurriedly ran as soon as I saw her clenching her fist.

"Kaito! Get back here, you stupid shameless jerk!" I heard her shout as I got away. I just laughed at her reaction and ran towards Jii-chan's house.

Shinichi's POV

I heard the door open once the call ended. "Conan-kun," I heard Ran said once she opens the door. Her face peeked through. "Can you guard Dad for me? I have an appointment this evening," she said shyly.

I got neevous for a moment. "Ran nee-chan, gomene. I could not make it," I apologized as I looked at her eyes. "I promised Genta and others to have a sleepover in Agasa Hakase's house tonight."

"Oh, is that so? I see," she said as disappointment filled her eyes but it soom faded. She smiled as if nothing happened. "Well then. Have fun in your sleepover." She looked up. "I think I might just call Mom to take care of Dad."

"Uhm, Ran nee-chan, is it hard for Auntie to take care of Uncle Kogoro? I'm they'll fight."

"Nah. They won't. At least I guess they'll fight just once but I know Dad. He loves Mom so much," she said softly, her eyes are filled with love. "Oh! Sonoko and I will go shopping so I will go home for sometime. What time would you go to Hakase's house?"

I looked at my wristwatch. "Barely fifteen minutes," I answered and looked at her apologetically. "I'm sorry, Ran nee-chan."

"I know you have also an appointment," Ran said and smiled sweetly. "Just take care there, okay?" I nodded. "Good. I shall call Mom before I leave. Bye." Then she closed the door.

I sighed in relief. Something got picked up in my chest. It looks like I stopped breathing when Ran got into my room so sudden.

I also made up an excuse. Great. What a great way to escape the truth, Shinichi.

I hurriedly packed my things up in my bag, imcluding the device my Mom sent to me. Once I stuffed all of my things in my bag, I got out of my room and say goobye to Ran before I leave the agency.


"Argh!" I gripped my chest so tightly as it keeps hurting. I felt my heart beating rapidly and my body starts to tremble badly.

I gripped on my chest hard as I felt my blood's rushing too fast. The medicine is starting to effect.

"Damn it!" I held myself chest so tight that it almost crushed. I closed my eyes as I tried to resist the pain I'm feeling inside.

Suddenly, I felt my body going bigger and bigger until the pain subsided. The smell of smoke is what I notice first. The procedure had finished.

I put on the attire before leaving the bathroom. There, I was met by Haibara, who is much smaller than my height.

"Well, I think you are really ready for the event," she said while looking at me straight in the eyes. "But, you should know that what you're planning to do is dangerous, Kudo-kun."

"I know," I said as I fixed the tuxedo. I started buttoning the sleeves and fixing the neckline of the shirt.

"Don't be too abusive in that body, Kudo-kun. It might have some side effects once you overdose it while it's still in you. Here."

I looked at her to see her reaching out her hand with a medicine in hand. I took it. "What's this?"

"The medicine who will minimize the side effect. It could help you for several hours once you get to the brink of the pill."

I put it on the pocket of my shirt. "Got it."

"Shinichi." I looked to see Agasa Hakase walking towards me with a device in hand. "This are the devices you want me to make," he said and put it on the table. I walked towards his side and looked at the device. "As you want it, this is a secret walkie-talkie formed in an earpod. It was undenianly visible for people's eyesight. It also have a protection for hackers not to go through. And this second device, it was the sticker you have. I upgraded it a little bit with some protection and advanced signals for you to catch up for people who you will track. "

I took all of it and hid it inside my pocket. "Thank you, Hakase."

"You're welcome, Shinichi. Are you sure to this?" he asked, worry filled his eyes.

"I could handle it, Agasa Hakase. I have a pro thief with me too so I'll be completely fine."

"Yeah, not unless he doesn't cause trouble in stealing something to someone," Haibara mocked and scoffed. "I'm sure there's no way The Phantom Thief could ever go out of the event without even a precious thing in his hands."

Oh, yeah. That one too.

"Except for it, everything's fine," Haibara added and looked up at me. "Sure thinf you're a detective after all. Going in Sherlock Holmes mode, aren't we, Kudo-kun?" She smirked.

I gave her back a smirk and looked at Hakase. "Don't tell this to Ran."

"I won't," he said. "Now, go. The event will be starting for three hours now."

I nodded and left Hakase's house. I put on a cap, put my backpack and call a taxi. I told the driver to drove me to the airport.


"Tantei, I would regret to ask a help from my rival if I were you," he said as soon as he stopped in front of me.

I frowned. "What a great way of greeting me, Kid," I said to him.

"Shh... They might hear you. Yoy know my identity's still a secret," he whispered, putting his finger in his lips.

I rolled my eyes as I looked at him flatly. "Did you have all the things I want you to bring?"

He grinned and put up the small bag he had. "All have it."

I nodded and looked at the whole place where we are. I spotted a man in black suit near the pillar.

"I think we should go," I said and turned my back. Kid followed me after.

Once we got out of the airport, I call a taxi and together, we go to the event.

"So, you don't bring your own car?" He scoffed. "How lame. I thought you would let me buckle up in a nice car."

I glared at him. "Not all detectives are that rich, Kid," I said and whispered the last. I leaned on the leather seat. "And you? Why didn't you bring your car?"

"Thieves are not that rich, especially me. I assumed you know I really didn't steal anything. I take it back afterwards," he said and crossed his arms. He looked outside from the window.

He's right. He didn't stole a single jewelry from the Suzuki family or anything precious from other people. For the past two years, Kaito Kid is also barely seen robbing.

"What you have been dealing with?" I asked him, making him look at me. His eyes are questioning me. "I mean, I barely saw you."

He chuckled. "Oh, that? Aoko asked me not to steal things, but I insist not until I never knew what's the reason behind my Dad's death. She understands but still, she is pushing me to the good side."

"Ha, you're girlfriend is an angel."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Oh?" I said teasingly. "I heard that you two started dating since last year." He was about to speak up when I spoke again. "Don't deny. I have sources."

I sighed. "I guess Jii-cham told you," he said and his shoulder downed. "Yes. Aoko is my girlfriend and so what?" He's irritated. It's too obvious to his tone of voice. "You want her? Will you threaten her?"

"Nope. Just want to know what you've been up to," I said and grinned. "I never saw you now sending messages. It is really rare to see you now live on tv, doing your thing as Kid. It's not fun anymore."

"Tch. So that's why you want to use me as your assistant. Are you making me your apprentice?"

"No. I have my friends for that." I sat up straight. "I want you to help me observe the people in the event, finding suspicous ones to be exact."

"Want me to be like a spy? Now, that's an easy one."

"And track who is the guilty or not," I added. He suddemly stilled in his seat. I grinned. "You think our task is easy? No, it's not. It's difficult. More difficult than doing kagic tricks, Kaito."

Suddrnly, his lips formed a smile making me stilled. "Hunting for rare diamonds huh? I guess I could really enjoy this bloody night after all."