
A Desire

Mohitz_Krz · Fantasy
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23 Chs


The undead has a soul. The green soul flame burns in the bones of the skull. A little green light can be seen between the skulls of the skulls. Here is their only weakness. Only by crushing the soul of the undead can it truly be destroyed. Otherwise, letting you crush his bones into dregs and burn them to ashes, it will only make him lose his combat power and unable to move.

   The souls of skeletons are not the souls of their lives. When a life dies, its soul is either taken away by the gods or swallowed by the long river of fate. It is almost impossible to stay in the body without the help of external force, so the soul of the undead is completely a newly born existence under the erosion of death. , The soul level is not much higher than the rat and rabbit, because of this, most undead are not wise, they wander aimlessly all day and night under instinct. Because the power of a professional can be said to come entirely from the soul, even if the wandering body of the undead was a strong professional before his death, the undead will not inherit his previous strength and professional level.

If it is the type of warrior that tempers the soul and body together, perhaps the undead who inherits the body can still have two or three class levels as a "legacy", but if it is the type that specializes in soul tempering of the wizard, The strength of the undead who inherited the body will definitely drop drastically or even hardly.

Among the undead wandering in the grove now, there are about five undead "wearing" obviously more gorgeous, even if they are dirty and damaged, they can't hide the inscriptions on their armors and weapons with slight magic fluctuations, the soul flames in their eyes are like green The lanterns are as "bright and energetic", which is different from the dull looks of other undeads. These undeads exudes hideous power all the time. They are like silent beasts patrolling their own territory. When they pass by, the surrounding The undead will instinctively give way.

   Soon, the results of the system analysis came out. These undead actually have a fighter level, the lowest level two! The highest level four! This means that they were at least apprentice-level fighters during their lifetime!

  In the middle of the woods, Rey even saw a figure wearing a robe, which shows that the unknown army of Caro has its own army mage!

Rey's expression began to become more subtle. A squad with several apprentice-level powerhouses is definitely an existence that can turn the tide of battle in ordinary people's wars. For a small kingdom like Caro, it is definitely the elite of the elite. It's not an exaggeration to "hold it in your hands for fear of falling out, and hold it in your mouth for fear of melting", but now, these elites are inexplicably destroyed on this inconspicuous small wasteland. What major event is involved? Who believes?

But Rey is not concerned with these unclear thoughts, he cares more about the wandering corpses themselves, or the equipment on these bone shelves, those armors and weapons that emit a faint halo, even if they are breathed by the undead. Erosion of time, there are also faint magic fluctuations. This kind of magical fluctuations can be regarded as a piece of magic equipment, even if it is broken down as raw materials, it can sell two or three hundred gold coins, and…

   Rey looked at the two robe skeletons wandering in the depths of the forest. He did not stop his hand and touched the smooth chin. You should know that there might be the full value of an apprentice powerhouse…

Rey finally decided to explore this woods. No matter how strong these skeletons were in his lifetime, they are still just a bunch of apprentice-level bones without wisdom. They can still be sure to defeat them with the help of two apprentice-level equipment points. , And Rey's powerful perception and analysis capabilities have not discovered any hidden dangers, so what can be hesitation in the face of a large group of wealth close at hand? Although Rey does not like to take risks, it does not mean that he will let great opportunities slip away in vain!

   "And…I also have a good helper who is overactive, don't I?" Rey looked to the side, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   Not far from the undead woods, the female priest has taken out a round emblem inlaid with gems and is ready to fight!

   "Miss Pastor, although we had some small misunderstandings on the road, but now facing the evil enemy together, I think we have the possibility of joining hands." Rey performed an aristocratic manner to the female priest, and said with almost no ups and downs. This pastor is of a lower level than herself, and she doesn't have any good equipment. If she really wants to "purify the evil", she will definitely consider her proposal.

The priest seemed to be taken aback, frowned, and was obviously embarrassed. However, in the end, she chose the latter in the options of "Fighting alone after rejecting the disgusting mage" and "Joining hands to purify the evil", so she posed An expression of great aggrieved expression, confessed to the Lord of Dawn of the sin of cooperating with the mage with a volume enough to make Rey hear, and spared no effort to belittle the mage, while praying for forgiveness from the gods with tears.

Although Rey knew that this was the priest expressing compromise, he still heard more and more irritated, and he wished to send her a hurting technique directly to send her to see the Lord of the Dawn of the Silozi. In the end, Rey simply ignored the nonsense of the religious Lornatic. , He began to meditate and prepare for spells!

First, a shot of secondary catapult hit the third-level apprentice skeleton warrior holding a long sword closest to him, as if a spell whispered in a fantasy dream, and disappeared ethereally, then, the secondary catapult whizzed. A stream of light flashed and hit the head of the undead precisely, and saw that the kinetic energy of the secondary catapult was about to rush into the eyes of the undead, smashing the burning soul flame, but at this critical moment , The skeleton with the sword turned his head quickly with the physical memory he had exercised before his death, making the Rey spell empty.

The undead who was suddenly attacked tilted his head and froze for a while, and then saw the soul flame shine , The emerald green flame even burned to the brow bone in the eye socket, and it opened the mouth to almost dislocated. He uttered a silent growl at Rey—he was irritated.

The priest .... the other side did not show any weakness. She lowered her head and put the round badge close to her chest. Accompanied by the ethereal and firm prayers, it became louder and louder. Once the golden golden warhammer phantom was on the other wearing a helmet. The top of the second-level skeleton warrior's head became more and more solid, and in just two seconds it became like a real hammer.

The warhammer fell with lightning speed, and the warhammer that fell on the skull was burning with blazing golden flames. The skull's extraordinary helmet was immediately covered with cracks, and the golden sacred flame passed through the gaps in the armor with floating gray spots. , Sizzling the skull inside.

   The undead twisted every joint in pain, and the bones all over his body groaned loudly, but his bones once belonged to an apprentice strong, and the outstanding elemental resistance of the apprentice warrior made him resist this attack.

   wore the shattered helmet, the soul flame in the eyes of the undead became a little dim, but it still rushed towards the female priest in extreme anger! In the process of running, the loose dust was blown everywhere!

   At the same time, the undead provoked by Rey began to charge him, and the gray-black undead's death spirit entangled on the rusty long sword, and strands of gray mist penetrated through the gaps in the undead's armor and drifted away! There were several bleak green brilliance faintly flowing on the originally pale and pale bones.

   The Rey who opened the secondary slanted position was already waiting for him. With deep eyes that flowed in blue brilliance, he looked at the skeleton warrior who was holding a long sword and rushed more than three meters away in one stride. Opening his lips slightly, he sighed in a faint tone!

   "The show is on, baby!"

The skeleton warrior with the sword took only two steps to reach more than five meters away, and saw a black shadow passing in the air, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the Rey, and the long sword lingering in the black life had been raised high. He just waited for another step to charge and slashed at the Rey.

But the Rey magic has already been completed first. The apprentice-level summoning spell-summoning beasts is accurately released. A huge brown bear that has been built in the soul jumps out of the magical array that is blooming with brilliance. Blocking the path of the skeleton warrior's charge, a huge brown bear with a height of three meters has a thick coat of fur. It doesn't matter if it hits a cannonball like that. It also has fangs shining with cold light, sharp and sharp. The sharp claws, the massive muscles can even see the outline on the skin, and its appearance is a savage and ferocious roar, that is not to mention majestic.

Although the skeleton warrior had some physical memories left over from his body, the low level of soul and wisdom brought it to his body's reaction speed, which was simply not coordinated with his hands and feet. He saw a huge monster. When he suddenly appeared in front of him, he was visibly stunned. The charge without any pause caused its bone frame to directly hit the huge brown bear in the way. Under the influence of the huge reaction force, he quickly retreated backwards. Even fell a few big somersaults.

The giant bear, which was given a simulated soul, saw its "prey" fall to the ground, and it roared in excitement, and it was about to rush forward to "make up the knife", and the Rey hurriedly issued instructions to stop it. Behavior, "Did you not see so many skeletons over there? Are you afraid that you will not be able to pull the hatred when you rushed up to make up for it?" Rey is sincerely worried about the IQ of this summoned creature. If there is no instruction from the owner, it will It can only act according to instinct. Maybe it is a high-quality meat shield, but it is definitely not a "useful" helper.

The skeleton warrior who fell on the ground released a secondary catapult again. This time, the skeleton who had just sat up from the ground and did not know what happened failed to dodge the spell again. After the system modified the trajectory of the flying stone, the skeleton was accurately shot from the skeleton. The low-level soul flame, which had lost the protection of the skull, penetrated into the green flame-filled eye sockets. The flame of the low-level soul was fragile. Under the attack of Rey with the triple bonus of spells, gestures, and casting materials, the bleak green soul flame was immediately gone. The long sword in "Claws" and the lingering black aura quickly dissipated without a trace-this undead had once again become an immobile bone frame.

On the other side, the priest used the holy light to restrain the undead creatures to form a gorgeous little hammer, knocking them up from all directions of the skeleton's body like iron. Soon, the skeleton became a pile of bones, but At the same time, the armor on the skeleton became uneven due to the inability to withstand repeated knocks. The Rey next to me felt distressed. The armor that was knocked out by the holy light was clearly beckoning gold coins. Ah, armor that is destroyed and distorted so that you can't see the prototype can't be sold. It can only be decomposed and recycled as raw materials, but it is not bad that the decomposed raw materials can have one-fifth of the value of a complete armor.

   "This prodigal girl"! Rey has gritted his teeth against this violent female priest. Rey, who has always believed in "waste is crime", is now seeing a bereaved female priest who is constantly "criminal" with the momentum of "purifying everything". No wonder Rey's anger is rolling over. .

   But Rey soon has no time to get angry, and the skeletons "purified" by the female priest are obviously unwilling to be so "cannon fodder".

When the only cracked skull of this skeleton warrior was to be "purified" by the Warhammer of Holy Light, its soul flame, which had been dim and swaying like a candle in the wind, suddenly burst out of a tragic green bright brilliance. Unable to hear with ears, but the roar that can be clearly sensed by the soul is transmitted in the soul of the skeleton warrior. The despair and anger contained in the last soul fluctuation instantly resonated among the undead in the forest.