
A Desire

Mohitz_Krz · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Going for .... it

"It seems that the enemy does not want to let the princess go anyway." Rey discovered that the enemy seemed to have only brought light equipment such as magic ladders in order to speed up the pursuit (the equipment that low-level professionals can carry are light equipment). Said that as long as these devices are crushed......

"boom"! A loud noise blasted south of the Karana city wall!

   Just two seconds ago, Loral suddenly rushed from the coach's seat to the city wall, and at the same time roared loudly: "Mary, you dream!"

   Seeing the magic of Mary converge, Loral, who intends to release a powerful spell, turns into a red phoenix, and shoots at Mary!

   May, who wanted to cast a spell to destroy the ladder in one fell swoop, faced Loral's charge and had to interrupt the spell, and turned to deal with Loral's warhammer, which was already close at hand!

After that, Rey only heard a earth-shattering roar. A large number of rocks that were originally part of the city wall fell from the sky. Almost every huge stone that fell on the battlefield was able to smash a cloud of blood on the ground. The smashed flesh and blood potholes were all over the battlefield for a time. Of course, many rubbles were thrown into the city. Rey saw that many houses were fragile and broken into pieces of wood under the falling of the boulders. They were originally filled with poor people mourning and crying. There are many miserable howls and screams in Karana City! Large and small potholes have also devastated the original prosperous Karana City!

But Rey pays more attention to the battle on the other side of the city wall. The southern part of the Karana city wall is like it was bombed by an intercontinental missile. Most of the city wall has collapsed and shattered. Now due to the confrontation between two official-level powerhouses, the wound is still expanding. Even Rey can hardly capture the speed at which a class-powered player can make full shots, but May should try his best to prevent Loral from destroying the city wall.

   Although the city wall has collapsed and shattered, it has become a battlefield for official-level powerhouses, so no "warrior" who "wants for death" has the courage to approach it.

   Feeling the constant vibrations from the ground and the city walls under his feet, Rey shook his head. Now it is his own battle that should be managed!

——split line——–

The spell "Hot Fire Zone" is relatively unpopular as an apprentice-level energy-shaping spell. Because of its lethality alone, it is relatively reluctant to reach the apprentice level. Its effect is to create a very large "hot" area, eh ! For professionals, more than 500 degrees is indeed only called "hot".

This spell specifically designed to cause damage in ordinary people's wars is generally only studied by most powerful wizards as an academic reference , But today, this "gentle" spell is about to show its terrifying and terrifying one side!

An inconspicuous orange-yellow ring of fire was thrown into the battlefield by Rey. On the fire-filled battlefield, this small ring of fire is undoubtedly unremarkable. The enemy soldiers are eagerly climbing up the ladder, and they are determined to step on their companions. The corpse crawled towards the city.

In just one second, an orange-red ring was enlarged enough to include all three basketball courts. The temperature in the ring of fire began to rise unstoppably like lava hiding in the ground. In a few seconds, the temperature of this area was heated to about four hundred degrees. At this temperature, the soil and rocks on the ground began to be red and hot and cracked. Before the sweat of the soldiers could flow out, they boiled in their skins. Every breath of air they breathed. It's like sucking charcoal into the heart and Lorngs, and every inch of their skin begins to carbonize and drip oil! The enemy in the ring of fire is like a roasted goose in a microwave oven, screaming screamingly, convulsing and convulsing, and being burnt into a black ball in less than a minute!

   There is no such thing as humanitarianism in the different world. This horrible scene made many "cruel-hearted" teammates applaud loudly. Of course, many rookies who had never seen the cruelty of war also began to tremble and vomit violently!

   "Maybe this can make these rookies wake up from their naive heroic dreams! This is the stern teaching of my "predecessor"!" Rey smiled and watched the scorched "object" in the red armor on the battlefield shed thick grease, and briskly whistled!

"This wave of soldiers… should save those annoying miscellaneous fish with such high morale. "I'm going to dig out your bone marrow with a sharp blade." "! Rey thought lightly.